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Signed Up January 29, 2015
Last Posted January 30, 2015 at 3:02 AM
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#20 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
BucakeDemonousNightAlright I did that, though I put .cfg the file type didnt change from Text Document
click on start, then in that small screen, type "folder options". this should make it pop up in the list. click on it.
go to the View tab, and look for "Hide extensions for known file types" in that list. make sure it is unchecked. now click ok.
i believe this should fix it. now you should be able to rename the file to autoexec.cfg (it's probably called autoexec.cfg.txt right now)

Alright, thank you.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
Bucakenavigate to: \Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\cfg\cfg\
(it's unlikely you have \cfg\cfg\, so you'll have to create those 2 folders yourself)
in there, create a text file, and call it autoexec.cfg (it will probably ask if you want to change the extension, just click yes).
in there, put this:
cl_interp_all 0
cl_cmdrate 67
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime .01
cl_updaterate 67
rate 60000

Alright I did that, though I put .cfg the file type didnt change from Text Document

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
Bucakethere's a box you can check. try the <50 or <100 latency check-box to see how much shows up. if very few servers pop up, then just keep going up.

and, as desza mentioned, wireless can cause issues. these issues can become worse the further away you are from the source and what's between you and the source.

i also suggest making an autoexec.cfg with some net settings. your connection allows better cmdrate rate / update rate / lerp

Can I have help with the CFG file? While playing on a latency of <50 I'm still having issues. Its still freezing. Though I cant do much for the wireless internet which sucks but is true. Though my ping ingame has gone down considerably after joining one that is <50. Its more in the 90-100-170 ranges.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
deszaDemonousNightnopeDo you play any other multiplayer games? If so, what do you ping normally to them? It might just be your internet. Try and show us your results.Mhh not sure how to check ping on my other games but I do play many other multiplayer games that have zero lag when I play. Alright the results were: Ping: 12 ms Download Speed: 22.38 mbps Upload Speed: 12.11 mbps
Those are pretty close to the speeds I get. The problem could be that you're connected wireless. Or your joining servers that are too far away from you.

Alright how do I join servers closer to me, or know how close they are to me?

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
nopeDo you play any other multiplayer games? If so, what do you ping normally to them? It might just be your internet. Try and show us your results.

Mhh not sure how to check ping on my other games but I do play many other multiplayer games that have zero lag when I play. Alright the results were: Ping: 12 ms Download Speed: 22.38 mbps Upload Speed: 12.11 mbps

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
Bucakewired or wireless internet?
and, going from the picture: what was your ping before it shot up to 280?

We have wireless and I'm not sure...I'll join a multiplayer to get an idea of what it might have been when I first joined the game but thats about all I can do. Well my ping is all over the place it looks like. Its gone from the 200's to the 600's and everything inbetween. Oh wait o3o saw a 107 and a 90 but just for a second.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
MasterKuniYou should enter net_graph 3 in the developer console and post screenshots of what your screen looks like when the lag occurs.

Alright, I put one up.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
Knuckles_Are you sure your lag is internet related and not frame rate related? I know when I started playing I had trouble distinguishing between the two.

Now that you mention it o; I'm not sure really..

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
tetrominoI think he means like screenshot the netgraph when the lag happens.

...I need to read a bit I feel stupid XD I got one though I hope its close enough to the lag-back to tell ono -preparestoeditoriginalthread-

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help
MasterKuniYou should enter net_graph 3 in the developer console and post screenshots of what your screen looks like when the lag occurs.

I would but as said it just freezes, so I dont think it'd look like lag. Just regular screenshots.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Large Lag Spikes in Q/A Help

Alright, I'm sorta new to TF2. By sorta I mean I knew everything about the game before playing it because my old computer was convinced Steam was a virus. So I recently got the game about two weeks ago and have been practicing with bots and I was gonna keep practicing until I could win a match on hard over and over, and that day has come.

So I get on a multiplayer and spectate a little until I realize the major lag thats happening on my end. It isn't just normal lag, the game completely freezes and unfreezes over and over. I tried to play a game but I keep getting lag-back and killed because of it. I shut off everything that was taking up space on my internet which was only my browser and Skype but the lag barely even lessened.

I do admit we have weird internet at my house but it's never caused lag before. I play games that take up even more space then TF2 does with zero lag, so I'm stumped.

Thats as close as I could get to when I was having lag-back

Any suggestions?

posted about 10 years ago