CakeEqualsLiesAwesome,there is a Pokemon x and y thread! Can someone please help me find out what is in my safari? My code is: 0919-9824-8071
I will try to add everyone in this thread. I'm looking for a sableye and an eevee safari. Thanks!
ToxicHabitMy friend code is 0061-0439-6942. I have a Ground Safari. :)
MmarkleyMy friend code is 1607-2805-9914 Ill add whoever adds me but I don't know safari pokemon or type
astaaAdd me pls in need of some friends :P
pm me if you want me to add u
Null_Friend Code: 1032 - 1803 - 4410
I have a water type friend safari, in which has a Frogadier in it.
(I am not sure what the other two pokemon are)
Feel free to send me a message and I'll be sure to add you back.
Friend code 0404-6575-8242
My safari type is fire, dunno exactly which pokemon in it.
Add me and send me your code so i can add you back!
Sakurafc: 3093-7086-6270
add me pls :<
BaumAdded every FC mentioned on this page.
Add me - FC: 2852-8203-1533
Safari Type is Fire. Message me if you want me to add you.
HollibelleCode is 3668-8746-4029. Will add all who add me! And it would be greatly appreciated if someone could tell me whats in my safari! :3
Added you all!
FC: 1118-1100-4898