Ok, so this fuckin guy right fuckin here, he is a genius and scholar in the art of the demoman. He can weld together sick airshots like you've never seen, fuckin numlocked? noob, b4nny? fuckin big noob, kaidus? fuckin who the fuck is he? he makes those guys look like fucking iron scrubs (Which is the favorite metal of a certain god of demoman) This guy can lay down the fucking crazy airshots and aces against any opponent, then say sorry for brutally destroying their asses, and he can do it all while fucking shitfaced on SCRUMPY, and he's so fucking good his desk has taken to trying to slow down his skills, by sticking to his arm, but guess fucking what? HE DOESNT GIVE A FUCK, He grabs his hoodie, fucking airshots your whole team, then comes to your house riding a fucking moose named Mr.Slin and dunks on you so hard your fucking house explodes
Oh and uh... the guys pretty good at demo and could easily play mid to high open demo.