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SteamID64 76561198044292036
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:42013154
Country United States
Signed Up February 17, 2013
Last Posted August 2, 2013 at 9:04 PM
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#27 Garm3nHUD in Customization

Is it possible to get this spectator hud in other huds? I've tried replacing some stuff but it turns to green text and pink health boxes.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Comics in Off Topic nsfw

Cannot recommend gunnerkrigg enough

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Fully charged #21 -- ask infinite/Fornaught stuff: in TF2 General Discussion

Note: My only excursions into UGC consist of like 2 999 ping heavy games in steel (no iron that season), the lurking of the UGC forums from time to time, and watching streams/vods of matches of various divisions of Highlander and some 6v6.

1) I saw a lot of posts that follow along the lines of that the forum isn't populated enough to form opinions of what the league wants. Are there plans in motion to get a better representation of the league from players who don't post on the forums, or to make the people who post on what they think of maps/rules factor more into decisions?

2) There have been plenty of maps that have received a lot of criticism. In the case of the admin pick, would these be forced into the seasons again without changes being made to them?

3) What is the opinion on a more 'standard' map list for the main season? It seems weird that there can be so much variation between main seasons.

4) Can CTF be retired until a CTF map that is generally agreed upon to be at least decent is made, or changes to the CTF gamemode is made? There doesn't really seem to have been a CTF map that is agreed upon to be good (turbine/turbine_pro, vitalism/haunt) in general so the continuing of the game mode seems a bit off.

More may come.

posted about 12 years ago