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Last Posted February 11, 2015 at 11:39 AM
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#82 i55 in TF2 General Discussion
MGEMikenone of us in suave/ubersexuals have enough time to or desire to practice 4 nights a week (at least, inc demo reviews and keen dm) for 6/7 months (still less than the 11/12 months of i49 epsilon) to assume we can win i55 (if it's an intercontinental LAN) again.

The only team in eu atm with the kinda players with this mindset and dedication are probably reason, but with some of their lineup (e.g. wltrs hasn't been to a LAN in how many years? And kaptain and hafficool having never been to LANs) it seems unlikely they'd be able to win even if they did stick around until i55 and go hard.

so much for being team meant to win lans smh, we need ipz back rn

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ETF2L Premiership Week 1: CPLAY.Tt vs. Übersexuals in Events

This is gonna be a GREAT cast!

posted about 10 years ago