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Signed Up September 23, 2012
Last Posted June 14, 2019 at 8:25 PM
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#41 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion
gbjCostasVirgilCostasvery weird post not sure if good but at the very least interesting. writing was hard to follow maybe use bullet points when listing things next time.
idk i thought it was well written, structured, and articulated. Paragraphs flowed pretty naturally with progressing points.
i did not think it was well written, that is my opinion.

ur opinion is wrong

that is your opinion

posted about 5 years ago
#39 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion
VirgilCostasvery weird post not sure if good but at the very least interesting. writing was hard to follow maybe use bullet points when listing things next time.
idk i thought it was well written, structured, and articulated. Paragraphs flowed pretty naturally with progressing points.

i did not think it was well written, that is my opinion.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion

very weird post not sure if good but at the very least interesting. writing was hard to follow maybe use bullet points when listing things next time.

posted about 5 years ago
#26 Planning to make some jumping guides in TF2 General Discussion
RainmanCostasI think it would be interesting to go over the differences in jumping between the original and the rocket launcher.

Also syncs would be a great video. After attempting jump_sync I realized how little I knew about them and that I was just spamming and getting lucky before because the maps had good spacing.

I would also be interested in speedshots as all I know about them is that they are really inconsistent and weird.

Also on a side note a I would be interested in a bball guide if you think there is enough information you could share about. Bball is may favorite mini game in tf2 and I feel like a lot of people have no idea what is going and just try to dm to victory.

What ever you decide to do, its a great idea so I would definitely like to see it happen. Thanks for reaching out Exile, out of the depths of the community.

The only difference between the original and the rocket launcher is that the original shoots out of the center of the screen. So basically you have to rotate back more and shoot to go the same place. The difference really only comes into play with wallpogos.

As for bball, it is literally just 80% hoopshots and unpredictable strafes. The rest is pretty much common sense.

Thanks but I know all that I've bballed off and on for 3 years and I ctap. Exile asked what people would like to see or what people have trouble with and I was responding to the first part of that. I worded the bball question comment specifically because I am assuming that Exile, being the much better player, might have something to share on the subject in terms of strategy and team play or something of the sort. Through my own experience with bball I know that it has more depth than most people give it credit for. That is not to say it is monstrously deep, just more than dm and jumping.

Also the when you say hoopshots and strafes that is exactly my point. A video could help explain those in depth and meticulously with strategies or advanced techniques/jumps (such as the ctap backboard jump to go across the whole map, or the speedshot off spawn), rather than oversimplifying it. Once again, not a super important mega deep idea, but seeing as there isn't a really great bball guide out there and Exile is arguably the best next to wonderland I figured it would be an appropriate place to offer that sort of feedback.

Thanks for responding! It seemed like I had been misunderstood so I wanted to clarify my points. I figured that the type of video guide Exile would be making would be more helpful for less knowledgeable or experienced players, so I was trying to give ideas that would be worth expanding on in my view, and could possibly help me as well, though I wasn't expecting any of them too(except the bball one, that was my personal interest).

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Planning to make some jumping guides in TF2 General Discussion

I think it would be interesting to go over the differences in jumping between the original and the rocket launcher.

Also syncs would be a great video. After attempting jump_sync I realized how little I knew about them and that I was just spamming and getting lucky before because the maps had good spacing.

I would also be interested in speedshots as all I know about them is that they are really inconsistent and weird.

Also on a side note a I would be interested in a bball guide if you think there is enough information you could share about. Bball is may favorite mini game in tf2 and I feel like a lot of people have no idea what is going and just try to dm to victory.

What ever you decide to do, its a great idea so I would definitely like to see it happen. Thanks for reaching out Exile, out of the depths of the community.

posted about 8 years ago
#75 mango playing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnyJDMYoshioka.I asked him if hes down to play comp TF2 and he said sure so were prob gonna set something up with 20b.Honestly showstopper should be kept as far away as possible from potentially influential people.

Tbh I think showstopper and mango would get along pretty well man. Mango's a pretty chill and down to earth guy lol not like super esports or anything. Don't think their interactions would be that bad.

posted about 8 years ago
#71 mango playing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

This is really cool. Been a mango fan for a while and a tf2 player for longer. Can't wait to see what this does to the community.

posted about 8 years ago



posted about 9 years ago

Took you 3 fuckin years samurai man LMAO

posted about 9 years ago
#10 LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Brad is the one of my best friends and I really enjoy playing with him. Great dm great guy. Even has a eXtv top play, what a god. pick this beast up.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Good PSP/DS games? in Off Topic

monster hunter portable third
rpg type game where you kill monsters and skin them to get parts which you use to make weapons and armor. really badass really fun. mostly killing dragons. tons of weapons and armor and no levels or skill trees. unique rpg.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#6 Lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#1 Lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

Lft roamer. I have some sixes experience and am looking to play for a low to mid open level team in any league.
I main soldier and rarely play anything else. I used to go by the alias Seejay or cj like a year ago if that rings a bell at all.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 highfive lft scout/pocket open/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Highfive is honestly one of the coolest people to play video games with. Also hes pretty damn good at this game. Give him a shot. Hes awesome

posted about 11 years ago
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