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Signed Up November 2, 2013
Last Posted December 9, 2013 at 6:02 PM
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#360 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

I just got the game and I'm really excited to see what this whole safari thing is all about.
Also I will add people from here randomly.
YumehFC : 1564 - 2860 - 8434

I have a water type safari with:
Frogadier - Wartortle - Bibarel
MrFahrenheitFC: 3067-5906-1236
Dragon type safari with Gabite and Noibat so far, still need to beat elite four.

edit: added everyone in post 356, message me if you want me to add you.

Added you all

Edit: One of these days I will remember to add my friend code the first time.

posted about 11 years ago
#345 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
HollibelleCode is 3668-8746-4029. Will add all who add me! And it would be greatly appreciated if someone could tell me whats in my safari! :3BaumAdded every FC mentioned on this page.

Add me - FC: 2852-8203-1533
Safari Type is Fire. Message me if you want me to add you.
Sakurafc: 3093-7086-6270

add me pls :<
Friend code 0404-6575-8242
My safari type is fire, dunno exactly which pokemon in it.
Add me and send me your code so i can add you back!
Null_Friend Code: 1032 - 1803 - 4410
I have a water type friend safari, in which has a Frogadier in it.
(I am not sure what the other two pokemon are)

Feel free to send me a message and I'll be sure to add you back.

All added


posted about 11 years ago
#329 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
ToxicHabitMy friend code is 0061-0439-6942. I have a Ground Safari. :)MmarkleyPotatoNinjaMy FC is 3625 9048 8524
Gonna add you all :]
My fc is 1607 2805 9914 I added you

Added you both


posted about 11 years ago
#320 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
CakeEqualsLiesAwesome,there is a Pokemon x and y thread! Can someone please help me find out what is in my safari? My code is: 0919-9824-8071

I will try to add everyone in this thread. I'm looking for a sableye and an eevee safari. Thanks!

Added you

posted about 11 years ago
#313 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
Bobster77992621-3429-4809 I am a rock
reply if you have added with the code

Also added you


posted about 11 years ago
#312 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
FungtschaiHey Guys!! :)

3883-6036-3951 is my FriendCode, I will add every single one here on this thread today !! :D (Hope it won't take too long haha)
Please add me too. I got Yvysaur in my safari and something else as far as I know :3
hoodyoneHi my friend code is 2938 7131 8455

Reply with codes so I can add back! Thanks
thanks to varikeldun

let me know if i have not added you
beaten the game
will be on ever 24hr and check on this every day to 2014
will add you on the spot if you MSG me your [FC]

dont forget to logon pokemon aswell

creeper fire FC : 1204-0293-9923
rnel - FC : 0576-4898-4004
added all

Added all. Creeper had already added but Rnel hasnt added me yet


posted about 11 years ago
#291 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
SuperSonicCan u add me?? Anyone?? My 3DS Friend Code: 3926 - 5720 - 7723

Added you


posted about 11 years ago
#282 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
kelabenadd me please, I'll add you back :)




PS: Still don't even know what I have. If someone wants to tell me I would appreciate it.

posted about 11 years ago
#276 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
AzieSkyHi everyone! Not entirely sure what is in my safari but my FC is 0259-1064-9559. In game name is Azie. Please add me and in turn I will add those here! Thanks!FeleteHello all! In game name is Ashley, and my friend code is 4227-2047-5552. I have no idea what my Safari type is but please add me! =)

Added both, dont forget to add back


posted about 11 years ago
#256 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games
kyleblake92Link_3282-1795-9360 snorunt and sneasel

pretty sure i have everyone in this thread now

You haven't added me it's: 0236-7684-9410


Friend code doesn't work.

posted about 11 years ago
#233 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

A few of the recent ones havent added me and I posted recently. 4055-4094-5992

posted about 11 years ago
#199 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

I deleted anyone in the first few pages who haven't added me by now. Will continue to add anyone after me and added everyone in-between.


posted about 11 years ago
#176 Pokemon Friend Safari - Friend Codes in Other Games

Hope its not too late to interest everyone above, I will be adding everyone here so please check in and add me back.


Edit: Make sure to add back, if I dont get added back in a day or 2 I will delete. Thanks!

posted about 11 years ago