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SteamID64 76561198027140502
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Country Cyprus
Signed Up April 18, 2013
Last Posted August 5, 2016 at 9:29 AM
Posts 157 (0 per day)
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#8 Ambassador crosshair in Customization

Ok bear with me here cause this is going to be a lot.

First you need to download the crosshairs font here:

You're going to place that into your Resource folder for your hud. Next, you need to open up ClientScheme.res and add the following:

Under Bitmap Font Files (Ctrl + F), towards the bottom of this section, you want to paste this:

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"8"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"10"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"12"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"14"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"16"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"18"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"18"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"
			"outline"		"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"20"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"22"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"24"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"24"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"
			"outline"		"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"26"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"26"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"
			"outline"		"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"28"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"30"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"32"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"32"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"
			"outline"		"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"34"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"34"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"
			"outline"		"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"36"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"38"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

			"name"			"Crosshairs"
			"tall" 			"40"
			"weight" 		"0"
			"antialias" 	"1"

Next, Ctrl + F to Custom Font Files in ClientScheme.res and install this at the bottom of this section (Note that you need to place the sequential number to the font above this where # is):

		"#" // Fog's xHairs
			"font" "resource/crosshairs.ttf"
			"name" "Crosshairs"

Save the file and close it out. Now, go to your Scripts folder and open up HudLayout.res. Go to the bottom of the file and paste this in:

		"controlName"	"CExLabel"
		"fieldName"	 	"ThinCircle"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"
		"zpos"			"2"

		"xpos"			"c-100"
		"ypos"			"c-96"
		"wide"			"200"
		"tall"			"200"

		//"font"			"CrosshairsOutline34"
		"font"			"Crosshairs34"
		"labelText"		"9"
		"textAlignment"	"center"	

		"fgcolor"		"255 255 255 255"

Save and close this file out. That should give you the circle crosshair seen in the video.

Edit: Make sure that you tab the ENTIRE code over between the brackets. It should look like this:


posted about 11 years ago
#5 Ambassador crosshair in Customization

He's using rayshud in this video, if you use the installer found here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18079550/rayshudinstaller1.5.zip
You can find it under the crosshair section called xHairCircle and it will install it along with the hud. If you want the circle without the hud that will require installing fonts and adding text in hudlayot.res. The middle is just crosshair7 in TF2.

posted about 11 years ago
#648 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I have no idea what I'm doing.



Thanks to Ruelel for the heart link

posted about 11 years ago
#643 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
trying to do a thing, just started. trying to move things around still.
the hud i used as a base is too hard to work with, never mind.

I'd love that heart for personal use.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Any games to look forward to? in Other Games

Dark Souls 2 and Ultra Street Fighter IV even though I'm shit at both of their predecessors.

posted about 11 years ago
#71 Pokemon X/Y in Other Games
DeepWho's everyones starters gonna be? Mine's gonna be Fennekin.

Froakie and Charmander

posted about 11 years ago
#9 GTA 5 coming to the PC at November 22th ! in Other Games

As much as I want it to be that soon, there's no proof that Rockstar announced its release for PC as of right now. A fan site that doesn't provide sources for their articles doesn't gain much ground. There's files in the game that basically confirm the PC version, but otherwise I'm sitting tight for now.

It's a great game, though. I got it for X360 to play with some friends and I've been having a blast. Can't wait to see it on my home turf, though.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Pokemon X/Y in Other Games

Neither of those are glorious Ampharos.


posted about 11 years ago
#7 Help with raging in Off Topic

Read through this first, if you haven't already:


There's some fairly good insight into raging and how to control it. As far as your particular case goes, if the raging only happens during an mge or a lobby, put on some relaxing music while you practice, get comfortable before you start, or do something that will make you more relaxed (I typically do a run in Animal Crossing 'cause that game's chill as fuck). If you prefer to let it out physically, get a stress ball to squeeze between lobbies and mge matches and watch a funny video or something. Another thing I used to do is to have a pillow on hand that I could throw a punch or two into. The key is to not let it get the best of you.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 End of the Line trailer (holy shit) in TF2 General Discussion

This is EXACTLY the motivation I needed to start learning SFM. Holy shit this is the highest quality animation I've seen in ages and it's a freaking trailer.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 August 27 TF2 Update in TF2 General Discussion


OK here's the deal. It counts points gained server side. I did an experiment to see what levels these up and I had 298 points on the scoreboard when I took a screenshot. Pretty cool.

posted about 11 years ago
#57 August 27 TF2 Update in TF2 General Discussion


Not my image so I can't confirm anything but there's Summer Shades.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 August 27 TF2 Update in TF2 General Discussion

If I can get my hands on that Summer Shades Strangifier I would get results, I have most of the items already.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 DNC lft Scout (Open) S15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello there!

I'm looking for an open team who I can get along well with and is willing to help improve the team overall (demo reviews, scrims, etc.) I hold a couple of UGC 6s silver seasons with friends but I am looking to pursue a more serious season in hopes of improving myself.

I live in the Central time zone and I am currently in a position in work where I can demand my nights to be free for any night(s) of the week. I am almost always available after 9 PM Central during weekdays, as well.



posted about 11 years ago
#349 i46 documentary in TF2 General Discussion


It's happening

posted about 11 years ago
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