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Signed Up August 26, 2014
Last Posted March 12, 2025 at 3:01 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 ⋅⋅ 147
#731 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
ElepimpConsoleGG real housewives, was a fun game
Show Content
I swear to fucking god if verizon makes me drop internet in another match im gonna go ape shit
They told you not to stream, you steamed and your shit died. Did you learn your lesson?

I've streamed plenty of scrims and officials before, and after my internet crashed from what I thought was streaming the first time I stopped attempting. It crashed without me even starting the stream again. I had to use mumble in ESEA to save some internet bandwidth for stability as I was still having connection issues after the 2nd time I got it fixed.

posted about 8 years ago
#729 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

GG real housewives, was a fun game

Show Content
I swear to fucking god if verizon makes me drop internet in another match im gonna go ape shit
posted about 8 years ago
#685 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
wolsneJDuff is your rostered player???

Not anymore

posted about 8 years ago
#681 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
wolsneDoesn't Fygg's team farm you in every scrim console?

in the single scrim we've played i was playing soldier, starka rang scout, and jduff was demoman. If that doesnt explain why we did badly nothing can.

posted about 8 years ago
#677 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Open Power Rankings Week 4 Part 2/2
9) High Altitude Dreamworld
Scouts: Pauldogg+JamJam
Roamer: Brembo
Pocket: Okiewaka
Demoman: Lucrative
Medic: Differ
High Altitude Dreamworld has been in many past seasons of Open, IM and even Invite, spanning from Season 17 to the current Season. With the team making their way back to Open with a slightly altered roster (plus JamJam's debut to ESEA-O), the team may be considered rusty. Although, their performance so far has begged to differ. With only dropping matches to grapeSquad (6-0) and dUmB cLaSsIcO (5-1) the team has proved to be a strong contender, having a fairly diffucult season start. Only time will tell if the roster can make it work and earn a spot in playoffs. The next notable match is against b1g brane (4-1) on product, which should be an interesting matchup to say the least.

10) b1g brane
Scouts: Yekun+Zacice
Roamer: Jude
Pocket: Kohly
Demoman: Alexandros
Medic: China
b1g brane have started out the season with quite a bang, playing several other high Open teams to close matches. Winning 5-4 to Coon Platoon, and coming close to defeating dUmB cLaSsIcO in a 5-3 loss has shown that they can definitely perform with the rest of the playoff pack. The coming weeks should yield more close matches against the likes of GrapeSquad, High Altitude Dreamworld, Landed in Open, and Farmers of le Roundtable.

11) kkk-ferris-wheel
Scouts: Scream+PagedMov
Roamer: Puppy21
Pocket: JDuff
Demoman: Ambroon
Medic: Console
kkk-ferris-wheel have yet to prove that they deserve their spot anywhere near the top 10 open teams. The beginning of their season has been fairly easy, and while their only loss was during a 5v6, the result of the match was still likely to be a loss, however just a closer match. The power duo that have kept this team above water so far have been Scream and Puppy21 on the flank, as scream consistently topfrags scrimmages and matches and Puppy constantly opens up pushes with uber forces. However, their combo still needs plenty of work, and they have yet to prove themselves against other playoff contenders. Their matches this week against Real Housewives of ESEA and Depressed Weaboos should show wether the team has anything to offer against difficult teams at full strength.

12) Agricultural Enthusiasts
Scouts: Mankut+Deft
Roamer: Marty
Pocket: S1ke
Demoman: Ash
Medic: Pop7up
Agricultural Enthusiasts have had an impressive start to their season, taking out other playoff contenders such as THE GERMS, and kkk-ferris-wheel as well as low and mid-tier teams very convincingly. However, some other playoff competition has shaken them on Snakewater, with Real Housewives of ESEA taking a 5-1 victory over them. Their schedule lets up in the coming weeks however, with the only notable adversary being Power Surge during Gullywash week.

13) ROPE
Scouts: Mak+BlazeN
Roamer: Shuckle
Pocket: Entropy
Demoman: Freddo
Medic: Bubbzi
ROPE is an expected rebirth of Bobby and the Bobbettes from Season 22 and Yarn BLACK from Season 23, with a few key class and roster shifts. Most notable of these is Bubbzi being brought in to play medic, and Entropy shifting over to pocket from seasons of playing demo before. The team has had some interesting matchups already this season, playing Real Housewives to a 3-5 win and having arguably the closest match so far this season of open with a very close 2-3 loss against Power Surge. A difficult match against Razer Synapse Loaded should be another close game to look out for from the seasoned core this week.

14) Rain Drop
Scouts: Wari+?
Roamer: Chazzysan
Pocket: TheMagnificent7
Demoman: Pinto
Medic: LFP
With a fairly uncertain and unvalidified roster, Rain Drop seem to have had a moderately easy beginning to the start of the season. With having moderate set of matches, the team still faced opponents such as High Altitude Dream World (5-2) and Ok Kids, both matches being losses for the team. The matches ahead for Rain Drop are even more challenging, such as dUmB cLaSsIcO (5-1), and Landed In Open (5-1), all of wich will further test the teams ability to perform in a play-off environment.

Obituary: THE GERMS
An unfortunate outcome of major roster changes, THE GERMS are likely to fall this week. With the loss of Oppebo to other interests, Tiptoes to an IM roster, and a lack of tryouts interested in joining, the team is likely to part ways. Several members have already bumped their Looking For Team threads, so look out for some players (notably Thing2 and Keylime) trying out for other high Open rosters in the next 2 weeks. Farewell to what looked to be a very promising roster this season. [*]

15) Farmers of le Roundtable
Scouts: Vostic0+Nick
Roamer: Unskilled
Pocket: Brush
Demoman: Fygg
Medic: Peppermint
Farmers of le Roundtable round out the 15th Open seed this week after some decent results against other playoff contenders. Losing a very close 5-4 Process match against High Altitude Dreamworld and 4-3 on Snakewater against Coon Platoon are highlights of their very difficult schedule thus far. Their future matches aren't letting up either, having to play against Rain Drop, dUmB cLasSiCo, and b1g brane in the coming weeks, they will have to fight incredibly hard to gain entry into playoffs later on.

16) Real Housewives of ESEA
Scouts: Neaksie+Blak
Roamer: Chateau
Pocket: Riley
Demoman: Fahren
Medic: Erratic
Real Housewives round out the top 16, currently sitting in the bottom spot. This is partly due to a very tough schedule early on, a few games of which have been close. They have proven they can wipe the floor with low and mid level teams in their victories against Forecast and Sock Hard Abs, and even took a very convincing 5-1 win against Agricultural Enthusiasts during Snakewater week. Their success so far this season is largely in part to consistent good performances out of their scouts reguardless of match results. Neaksie and Black have consistently topfragged almost every match they've played this season, typically dropping between 30 and 40 frags, even in losses. Their close game with ROPE and their defeat of Agricultural Enthusiasts shows that the team has potential to do some real damage this season and move up in the Open standings. Next week looks like it could be very interesting for them, as they are the team to beat for kkk-ferris-wheel, and they must also face off aganst SERENDIPITY FRAG MOVIE, who have taken very good teams to close matches. I see them as the favorites in both of these matchups and a likely candidate for top 10 in the coming weeks.

Teams Just Outside Top 16: OK Kids, da share z0ne, Forecast, exec NUT

posted about 8 years ago
#671 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
wolsneIt is clear that your effort was much greater than mine, but honestly these are highly inaccurate in terms of actual team rank and skill level compared to their peers. Wrech team will stop memeing in playoffs and place first or second. Putting Razer Synapse Loaded in 2nd isn't fair to every other team in the standing because they are playing a comparatively very easy schedule. While I do like both Depressed Weaboos and Carpool Cucks, it isn't fair to even put them on this list when Eastern Conference teams have a gauntlet to play through and are still performing wonderfully against stiff competition.

High Altitude Dreamworld beat Coon Platoon 4-1 and you don't even list them?
Consoleconsole: open power rankings have 16 teams you nignog
console: 8 from each conference

I'm posting 16 teams, just that TFTV has a character limit in posts

also, I'm ranking based on their literal ESEA ranking, and writing about wether they deserve their spot and how tier future matches will probably determine that

posted about 8 years ago
#669 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Edit: adding rosters
Thank you very much to JDuff who helped me with the team writeups, as well as Oppebo for helping me straighten out lineups. I will be writing these based on the top 16 overall teams in open, using the top 8 from each conference as these are the playoff spots teams are fighting for.

Open Power Rankings Week 4 Part 1/2
1) GrapeSquad
Scouts: Andrew+Pablo
Roamer: Lary
Pocket: Exile
Demoman: Trapster
Medic: Turkey
GrapeSquad have had a great start to the season, beating every team they've come across while dropping only 7 rounds in the past 4 matches. That isnt to say that they've had many difficult teams to play so far. Their most difficult adversary thus far has been High Altitude dreamworld, and while quite a solid roster, lost 2-5 quickly after a long and close first half. Exile's team will be under heavy pressure to retain their place as top team in Open as they have a difficult schedule the next 2 weeks, having matchups against dUmB cLaSsIcO, Landed In Open, and b1g brane.

2) Razer Synapse Loaded
Scouts: Duke-Em+Dunker
Roamer: Jsalz
Pocket: Trizzaa
Demoman: GGen
Medic: Sombre
Razer Synapse Loaded are shaping up to be quite the top contenders this season, currently going undefeated in the Central conference against an already somewhat difficult schedule. They've been pulling close wins against the likes of Carpool Cucks, SERENDIPITY FRAG MOVIE, and Depressed Weaboos, and otherwise stomping the rest of their competition. Their most recent 5-4 against Carpool Cucks was a somewhat questionable game, with Duke-Em being in Florida, as well as having their sub crash midgame and playing a small portion of the game 5v6. Reguardless, they stayed on the offensive the majority of the time, and lost their rounds due to being pushed back to last from midfights or one particular crafty backcap. All in all, I think Razer Synapse have earned their spot as 1st in the Central conference and 2nd overall. Look out for more close games this week, especially in their matchup against the Central runner-up team Power Surge.

3) Power Surge
Scouts: Zoey+Android
Roamer: Merc
Pocket: Juggernaut
Demoman: Shylo
Medic: Gollywobbler
Power Surge is a reformation of Reenergized from last season, with a few new additions to their roster. So far, the team has dropped a mere 3 rounds and has had fairly easy matchups the early season. Their latest match against ROPE proved to be the closest match so far this season, pulling out with a 3-2 victory. The team has plenty of experience in their roster, making for a team that could easily be a contender for top playoffs. Two fairly even matchups this coming week against Depressed Weeaboos (5-1) and the current leader of the Central conference, Razer Synapse Loaded (6-0) could give Power surge a run for their money.

4) Landed In Open
Scouts: Riot/Unconscious
Roamer: Dyl4n
Pocket: Maelstrom
Demoman: Yuno
Medic: Diashock
With both a strong roster and start to the season, Landed In Open proves to be a top contender for a playoff spot this season. With the team's only loss to Coon Platoon (5-2), it looks promising for the currently top-notch roster. With notable players such as Yuno, a high open veteran and Unconsious/Paul 's return to TF2 after being everyone's favorite puglord, the team is looking up this season. One of the most notable matchups of the entire week should be between Landed in Open and GrapeSquad (6-0) wich will be a truly stellar match to test two potentially play-off worthy teams early on in the season.

5) dUmB cLaSsIcO
(Take classes with a grain of salt)
Scouts: Wretch+Ictus
Roamer: ?
Demoman: Chriz Tah Fah
Medic: Aiera
There isn't really much to be said that hasn't been already about dUmB cLaSsIcO. The team won Intermediate in Season 21, took to Invite under the Sinful Gaming brand, and has dropped back down to open in pursuit of a casual scrim-free team. Despite their loss last week, they can still easily win open as long as Connor doesn't throw sandviches to enemies come postseason.

6) Carpool Cucks
Scouts: Phazon+Tetra
Roamer: Paradox
Pocket: Protag
Demoman: Georgi
Medic: Amulet
Carpool Cucks have had a fairly easy schedule this season; at least, until Process rolled around. Facing off last week against Real Housewives of ESEA and Razer Synapse Loaded proved to be quite the challenge for the team. Coordinated play from Paradox and Protag during midfights helped them secure a convincing 5-2 victory against Real Housewives, but they struggled a lot against Razer Synapse. In a match plagued by players going AFK after readying up, several pauses because of a game crash, and several key mistakes in a close matchup resulted in a 5-4 loss. Viaduct week should be a bit of a break for them, as they may likely take a forfeit win from likely dead THE GERMS, and have a matchup against mid-tier team Forecast.

7) Coon Platoon
Scouts: Rogue+Punisher
Roamer: Freederf
Pocket: Def
Demoman: Cheezus
Medic: Shining Star
Having a moderately difficult begining of the season, Coon Platoon have held their own in the infamous Eastern Conference. While Viaduct week has already started for the team as of last night, losing their first match against High Altitude Dreamworld (5-2), the team again faces a tough matchup against dUmB cLaSsIcO (5-1). With the team having many players with little to no experience, with exceptions of Def who played IM and Rogue who made playoffs last season, the team has a lot of work to do in order to prove themselves as playoff contenders.

8) Depressed Weaboos
Scouts: Murmur+Kezia
Roamer: Sully
Pocket: Felsen
Demoman: Playmo
Medic: Bagel Friday
When the core of Kritzcast banded together again, I was very interested to see how they would perform. Sure enough, they are handling their season very well so far. They have won outright 5-1 and 5-0 in every match, other than an incredibly close 2-1 loss against Razer Synapse Loaded, the conference's current leader. They have a tough schedule ahead of them however, having to face off against Power Surge, kkk-ferris-wheel, ROPE, and Carpool Cucks in the upcoming weeks. Felsen chalks his team's success up to their medic's calls and decision making, as well as stellar performances from the Murmur-Kezia scout duo. It'll be interesting to see where the team stacks up in the coming weeks.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 thing2 lft high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

big brain, solid dm

posted about 8 years ago
#631 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

this is pretty much what i was going to do, was actually going to base mine off of the old low- tf2 blogspot

posted about 8 years ago
#629 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactyli should preface this by who cares its open but im confused by how u can call a spreadsheet with rounds for/against/record a power ranking
all you have to do to see that garbage is go on esea

The spreadsheet is not the power rankings, it's just my attempt at learning about the rosters/records of the teams i'm not familliar with before I do a writeup in a way that is visually cleaner for me than looking at the scoreboard. I also decided to organize by overall ranking, and have been writing in notes such as how hard teams' schedules have been and what their rosters/cores have done in the past.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 ESEA S24 W4: EVL Gaming vs. froyotech in Matches

3 ex-evl players playing against their old org

posted about 8 years ago
#624 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
dot_ConsoleI'm gonna attempt to write a new one with actual research investedhey man im not playing with rain drop anymore

my bad, was using what was written on the ESEA roster. I plan on pulling match demos for unknown rosters unless i know rosters are wrong (i.e. pyxel/thing/OP getting cut/quitting for rowpieces/blackstar/yipyapper)

if any other rosters are wrong or unstable let me know

posted about 8 years ago
#622 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I'm gonna attempt to write a new one with actual research invested
i made this like 30 mins ago so doing the actual writeup might take until tuesday

posted about 8 years ago
#6 pyxelize lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

nice guy, cool stream, big fragger

posted about 8 years ago
#617 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

they had their chance

posted about 8 years ago
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