I agree with this, the admins love doing this process where they say "ok so we're removing granary and explicitly replacing it with one of the maps we pre-selected to be in this new map scrim thing, of those maps which was your favorite" and pretending it is the equivalent of voting for a map change when
1) they have no proof people actually wanted to get rid of granary
2) they have no proof people would've selected that specific map to do so out of ALL possible options
3) they don't even have proof people prefer that map to granary in a 1v1 matchup
I hate this logic of starting with assumptions like "the maps need to change every season" or "the ratio of custom maps needs to go up" as if they're just facts without interrogating who agrees with you and to what extent, the best admins are glorified pollsters when it comes to this stuff, just sayin!
this is the invite admin who is substanciating pretty much what mustard is saying
bring tri back delete boxcar