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Signed Up November 5, 2013
Last Posted November 22, 2013 at 5:48 PM
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#344 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
CakeEqualsLiesAwesome,there is a Pokemon x and y thread! Can someone please help me find out what is in my safari? My code is: 0919-9824-8071

I will try to add everyone in this thread. I'm looking for a sableye and an eevee safari. Thanks!
ToxicHabitMy friend code is 0061-0439-6942. I have a Ground Safari. :)MmarkleyMy friend code is 1607-2805-9914 Ill add whoever adds me but I don't know safari pokemon or typeastaaAdd me pls in need of some friends :P
pm me if you want me to add u
Null_Friend Code: 1032 - 1803 - 4410
I have a water type friend safari, in which has a Frogadier in it.
(I am not sure what the other two pokemon are)

Feel free to send me a message and I'll be sure to add you back.
Friend code 0404-6575-8242
My safari type is fire, dunno exactly which pokemon in it.
Add me and send me your code so i can add you back!
Sakurafc: 3093-7086-6270

add me pls :<
BaumAdded every FC mentioned on this page.

Add me - FC: 2852-8203-1533
Safari Type is Fire. Message me if you want me to add you.
HollibelleCode is 3668-8746-4029. Will add all who add me! And it would be greatly appreciated if someone could tell me whats in my safari! :3

Added you all!

FC: 1118-1100-4898

posted about 11 years ago
#315 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
FungtschaiHey Guys!! :)

3883-6036-3951 is my FriendCode, I will add every single one here on this thread today !! :D (Hope it won't take too long haha)
Please add me too. I got Yvysaur in my safari and something else as far as I know :3
hoodyoneHi my friend code is 2938 7131 8455

Reply with codes so I can add back! Thanks
thanks to varikeldun

let me know if i have not added you
beaten the game
will be on ever 24hr and check on this every day to 2014
will add you on the spot if you MSG me your [FC]

dont forget to logon pokemon aswell

creeper fire FC : 1204-0293-9923
rnel - FC : 0576-4898-4004
added all
Bobster77992621-3429-4809 I am a rock
reply if you have added with the code

Added all ya'll. Creeper Fire got me but rnel still needs to add me.

FC: 1118-1100-4898

posted about 11 years ago
#293 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
kelabenadd me please, I'll add you back :)

SuperSonicCan u add me?? Anyone?? My 3DS Friend Code: 3926 - 5720 - 7723

Added both ya'll! Please add me too!

FC: 1118-1100-4898

posted about 11 years ago
#275 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
AzieSkyHi everyone! Not entirely sure what is in my safari but my FC is 0259-1064-9559. In game name is Azie. Please add me and in turn I will add those here! Thanks!FeleteHello all! In game name is Ashley, and my friend code is 4227-2047-5552. I have no idea what my Safari type is but please add me! =)

Added you both!

FC: 1118-1100-4898

posted about 11 years ago
#270 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
TheDukeCan anyone tell me what my safari is?


Paras, Illumise, and Vivillon. Vivillon is not registering in the Friend Safari though even after I met a few and caught one.

posted about 11 years ago
#265 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

Added more people from page 8 and 9.

Just a friendly reminder, make sure you actually add people if you say you've added everyone. Also, make sure you go online in the PSS in order for other people to benefit from your safari.

Thanks for helping the safari grow!

FC: 1118-1100-4898

posted about 11 years ago
#222 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

Awesome seeing more people jumping on. Remember to turn on your Internet in the PSS too so I can see all your pokemon in the Friend Safari!

posted about 11 years ago
#221 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

Added the last few posts.

FC: 1118 1100 4898

posted about 11 years ago
#211 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
TorisaurusRexDoes anyone have a Ditto in their Friend Safari? I've been desperately looking for one. My friend code is 0533 - 4631 - 5478, and I have a water-type Safari. My Pokemon are Panpour, Floatzel, and Azumarill.

Added ya! FC: 1118 1100 4898

posted about 11 years ago
#207 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
Fox_AdamsFox Adams - 4854-6472-2502
I'll add everyone who posts after me or alerts me that they've added me!
I think I'm offering Frogadier, Wartortle and Krabby as Friend Safari Pokes. I would LOVE a Chansey for some lucky eggs... That's kind of my goal!
Thanks a lot Community :)

Added you, Fox.

FC: 1118 1100 4898

posted about 11 years ago
#205 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

Whew! I just spent over an hour adding every single code from page 1 to 7 only to find that most of them don't add back!!! Oh well, anyway, I added everyone so add me too. I will check back every weekend and add more people and remove those who don't add me. My friends list IS 90 something now LOL.

Anyways, FC is 1118 1100 4898. Thanks!

posted about 11 years ago