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Signed Up February 25, 2014
Last Posted April 4, 2014 at 7:39 PM
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#166 BlackHUD in Customization
RawrCoCaMikei have another question:
where is the refund button in mvm?

Not gonna to optimise the hud for MVM anytime soon since i've been busy lately and what little time i have on my computer is used for playing the game.

i just removed all files with "mvm" in its name, works fine now :)

posted about 10 years ago
#157 BlackHUD in Customization

i have another question:
where is the refund button in mvm?

posted about 10 years ago
#149 BlackHUD in Customization
hanbroloCoCaMikeand how do i remove the flower?
I don't actually use the hud so I'm not sure how he implemented it but it looks to me from the screenshot like a simple custom background in which case deleting your console folder (in materials in custom/userstuff or whatever you named it) should have done the trick. It's also possible he replaced the "character" vtf (the image of one of the classes when you open up the game) with that flower, although I've never heard of anybody doing that/ I'm not sure it's possible/ I don't know why he would do that.

If it is the latter then try replacing characterbackgrounds.txt also in script with default and make sure there's nothing weird in your materials folder.

If this doesn't work I'll try downloading the hud and doing it for you. Good luck.

Works, thank u very much :)

posted about 11 years ago
#147 BlackHUD in Customization
i really like the hud but is there a way to change the menu background back to the normal background rotation?

Edit chapterbackgrounds.txt in /scripts to change the rotation, if it's a custom picture you might need to remove your 'console' folder in /materials as well. you can find a default version of chapterbackgrounds if you don't know how to edit it here

and how do i remove the flower?

posted about 11 years ago
#145 BlackHUD in Customization

i really like the hud but is there a way to change the menu background back to the normal background rotation?

posted about 11 years ago