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Last Posted August 6, 2018 at 5:20 PM
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#11 Razer's Project Christine - A modular PC in Hardware

#9 that seems to be the exact opposite of what you have to do. The Mobo and CPU are slots you slot into the tower just like all the other parts.

unless i'm missing something, but the longer vid I edited into the OP seems to show this.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Razer's Project Christine - A modular PC in Hardware



neat idea, I think the case looks ugly as fuck but w/e. Think the biggest problem is Razer is obv going to have to take existing parts and re-change how they look to fit this system, which means they're going to be more expensive...at some point you're better off just paying someone else to help you build your rig for you if you're not technologically adept at all.

Eventually when costs go down if this caught on I could see it being awesome for people though, if they could shrink it somewhat you'd have a solid Steambox idea that would be easily upgradable.


In-depth vid on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FW78IAfybI

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Space☆Dandy in Off Topic

Woo it's happening tonight, can't wait

posted about 11 years ago
#28 sherlock in Off Topic

If you still thought S1E2 was amazing, then boy are you in for a joyride.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 ToonHUD in Customization

Oh okay.

Well my only other suggestion and only complaint is that the damage text makes consistent Ambassador snipes hard even on the smaller size setting. KBNHud is the only hud i've seen that doesn't have this problem nowadays :c.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 ToonHUD in Customization
GrieverThen building UI would cover the voicecommand menu. :(

That's far more preferable, people rarely keep their voice command menu open for long and anyone who is going to install a custom HUD most likely has it roughly memorized anyways.

e: Although it seems fine the way it is now since it only overlaps if you open the chat which is ok.

Also when I have stickies out I see a weird thing below the crosshair that doesn't seem to do anything on Minimal HUD.

A++++ update.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 UGC Season 12 Map List Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Well, with them starting to give out prize money now it's even more important that they make sure their map rotation is incredibly solid and well balanced, rather than risking multiple new maps that might be rather broken. Really though, there really isn't even 20-30 good Highlander maps, let alone great ones. A lot of the custom maps they've tried to push in the past were pretty bad (Vitalism/Haunt, Arctic, etcccc) for example, and there's way worse customs out there by the truckload compared to those.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 AGDQ 2014 in Off Topic

can't wait to see the barkley run

posted about 11 years ago
#26 UGC Season 12 Map List Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

If teamwork is what keeps you interested then you should want consistency, teamwork gets eroded if you keep adding tons and tons of new maps for the sake of it. It's much more beneficial to have a single new map (test it out seriously, test people's ability to adapt to something new), your standard maps (tests teamwork/DM skill), and an A/D map (tests teamwork/gamesnese/strats over DM), since that variety helps show who the best team really is.

Also those maps change strats often enough, it's not like they've been played the same way forever and ever. Swiftwater is an easy example, it is not really played the same as it was 6 seasons ago.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 ToonHUD in Customization

I think most people reposition the building UI below the chat box when they do that, not sure though.

Also, while reload scheme did help, I play Spy so much that it would be way annoying to have to do that consistently and playing off of your disguised health can be important to selling a disguise sometimes. Hopefully you can find out why it is doing that, it doesn't do it on the non-Minimal HUD for me.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 ToonHUD in Customization

Trying it out now, stoked! Not being centered was the only thing really keeping me away from this.


All on Centered version 720p:

- It always says cp_bridge in the top right when you're dead instead of the actual map

- You can't see what your disguised HP is, the # is too big for the tiny box. This actually kind of sucks really really hard.

- Suggestion: Put the chat box in the top left on Centered by default, the really tiny chat box blows.

- Suggestion: Position the Medic disguise model on his side so that you can much more clearly see what Medigun he has.

Also the ToonHUD update did NOT work for me, it updated then closes on launch. :/

posted about 11 years ago
#13 UGC Season 12 Map List Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

i think it's great except for coalplant.

posted about 11 years ago
#201 Goat_HUD in Customization

I love everything about the HUD except the damage text - if you could somehow make it more similar to KBNHud (or tell me how to do so) I'd be a very happy person. Right now the damage text is so big it tends to overlap people's heads which makes consistently Ambassadoring someone hard.

Not sure how to tweak it on my own, but ye.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Community CEVO Vote in TF2 General Discussion

just make the divisions cheaper than ESEA

posted about 11 years ago
#2 What makes a good highlander heavy? in Q/A Help

general gamesense

tracking ability

posted about 11 years ago
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