It's not like you can just sign up for the nations cup. You have to be at least reasonably well informed to become captain of a team...
UGC currently has 66 active HL teams from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and South America. I'm sure many of those team leaders would qualify to put together a team for the Nations Cup and it wouldn't be unreasonable for many of them to be surprised they would be forced to play only in Europe for something entitled "The Nations Cup".
I'm not trying to argue policy here, I'm merely saying that it should either be a global Nations Cup with fair pings, or it should be mentioned in the announcements/specific rules of future Nations Cups that the event is designed for European countries and that although countries outside Europe are welcome, they are expected to play on European servers and times. It's not a clarification needed for every tournament ETF2L holds; it's only needed for the one(s) whose name suggests it encompasses more than Europe. That's it. One small sentence which could potentially save a bit of hassle and/or frustration for people down the line.
It's in the General Rules, which apply to all competitions on ETF2L.
5.2 European server recommended
The ETF2L is a European League, you cannot force opponents to play on non-European servers. We strongly recommend using servers located central in Europe, such as the Netherlands or Germany.
Yes, I know that. That's why I said I think it "should be mentioned in the announcements/specific rules of future Nations Cups", since, as I've said repeatedly (and has been the main point of my earlier posts), it would be easy for a team leader to think the NATIONS Cup would be an exception to such a thing. Although I understand it probably would have been too limited or less catchy, had it been called the "European Nations Cup" there would have been less room for confusion.
I played in the ETF2L Highlander Challenge, I've led teams in 3 seasons of ETFL2 HL, and I've led a team in a ETF2L HL Fun Cup - and before this thread I thought the goal of the Nations Cup was to involve as many countries as possible, much like the goal of the HL Challenge had been to introduce new players from across the world into highlander. The reason I posted to this thread in the first place is because I was discussing the ping situation with a European friend who plays for a Euro National HL team (and has more than once), and he too wasn't sure why fair pings weren't sought out. I might be an American who pays more attention to the American HL scene, but he's an involved Euro player who also thought the Nations Cup was an invitation to all countries.
It almost feels like you're replying to me as though I'm trying to nitpick or say that ETF2L is in the wrong. I'm not. As awesome as it would be to have a true, fair Nations or Worlds Cup or something of the sort, I don't think there is anything wrong with ETF2L wanting it to be mainly for the European countries. I just think that given its name, it doesn't hurt to be more specific about that fact when opening up the event and inviting teams to join.
Ultimately, it's up to you guys. Maybe you don't think enough people could possibly be confused to include a sentence on the announcements for the Cups about the Cup's Eurocentricity or to simply include the aforementioned line from the General Rules to reiterate that the event is aimed at Europeans. I'm content in knowing that I've pointed out something I believe could be improved upon, plus there exists the possibility that players who do get confused will find and read this thread and have a better understanding of all the Nations Cup is and isn't.