Account Details
SteamID64 76561197981074563
SteamID3 [U:1:20808835]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:10404417
Country Denmark
Signed Up June 13, 2013
Last Posted November 1, 2014 at 5:13 AM
Posts 27 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 6.00
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
60 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G500
Keyboard Logitech G15
Mousepad Some cheap and normal sized one. Need bigger one
Headphones Steelseries Siberia V2 Heat Orange
Monitor Laptop monitor
1 2
#2 Double shooting? in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_Not even sure what is going on with this, but I have gotten it in multiple pub servers since the update just wondering if anyone else is having it.... DL the demo to see its hard to say really what it is but everything is shooting twice.


I had it in 2 pubs out of 5 I tried yesterday. Didn't have it today though.. Try restarting and playing on different servers I guess.

posted about 10 years ago
#32 theGXL Invitational presented by Corsair Gaming in Events

Just FYI: delay. They are ready at 10:30

posted about 10 years ago
#1 [Server] SOAP TDM by Chrizz mixes in Requests

It's a SOAP DM server with a custom 6s whitelist.
Server is located in Frankfurt, Germany
It's always up.

Read more: http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/15430-new-soap-dm-server

Thanks in advance!

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Lower sticky clip size?? in Q/A Help
dingoy not just make stickies do less damage (is that possible?)

For that I just need to change the attribute, wont make any difference.
Also, then playing demo would be horrible. having 8 stickies, hitting with 4, doing 40 dmg..

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Lower sticky clip size?? in Q/A Help

Didnt work. I just placed the coding in the end of the document. Something wrong?

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Lower sticky clip size?? in Q/A Help
FogTo actually answer the question asked in the thread, instead of going off-topic like the rest of you did:
			"1"	"89 ; -6"
			"2"	"3 ; 0.5"	
#1 decreases amount of stickys you can have out at once
#2 decreases amount of stickies you have in a clip

You'll notice that the first number is negative, because it's subtracting from the regular amount of stickies which is 8. The second number is a decimal representing a percentage of the regular clip size (which in this case is also 8), thus making it four stickies in a clip.

Hopefully this helps you figure everything out. It helps if you get an understanding of how the attributes works and how they're applied in the items_game.txt file

Thanks, and I suppose thats the file under scripts/items ?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Lower sticky clip size?? in Q/A Help
downpourdamn u must really hate demos

Lol, I just think sticky spam should be administrated in soap dm.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Lower sticky clip size?? in Q/A Help

So recently I installed tf2items to lower the clip size of all stickybomblaunchers to 2, so that demo has to reload when he has thrown out 2 stickies.

I tried this:

                        "preserve-attributes" "1"  
			"1"				"3 ; 75"

I put it in the tf2items.weapons txt file in sourcemod/configs, but even though I did so it doesn't seem to work.
I also wrote the same code for all sticky stranges/botkillers, so no problem there..

posted about 11 years ago
#8 New SOAP dm server in TF2 General Discussion
MankoI couldn't connect to it last night, it said the whole "couldn't connect after 4 tries" deal. It might just be me, I don't know.

Sorry, I was working on it back then. Might have been restarted. It is up now though, 24/7.

fi5hJust curious, where is server located?

In Frankfurt, Germany. Sorry Amerifriends!

posted about 11 years ago
#5 New SOAP dm server in TF2 General Discussion
slateYou could use this: TF2Items

...to add the "max pipebombs decreased" attribute to stickybomb launchers other than the Sticky Jumper.

sorry I meant to post this here: http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/15454-how-do-i-limit-the-demomans-stickies

It's working now, thank you for the help.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 How do I limit the demoman's stickies? in Q/A Help
BEARTATOThis is probably not what other people use but it's something to try:


I don't even know if it works in reverse but you might as well test it out.

Worked, thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 How do I limit the demoman's stickies? in Q/A Help

For a very long time i've searching on how to limit stickies to 2. So that stickies automatically explode when there's 2 stickies out already and you try to put out more.

This is seen a lot in many dm servers, and I really want it for mine aswell.(http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/15430-new-soap-dm-server)

I can install basically whatever I need, I just have no clue on how to make it work.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 New SOAP dm server in TF2 General Discussion
Lune3 scouts? wow

What would you prefer, 2?
Im new at it, so please leave suggestions down here btw
Edit: 2 scouts now

posted about 11 years ago
#1 New SOAP dm server in TF2 General Discussion

Hey I just launched another soap server.

Feel free to add it to your favorites!

Features: no crits, 2 scouts 2 sollys 1 demoman 1 sniper 1 medic each team, 30 min timelimit, cool maps, scoped bodyshooting disabled, whitelisted with 6v6 whitelist, !group in chat to see an awesome mix group where we occasionally mix every div, RTV in chat to rock the vote, "fdivs" plugin: !div (player) and !avg, AFK Manager, limited stickies.

Stuff to come:

Nothing right now!

- Increased sniper's dmg, headshots kill instantly.
- Demos do no dmg with stickies, and is limited to 2 stickies at a time.
- Updated the whitelist
- Reserved slots added
- Disabled all mediguns.
- One medic is now allowed pr. team.

Please leave suggestions and stuff in the comments

posted about 11 years ago
#10 ESEA Season 15 LAN Day 2 in Events

Delay much? ):

posted about 11 years ago
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