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Signed Up August 26, 2014
Last Posted March 12, 2025 at 3:01 PM
Posts 2228 (0.6 per day)
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Monitor VG258QM
1 ⋅⋅ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ⋅⋅ 147
#11 lower those rgl fees tho in TF2 General Discussion
The big difference between those two seasons is that one of them did not have a LAN and the other was supposed to.

The only reason we adjust those is to have a better prize pool so players can help cover their cost for coming to the Invite LAN playoffs. The reason did not adjust them back from last season was because we canceled the LAN so late, players likely already spent some money that they may not have been able to get back (flights, hotels, etc...) If we do not have a LAN this season, then the numbers will go back to normal.

Were any other options explored to help teams financially compensate for LAN? Actively helping them seek out sponsorships? Separate, voluntary fundraisers? Helping teams build sponsor decks and providing stream viewership statistics to go with those decks from RGL's S1 coverage and TFTV's S1/ESEA S31 coverage? I didn't elaborate in my convo with boxcar but there are better options than what felt like an under the table swap up of prizepools that many didn't notice at all.

Comparing ESEA's prize numbers is kind of unfair when you remember that the community didn't really get a say from ESEA and we were basically held hostage for 10 seasons, not knowing if we were going to have a season, let alone having a say in how much money was given to divisions. ESEA should be an example for RGL to learn from if anything, not a standard to slightly deviate from. Season 1 actually did a decent job of this and I actually liked this change personally; it is the huge change from that initial season, combined with a required fee on all players to pay for the venue itself that is the troubling matter.

posted about 4 years ago
#6 lower those rgl fees tho in TF2 General Discussion

Okay so apperently RGL have explicitly stated that there's no LAN and that the Helix venue was paid for but ARE STILL CHARGING A LAN FEE THIS SEASON

This is the fucking worst timeline

posted about 4 years ago
#5 lower those rgl fees tho in TF2 General Discussion
MRfunnyalienyou pay roughly the same amount as esea to not have servers provided and to have much lower prizepools
for comparison 1st place esea s30 invite was 5000
1st place IM was 600

in rgl placing 2nd in main in s1 or 1st in IM was the same payout as winning advanced in s2

i understand weighting the prizepool to the top but this is very funny

S1 invite had 53.9% of the league prizepool (4830 of 8960 USD)
S2 invite had 82.6% of the league prizepool (7680 of 9510 USD)

I knew it was bad but this is fucking egregious ROFL

posted about 4 years ago
#3 lower those rgl fees tho in TF2 General Discussion
carteresea had league fees on top of premium

they have to fun lan and prizepools somehow

open didn't for the last few seasons. when open had no fees outside of premium (which was a requirement to use the client and connect to servers) felt a lot nicer to be able to jump back into the game

Helix was already paid for the event that was supposed to happen for Season 2 and the next LAN is basically an IOU to RGL based on the event already being payed for. This argument makes even less sense when you consider that because of the global climate S3 is confirmed not getting that LAN either.

The prizepool argument makes sense until you realize that winning most divisions has you just over breaking even, let alone a top 3 placement outside of invite. I get top heavy prizepools are really exciting for non-players and invite viewers/fans because it's really cool to say "hey our top level is playing for 5 figures we esports!" but for the rest of the league it's burdenous and feels like your money isn't really contributing to your division.

Brockthen dont play advance?

due to RGL's player restriction rules their entire team would probably have to swap classes to play down a division. It also doesnt help when the fees are still relatively high in the lower divs. I think I paid like twenty something dollars to play in RGL IM last season when it cost less in league fees than that to play in the Advanced equivalent the season before (ESEA S31 IM).

If the counter to this is "don't play this league at all then" have fun playing 100+ ping to ETF2L or OZFortress servers depending on where you live in NA, because RGL has an effective monopoly on 6s.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 RGL Traditional Sixes Season 3 announced in News
Ireno LAN has been scheduled for Season 3,

Thanks Alfa

posted about 4 years ago
#2 I'm eating a hot Pocket (pepperoni pizza) in The Dumpster

im printing this out and putting it on my fridge

posted about 4 years ago
#1 I'm eating a hot Pocket (pepperoni pizza) in The Dumpster

posted about 4 years ago
#12 S3 RGL in TF2 General Discussion

scorch shot and detonator unbanned is gonna make some last holds really unfun

solemn vow is a decent bit of info on player health, especially now that you can see if the medic is whiffing the arrows on the dude just behind choke standing still at 10hp. in team fights it'll be easy to tell if the enemy team is running kritz or correct uber miscounts, especially midfights and team fights where u have LOS on the other medic like 80% of the fight

posted about 4 years ago
#31 Hunter 2.0 lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

really good fire wizard though I haven't seen his PvP play since the turn-based PvP update came out last week

9/10 would quest avalon with him again

posted about 4 years ago
#5 rgl promod survey in TF2 General Discussion

really hoping that some of the QOL/Bugfix things like rampbug fix and arrow fix happen. Every medic would greatly appreciate all of their close range bows hitting instead of fading into oblivion.

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Why are Americans like this? in World Events

it gets more depressing when you see the videos of people holding the "Coronavirus is a hoax" signs while wearing full body PPE

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Economic Impact Payment in Off Topic

be part of the population that was a claimed dependent as a college student in 2019 screwing both me and my mom over and be depressed

posted about 4 years ago
#92 what is the your most satisfying thing in tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
  • skybox airshots that kill instead of just watching them crater after
  • long range airshot crossbows
  • flashing and saving someone with uber right before they walk into a sticky trap or eat focus fire
  • medic drops in a single sac situation feel really good, especially when there are multiple people shooting at you and you still manage the uber drop
  • surfing other people's damage to score in bball
  • being put into comically unfair situations as a medic and surviving
  • winning a 1vx to backcap a last point

all of these are pretty much orgasm tier for me

posted about 4 years ago
#151 What's got you down? in Off Topic

filing for unemployment has been a fucking nightmare and because of a poorly worded question I now have to spend the rest of eternity praying I get good enough RNG to get through on a phone call to the NYS department of labor to correct an error on my pandemic unemployment insurance application. Have been trying for the last 3+ weeks to file but the website was broken until last week with sessions timing out for me sometimes in seconds

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Frony gang in The Dumpster
grifftheres mods that can turn this into a reality

link NOW

posted about 4 years ago
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