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Last Posted June 4, 2013 at 4:15 AM
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#236 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

Before I start, I'd like to make it clear I'm a EU UGC Silver/Plat Highlander Engineer and ETF2L 6v6 Div 6 Scout.

Firstly, this is fantastic news. A matchmaking system for Highlander will bring so much to the community, and make competitive TF2 much more accessible. It also opens up the doors to more fun, because Team Fortress's Competitive scene is without a doubt the most fun I've ever had in a video game, and I've made a lot of friends through it.

Next, to the issues at hand.

Valve has correctly identified that not all weapons are suitable for competitive TF2. This is where I feel Valve need to liase with the already-existing competitive community. Get them together and organise some discussions, and you'll quickly spot patterns as to the correct weapons to balance.

With this in mind, I'd be glad to volunteer my experience if Valve were ever to need a group of playtesters; and I know at least 50 people who would do the same. TF2's comp community is one of the most outgoing, so if Valve feel they need it, they will gladly step in to provide their valuable insight.

The next matter at hand is the "stagnant" aspect of competitive TF2. The fact is that we can only work with the tools we have been given. The Rescue Ranger, for example, has brought a new playstyle to Engineer over the last few months: it's a huge progression for us. But we can only innovate new playing styles where new tools are available, or, if one is re-discovered for use, such as the Black Box.

My point is, new playing styles and "plays" will increase as new weapons and features are added in an exponential fashion: some weapons compliment others, so a new weapon could bring new usefulness to old weapons shrugged aside from the competitive community.

Finally, I 100% support this system and wish Valve the best of luck. If done right, this will continue to fuel my love for the game that is Team Fortress for years to come.

posted about 11 years ago