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Signed Up May 2, 2015
Last Posted April 9, 2016 at 8:26 PM
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#1131 rayshud in Customization

Hey, is there an easy way to make the loading screens show class stats and the such again? I don't really like the night sky background being the only thing there.

posted about 8 years ago
#1048 rayshud in Customization

Is it normal for the tab menu to be snapped to the bottom of the screen? That's happening with me, and honestly, it looks 10x worse than when it was centered.

posted about 9 years ago
#890 rayshud in Customization
EvrewsScoreboard for 16:9 is broken, as I'm sure you know

Oh damn, I thought I was the only one because I was fiddling with some of the files.
It was broken by the Gun Mettle update then I guess. Hope Rays finds the time to update.

posted about 9 years ago
#867 rayshud in Customization

Is there a way to remove just the duck promo without disabling all event promos?
I notice without Rayshud installed, the duck is gone and it just goes back to normal background characters, but the duck is always there with Rayshud installed, and I'd like to see events there in the future.

EDIT: Okay, just found out that the duck has its own line of configurations in the main menu override file, but even setting visibility options to zero, the element itself is still there, and so are the text boxes. This is rather frustrating.

posted about 9 years ago