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Last Posted November 28, 2012 at 4:44 PM
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#32 New matchmaking site similar to Tf2lobby in TF2 General Discussion
mariotranchemusicCan we please have something to encourage people to actually try to contribute, and not just be useless on purpose? Half of games on tf2lobby completely consist of trolling.
Unless there is some way to change this there is no reason for me, or many others like me that actually want to learn the game, to use lobby or any alternative site.

Might be different in Europe but I have always found lobbys to be pretty good on the trolling side myself. Almost everyone on there thinks they are amazing and think every one else is inferior and therefore there never is good team play but thats not the same as trolling.

Biggest problem with lobbys is that if you're new you will never get a game, everybody will just kick you. Attitudes like that are holding comp. TF2 back.

posted about 12 years ago
#27 New matchmaking site similar to Tf2lobby in TF2 General Discussion
dudergotf2.com is available - you should pick it up and make things easier to get to. tf2center.com is cool and all, but when you want to go play tf2, gotf2.com. Just sayin'

Yeah thats a better URL but to echo what #11 said there is a drive to center everything on this site to try and grow the community and TF2 as an esport so yano if it integrates with teamfortress.tv properly the URL wouldn't matter too much.

On that note rkmarty would you not consider at least talking to people before you go off doing this. While this all sounds awesome and I'm all for improving TF2 Lobby (as awesome of a system that it is it could definitely do with some improvements) I think co-operation is vital to competitive TF2's success. Talk to floor_master, talk to enigma, talk to tf.tv. We all want to make comp TF2 better and we can do so more effectively if we work together. IMO at least.

I think TF2 is on the verge of really taking off as an esport, I think if we get viewer numbers up sponsors will be more interested and if you get sponsors interested Valve gets interested and we get more money to grow the sport. Easy to use cheap tournament systems like you are talking about are precisely what we need right now to get more people interested.

Anyways whatever you decide this sounds really cool and I wish you the best of luck with it. Keep us posted!

posted about 12 years ago