the deed has been done
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198124589076 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:164323348] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:82161674 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | August 26, 2014 |
Last Posted | March 12, 2025 at 3:01 PM |
Posts | 2228 (0.6 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | .7 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
2400 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
280Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2 DEX |
Keyboard | Corsair K60 Pro TKL |
Mousepad | LANFest mousepad |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 280 Pro |
Monitor | VG258QM |
glassis there a vod or timestamp of the finals? - grand finals start - short interview with ascent
things are getting highlighted and renamed and stuff within the next couple days so keep ur eyes peeled
also found the local recordings of RGB2's TF2 stream, so that'll be uploaded soon too :)
Writing this from my phone on the drive back, will update later with full thanks
- silva & cytalis- for housing me Wednesday night and embracing our community fullheartedly. Without them lan wouldn't run and I wouldn't be able to join staff of my favorite LAN :)
- DubThink and Munky - for driving me to and from Ithaca to oaks, and providing great commentary along the way about Bawls
- KVWI - for basically being my DD during the weekend and providing much-needed extra monitors for stream pc. Also you were hilarious casting PUBG dude, had me dying the whole tourney :D
- Stochastic, saam, screwB, cozen, ninjanick, thefragile, bear, meyy - thanks all for signing my mousemat of invite medics, really appreciate; need to get more at Ep 3
- Steve - Pulling through on stream PC stuff and overall keeping me on task throughout the event, without u wouldnt be doing stream stuff so big ups
- Justin - Made a new best friend this weekend, you did dumb crazy amounts of work to help me set up stream lighting and camera angles and ur just a really cool person with a neat pubg hat :3
- Azion&Lorgon - most memorable t-pose of my life, had shittons of fun meeting you guys after playing with u in past seasons and chilling in discord, yall are amazing
- xiPoison - being TheFakeWeiner over the weekend and introducing me to the speedrun people at RGB
- TheRealWeiner - mega help during setup and really fun to hang out with
- Spyromancer - giving me a cookie and having random pasta and overall just being a quirky dude
- TheFragile - putting on all of the tourneys on different tracks at the same time is fuckin hard work and u help make this shit happen, especially for tf2.
- |\/| V R |< - stephen ur one of my favorite people to meet up with at LAN, ur my boi <3<3<3
if i didnt mention you or forgot or am being dumb apologies now because sleep deprivation ruined my memory and brain (shoutouts to forgetting who munky was 8 times over lan tho i literally drove with him) I love u all and everyone was chill to talk to, even some of the quirkier/out there tf2 community members. Y'all were a fucking blast to hang out with at LAN and cant wait until the next one!
if i didnt get to see u this time around im really sorry :( i tried to spend all of my time that wasnt at the production corner mingling and pugging and meeting both new people and familiar faces from RGB2, i love u all tho TF2 community are fuckin dope
wolsneNot sure of the logistics of it, but would be pretty cool to have a live video feed of the venue streamed while matches aren't being played. @Console can you make this happen?
Our idle screen has a camera with a wide shot of the majority of the lan center, done B)
Drop all of your SCs if you want, wanna see some crazy shit from y'all
@TF2console for me is now set up for RGB3 as a social media/info hub
Huge shoutouts to Wolf Machina for pulling it together looks fancy
Tourney brackets will be updated to RGB stuff from i63 stuff sometime later tonight or tomorrow
Electronic Media Communications: TV/Video Production major with a minor in German : Anyways, I gotta eat potatos with the family. : Sorry. left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Gemm best spectator
Marmaloo best soldier and dog
Article of the season candidate, go blegh :D
slamburg return PogChamp