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Last Posted August 6, 2018 at 5:20 PM
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#6 savage resurrection in Other Games



s2 combat was very rps, the races were more symmetrical while simultaneously less balanced, it was just less competitive/skillful rly.

only thing s2 did better was the graphics.

Unfortunately I'm not getting this ATM because S2 Games fucked over HoN and Strife and I've been burned enough times by them. I'll wait to see how they treat this first.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 savage resurrection in Other Games
yttriumholy shit they made a new one?

savage 2 was literally the best game I have ever played, it's such a shame it died, but now I'm fucking hyped. Hopefully this is actually good.

it's a near exact replica of savage 1 which was better than savage 2 in almost every single way

posted about 8 years ago

i cant believe youre white dom

posted about 8 years ago
#78 Warhuryeah rant? in TF2 General Discussion
pine_beetleI disagree with you on that point. I crunched the numbers very thoroughly few years ago on this... probably still have the draft on an old computer I should check and see With the right prize pool and the right group of people it would work... this is somewhere where you could realistically get Valve to help you ( even though I still don't think we need valves help at all...).

But the whole idea that valve is going to do a bailout of any kind needs to be abandoned. Hope is an excuse for inaction and we spend way to much time hoping for handouts and blaming valve for our own self inflicted problems.

Look man, I may not be very good at the shooty shooty part of this game, but I've been around in Highlander for a very long time and this argument is just plain stupid. Not only has the NAHL community discussed this prospect before multiple times and the conclusion has always been the same as what I said, but I'm not sure where the hell your logic of "right prize pool" or "right group of people" come from when there's literal proof that this shit doesn't matter that much in Highlander.


This is the total teams that signed up and played at least 1 match of Highlander since S7 (since S6 and prior isn't on their site). You will notice that Season 12 has a big dip in teams compared to its surrounding seasons. That's the one NAHL season where there was a community prize pool drive for $5,000. Not only did this drive not actually meet its goal (it only reached $3,120), but there was significantly less Steel & Iron teams than the seasons before it.

Now, it was still a fun and great season, don't get me wrong, but this prize pool did not complete its goal. At the time there was a lot of people who just kept going lolhl and crap, even though UGC Highlander & UGC in general has probably fed many players into 6s over the years. It was a Spring season so January - April of 2014 which means most kids had to focus on school or were too busy to dedicate to it (notice how much bigger S10 & S13 are? Those are the summer seasons where there was no school). All the streaming, advertisizing, posts, mentoring goals, etc, could not get this to 5,000 USD and even still with a 3,120 USD one it didn't magically apparate a ton of people into Highlander. This was basically the peak of Highlander's skill level. This was like the best era of Highlander that ever existed.

Soooo, where exactly is this "right prize pool" and "right group of people", because it didn't exist in Highlander's prime time and it did basically nothing for it?

On a side note, the assertion that competitive Team Fortress 2 is dying solely because the community is bad with money and no one in our community assholeish enough came around that wanted to monetize people's passion really really well is kinda gross to think about. Especially when you'd be hard pressed to name a single other big e-sport alive right now that has to do that...because they all have their developers supporting them.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think the community has definitely made missteps along the way, especially with how people are often oblivious to how they act can push people away from the community but it's done a lot of great things too. Tip of the Hats brings a lot of attention to competitive TF2, and while I'm sure it's brought some people in, it hasn't stemmed the bleeding.

I don't expect Valve to drop money and save this game now, but even through all the communities missteps or problems, that is literally all that would have needed to be done all these years. If Valve dropped a tournament with even a minor prize pool of a couple thousand and added a DotA International book like mechanic, people would eat that shit up dude. Pubbers fucking love hats. Now you're telling them spend 10$ and get EXCLUSIVE HATS? And if they level up their book enough it becomes UNUSUAL WITH AN EXCLUSIVE EFFECT? Wait, if I spend more money I get EXCLUSIVE TAUNTS AND MISC ITEMS TOO??? Only way you'd make more money is if you added a naked anime girl on top.

Valve simply at this point care too much about how the game is played, when they need to be caring about how many people are playing it seriously and the loop towards getting pubbers into playing it seriously. Even if OW barely dropped the overall population of the game by like 3%, the competitive scene in its entirety is very visibly dying with every league losing more and more total teams each season and has been since before OW even came out. Growth needs to be reinvigorated before caring about how the game is played at this point tbh, I mean even if Valve dropped the greatest most perfect balance of all time tomorrow, the comp scene would still be dying basically. Sure, some people would come back for a season or two, but you'd still have the same age old problem, which is that people are leaving because there's nothing to play for. There's love for the game (which doesn't last forever), improving at the game (ditto, especially when there's no real prize pool and now no LAN to improve towards for basically everyone), and love for the community (hit or miss, especially when people will use any defense they can come up with to not be nice and they'd rather drive people away) and that's about it.

posted about 8 years ago
#65 Warhuryeah rant? in TF2 General Discussion
There is a lot of money in the game. Especially if we did pay to play highlander

Pay to play Highlander would never fly. (e: unless if the fee was so absurdly cheap like 1 key or 2.50$ or something, then mayyyyyybe, but probably not still.)

Most of the people who play HL in the lower divs (where most of your money would hypothetically be since Iron & Steel & Silver alone is like 90% of the Highlander population) are underaged and can not very easily pay league fees. Most of the people in the higher divs would not pay to play HL tbh, especially now.

Even in it's utmost prime where NAHL had 408 teams during S10 (so anywhere between 3,672 - 8,568 players) introducing p2p HL would have killed off like 95% of the teams.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 FaZe SDB and Forsaken in Esports

STAR is a cool guy with a rabid fanbase that often makes him look bad.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 post your class time breakdowns in TF2 General Discussion

Scout: 934
Spy: 855
Soldier: 675
Demoman: 569
Sniper: 530
Medic: 351
Heavy: 270
Pyro: 217
Engineer: 108

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Game Theory Tf2 vs OW Deadlock in Videos
gatsanAlso the whole "more heroes" thing just seems silly imo, it just seems redundant having 2 classes as designated healers but THE OTHER ONE RUNS FASTER BUT THE OTHER ONE HEALS MORE.

As dumb as this video is (most of the arguments are stupid / uninformed or just plain wrong e.g. OW has better mobility, OW has more mobility but more =/= better) ur dumbing down the argument too because there's a lot more differences between all the actual healers than just that, none of them remotely play the same and are good/bad in entirely different situations.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 no man's sky in Other Games
fahrenheitThe NMS team signed a contract that would grant Sony the release rights to the game 4 days earlier than on PC in exchange for the help funding and marketing the game. Steam accidentally just didn't change the date back for whatever reason and then corrected it.

This is not entirely correct.

Sources: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/05/18/world-without-end-raffi-khatchadourian

New YorkerTwo weeks later, on Christmas Eve, a tributary of the Thames overflowed in Guildford, flooding the Hello Games studio. Murray rushed over and found laptops floating in waist-deep water; tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment was destroyed. Sony’s offer of assistance remained, but Murray told me that he did not ask for funding. Unlike Hollywood, the video-game industry is marked by a vast chasm between big-budget productions and independent ones, and he had learned with Joe Danger that a small studio could easily become beholden to a distributor. Instead, he requested Sony’s help in securing a place for No Man’s Sky at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, the largest gaming trade show in America. No independently produced title had ever been featured on the main stage, but, as he recalled, “I said—and this was really cocky—‘We want to own E3.’ They were, like, ‘That’s not going to happen,’ but we pushed for it. We traded working for them for being onstage.”



Polygon"We were actually going to announce a release date at E3 2015, but for reasons we can't. We'll announce a release date soon, and when we do, it will be for PC and PS4 simultaneously."

PC version was delayed most likely to make sure it isn't complete trash on PC.

e: Also Steam Developers themselves set the date now, not Valve, so it was Hello Games who had it set to simultaneous launch then delayed it.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 no man's sky in Other Games
glorydoes anyone know why its not for xbox one?

i like it alot but its exclusive for pc and ps4 only

Sony wanted it on PS4, Hello Games said okay but you have to treat us like a first party game basically (this is an indie company) and commit to marketing our game extremely hard including having NMS at Sony's 2014 E3 Media conference (the first indie game to be center stage at one) and Sony said OK when no one else (incl. Microsoft) did.

That's about it.

posted about 8 years ago
#99 TFTV Political Leanings in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#2 How can I play match making? in Q/A Help

You have to use an actual paid phone number, services that give you free numbers do not work.

posted about 8 years ago
#136 How is this happening in World Events


"we have nuclear weapons, why don't we use them" - trump

A+ /s

posted about 8 years ago
#17 suicide squad in Music, Movies, TV
Gemmellnessedgy and annoying as fuck and of course harley (the only real female lead it seems) is sexualised to no end. no ty

i really think this has to be a bait because harley has been sexualized as fuck ever since her original inclusion in Batman TAS / The New Batman Adventures.



It's almost like her sexualization is actually fairly important to her personality and her entire abusive backstory.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Hacksaw Ridge in Music, Movies, TV

yeah I'm super excited for this too although I think they fucked up by making Andrew Garfield use...whatever accent that's supposed to be, since Desmond Doss was from Virginia. His fake traditional American accent he uses in Spider-man is perfect (Most people I know seemed surprised to find out he's British), whereas this accent sounds so obviously forced.

I like how there's plenty of people who call this oscar bait, but if you read up on Desmond Doss I'm not sure you could make a movie about him that was truthful and wasn't oscar bait.

posted about 8 years ago
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