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Signed Up October 29, 2022
Last Posted November 15, 2024 at 6:27 PM
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#4 UBERFEST 2024 Demopack + democall in LAN Discussion

From my Demoman, thank you! <3

posted 3 months ago
#5 DORTMUND 2024 TIER LISTS in TF2 General Discussion

Astra Gang in E fire fire fire

posted 4 months ago
#21 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

This is what RCADIA would've been if coorperate greed didn't tear it apart. I'm super hyped for this, cu@!

posted 9 months ago
#24 2024 #winter in LAN Discussion

Ohhh I want to go!

posted about a year ago
#1 Regarding RCADIA Fortress Tournaments in LAN Discussion

Hi, I’m Chiers! I’m known for being the Head TO of RCADIA Fortress, held in Hamburg Germany in November of 2022. I have some sad news regarding the event.

There will not be another RCADIA Fortress Event. These are the reasons:

RCADIA had to give up on the venue of the hotel in December, making it way harder to host events. This decision was already made before RCADIA Fortress but had to be kept hidden.

RCADIA is taking a step back from hosting esport tournaments in general in order to focus on more profitable events featuring popular german influencers.

I, as a result of that, have stopped working at RCADIA, as my interest does not lie within influencers. Therefore, RCADIA has lost its connection to the TF2 community.

Organizing this event, or any event for RCADIA for that matter, was an absolute nightmare, as the company was promised an illusion of profit within esport tournaments, accompanied by a lack of guidelines or realistic goals, which lead to even the greatest tournaments not being viewed successful, no matter how well they turned out. Our biggest efforts of working with third parties were torn apart by weird, on the fly decisions that lead to complete rearranging of plans for seemingly no good reason. I’d like to apologize to DCS and Phoenix Red for receiving the short end of RCADIA’s whims so many times and thank them again for pulling through. Without you, this event wouldn’t have been possible. I managed to host some amazing community tournaments despite RCADIA’s best efforts to screw me over. I am glad to have left RCADIA, and I have learned a valuable lesson that if you want a grassroots tournament done well, with any hint of passion and heart in it, don’t do it in the name of a company.

I’d like to apologize to you, the TF2 community, for not informing you about this earlier. It took me a while to recover from RCADIA mentally, since it was seemingly a dream job, just to turn out to be the biggest shit show of all time. However, I haven’t lost my passion for hosting tournaments. I WILL attempt to get another TF2 tournament going in Hamburg. I can’t promise anything, but I will try. Thank you so much again for the amazing event that RCADIA Fortress turned out to be, and I hope I’ll find a way to bring you all together one more time. If you have any questions regarding the matter, feel free to ask me.
Until then,


posted about a year ago
#2 RCADIA Fortress TF2 Community LAN in News


posted about 2 years ago