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Signed Up August 13, 2016
Last Posted November 13, 2017 at 5:44 AM
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#210 Improved default HUD in Customization

Hi, back then, I requested for the sticky counter under the crosshair. Could you perhaps point me to which files of the hud you editted so I can manually copy and paste it over for future updates? Cheers!

posted about 7 years ago
#193 Improved default HUD in Customization

Hey Eniere, thanks for everything! The download link doesn't seem to be working though :x

posted about 8 years ago
#191 Improved default HUD in Customization

Hi, love your hud! Btw, I was wondering if there was a script that can add sticky count (Number of stickies deployed) under the crosshair much like the uber % value under the crosshair?

posted about 8 years ago
#172 Improved default HUD in Customization


The hud was kinda broken for a while during the MYM update so I uninstalled it. Saw a new version and downloaded it today to try it out. However, it doesn't seem to be working for me, I moved the hud folder to the custom file and it doesn't seem to be working. All the in game text has the font installed, but the other hud features doesn't work, such as the crosshair. And I wonder if you have any idea how to fix this?


*Edit: Initially, hud was under tf/custom/custom_hud/idhud-master
Relocated it under tf/custom/idhud-master and the hud worked fine
Thanks anyways for the amazing hud! :D

posted about 8 years ago