SweetPeaAptI don't want anything from you, just saying that it's funny how people here are having 20 pages long debates about how to change the whitelist to be more welcoming to new players while Valve still has a broken competitive mode in the game which instantly turns away anyone from 6s that tries it.SweetPea
Valve are the only ones who can change that aspect of the game, it's not like anyone from TFTV actually works there (if one of us did maybe updates wouldn't be so dissapointing). The only thing our side of the community can really do is build the best community competitive (ESEA, TFCL, ETF2L whitelist changes in this case) we can.
Edit: also, you're going to find a much faster game the majority of the time playing on a lobby or pickup site than sitting in the MM queue. Games will also have much higher quality.