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SteamID64 76561198044273943
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Country Canada
Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted June 23, 2016 at 11:17 PM
Posts 154 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity bubba
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Headphones Sennheiser bubba 330
Monitor buba
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#10 they made another in TF2 General Discussion

Never really understood the ordering of the clips(1-10), seems like some higher number clips were better than some of the lower number...

Less kritz please.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Getting into competitive play in TF2 General Discussion
SergioSourceI wondered if I accidently got in some higher skill scene that I wasn't prepared for, and looked for similar lobby systems, but for "competitive newbies". I found nothing.

What you are looking for is newbie mixes(, a group of advanced players take new players through the ropes.

If you haven't already done it read this fully:

The reason you are being yelled at is because you dont know what you're doing, lucky for you there are a fair number of people and resources out there for you. If you want another shitty helping you I would be happy to volunteer my time.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 2 PotHeadz - Play TF2 No#1 in TF2 General Discussion
dingodon't you think it's a little harsh to bash on two guys trying to have fun playing tf2? are people not allowed to have fun playing this game anymore?


posted about 12 years ago


Adding the HUD crosshair made me better (srs)...I never lose my crosshair in the background now.

Please tell me how you did this :/

The white circle:

Edit your Hudlayout.res(in scripts) so the the first part looks like this:

then do the same thing to Clientscheme.res so that the font "xHairCricle" looks like this

The copy the file "crosshairs.ttf"(in resource) from rayshud ( your resource folder.

The crosshairs for diff weapons is Aron's crosshair switcher:

How to use it:

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Uber Mechanism in Q/A Help
TheTankHey yall,

For the last 6 months I've watched almost every cast of competitive TF2 posted on Youtube. I main as medic on pubs and just recently tried like 12 lobbies. Besides the occasional drop it went fairly alright. However now being at the controls instead of watching the pro's at work, the uber mechanism isn't so easy for me.

When I play lobbies (signing up for UGC HL EURO in December) I don't have a harblue bombing in to force an uber or a kaidus cabering in. So how does it work? On defense I kind of get. Counter pop, don't drop and uber can be used as free uber when enemy medic is down.

But how does it work on offense? When I push in and uber, they just counter. That renders my uber nearly useless.

Another question if you don't mind. Been watching a lot of Mix^ scrims/matches with comms and their uber prediction is quite spot on. Are there set times to build an uber? Cause you never know if they are building correctly, if the medic is even healing directly after respawn....Could you give some pointers?

Was watching the latest "Fully Charged", is Ruwin really a beast medic? Was/am already a huge fan of PYYYOUR and before him harblue.

I know tl;dr but appreciate the help.


posted about 12 years ago
#61 laser beams in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordeveryone knows that pure has seagull backup for every team he's on to keep him out of the hands of the competition :<>

Did he even get a chance to play last season on mixup?

posted about 12 years ago
#9 SYNCHRO'S GUIDE TO GETTING GOOD in TF2 General Discussion
kigbariomAlso viewmodel fov's too because having a larger one can help lessen clutter on the screen.

It's in the first post, first word after "a)" and in bold... and you missed it?

posted about 12 years ago
#6 The Circle Jerk! in TF2 General Discussion
lynaI call bronies horsefuckers and then get banned from pony servers ;_;


posted about 12 years ago
#5 Looking for players in Recruitment (looking for team)

don't think you would need 6 backups for a UGC 6's steel team...

posted about 12 years ago
#32 newbie mixes tonight at 8 EST in TF2 General Discussion

I played 3 last night, all went well, all the coaches were good. I thought that the basic questions at the start were a bit dumb (do you know how to rollout, etc...) but I can see why they were necessary.

Walka was by far the best coach I had, the most energetic about being there and helping.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 PONIES in TF2 General Discussion

these things are not to be understood, we just kinda let them sit there and do there own thing, occasionally one of them will get bored of fapping to cartoon ponies and rejoin society...

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Luke Skywalker vs. Neo in Off Topic
VortexBut there was only one Matrix movie.


posted about 12 years ago
#5 tf2 6v6 youtube channels? in TF2 General Discussion

you could just find the demos of ESEA games off the ESEA website and watch those if you're just looking for raw footage...

posted about 12 years ago
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