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Signed Up April 22, 2014
Last Posted October 29, 2020 at 3:04 AM
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#16 institutional prejudice by RGL against FRED team in TF2 General Discussion

bagooga banana

posted about 4 years ago
#160 TF2 and CS:GO's source code got leaked in TF2 General Discussion

if tf2 is dead, and this website is for tf2, then this website dead?!

posted about 4 years ago
#11 Get jayhyunpae to Copenhagen Games 2020 in LAN Discussion

yo good luck, hope you can go sounds like a blast.

Don't catch the coronavirus

posted about 5 years ago
#467 Have a seat. in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
#441 Have a seat. in Off Topic
figsyDimentoNub_Danishunfiaboofunhaver1998snipsnipWhat nursey did based on the screenshots of seen in this thread is only a crime in states with that law about the corruption of minors morals. No pictures were exchanged, no sexual acts took place, nothing was forced and there was no IRL interaction and nursey didn't pursue an IRL interaction.
plus based on the timestamps, she stopped once she found out he was under aged (except for that one chat where she asks if he's legal yet), she's banned, going to actual authorities would be a waste of time as nothing would come from it imo.

Why should it matter if she "didn't know" that they were underaged? The tf2 community is mostly made up of kids, besides that excuse wouldn't fly irl and it shouldn't fly here. That's just the basics of consent, everyone should be absolutely clear on the age of their partner before trying anything with them. If you don't know then just don't do it, it's really not that hard.

I didn't think there was enough to go to authorities, now I do so I'll just take that one back and say I was wrong.

posted about 5 years ago
#412 Have a seat. in Off Topic
Nub_Danishunfiaboofunhaver1998Someone gotta message Nursey if they hit themselves in the head for dying in TF2 they might do some other shit

I doubt their mental stability to stay safe after some shit like this
this is actually very important. You don't know how a person would react to this kind of exposure, let alone an extremely mentally unstable subject like Nursey.
What she did is a major crime and should be legally punished, but I'd say we pretty much reached our goal here, she was banned, no reason to go any further. I think we can lock this thread now.
What nursey did based on the screenshots of seen in this thread is only a crime in states with that law about the corruption of minors morals. No pictures were exchanged, no sexual acts took place, nothing was forced and there was no IRL interaction and nursey didn't pursue an IRL interaction.

plus based on the timestamps, she stopped once she found out he was under aged (except for that one chat where she asks if he's legal yet), she's banned, going to actual authorities would be a waste of time as nothing would come from it imo.

Edit: more condemning shit got posted and I now believe it may not be a waste of time to look into further action.

posted about 5 years ago
#315 Have a seat. in Off Topic

so what about the others?!

posted about 5 years ago
#300 Have a seat. in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
#280 Have a seat. in Off Topic
unfiabooThis is definitely above a videogame league ban, it is a legally punishable crime. I suggest people directly involved into this to take immediate legal actions.

just like ddosing, if only people were actually held accountable over the internet.

posted about 5 years ago
#278 Have a seat. in Off Topic
Hunter_2_0How long until Tambo gets Epstein’d

someone get tambo on camera and guarded by at least two people at all times please. That should work.

posted about 5 years ago
#232 Have a seat. in Off Topic
figsyOne thing I want to say for anyone who's under 18 and is being asked to do inappropriate things by an adult, it's okay to delete/block them and move on with your life. A particular tactic predators use is to appeal to your sympathy by making you feel special or like you're their friend. But if they're an adult who targets children, then they're not your friend at all. I never see people talking about how kids end up in these situations but I wish more people would, getting groomed by someone who you think is a genuinely nice person can be really damaging even if it doesn't come to the point of sexual abuse. If you're not sure if you're getting groomed, try to think about what your parents/any trusted adult would think about the messages someone sends you. If it'd upset them somehow you probably have your answer.

To add on to this:
Even if you're unsure what their intentions are, it's a person online that has nothing to do with you and your life. If you're unsure, just block them anyway.

posted about 5 years ago
#215 Have a seat. in Off Topic
rccoonhttps://www.twitch.tv/nurseytf2 did nursey delete his twitch channel? wtf

remove tf2

posted about 5 years ago
#19 exile lft? in Recruitment (looking for team)

He aight

posted about 5 years ago
#76 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

I like trolling the people I know use this by cloaking and decloaking over and over again to piss them off.
I've banned 4 people in my league that used this, or a variation of this script. All of which admitted to using it directly after being banned. It's 100% possible to detect but I will say it is definitely not the easiest thing in the world to sit and try and detect, but that can be said with all cheats when they're well disguised by the player using it.

Mostly I figure it out by playing against them but that's just mainly due to the sheer amount of spy I've played. This script becomes really bad at the lower levels where people just don't question it or know better, and without anyone reporting those incidents, there are many many people who are probably using this in RGL without being caught. All of this can be said with other cheats though, it's not a unique situation.

@Pete, I'm not happy you posted publicly how to do this because it is inherently giving me more work to do in order to keep my league cheat free, but this is offset by the fact that now there are many capable people who are going to try and find ways to detect/block/flag this cheat when used in a match server, because they all share the desire to enjoy tf2 at it's best.

posted about 5 years ago
#45 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
PeteJust to add to what skeez is saying kinda..

I've just spent the last ~3 hours trying to get sv_pure to work properly. It's actually just fucking broken.

The game_sounds files are in the blacklist for sv_pure 2. They're there properly to be blocked by pure, and re-extracted from the Valve signed vpk to be default. But there are a few issues.

1. After the sv_pure 2 checking finds one file that isn't correct, it stops checking the other files. If you join a server with sv_pure 2 these files are checked:
	sound\...                            trusted_source
	models\...                           trusted_source
	materials\...                        trusted_source
	particles\...                        trusted_source
	scripts\game_sounds.txt              trusted_source
	scripts\game_sounds_manifest.txt	 trusted_source
	scripts\game_sounds_player.txt       trusted_source
	scripts\game_sounds_vo.txt           trusted_source
	scripts\game_sounds_vo_handmade.txt  trusted_source
	scripts\game_sounds_weapons.txt      trusted_source
	scripts\soundmixers.txt              trusted_source

But if you join with multiple game_sounds files you will get this error:
Reloading sound file 'scripts\game_sounds.txt' due to pure settings.

... and that's it. It stops there. In order to get the game_sounds_weapons.txt file to be properly checked by sv_pure, I had to remove all the individual file checks besides that one.

2. The fuckin check doesn't even work man lmfao. My suspicion is that the custom folder was added and sv_pure was never adjusted accordingly. So when sv_pure tries to give tf2 a new file to use, it never messes with the one stored in custom. So it makes some weird zombie shit happen where sometimes it uses the overpowered shit, but it also 100% of the time plays the spy cloak sound. Video example:

I get why you guys are frustrated but it's so STUPID that so many people are saying "I already tried to tell Valve about this" while also saying "You shouldn't give this more publicity". If you told them, and they didn't fix it, then they decided it was irrelevant. It's fucking not when people are already using it in comp.

I already talked to league admins. Everyone that says they've got buddies @Valve link them this. I spent the last 4 hours doing more troubleshooting on this issue than anyone at Valve has I'm sure.

Now someone help me w/ my networking project that I should've been working on instead

one thing to bring discussion and awareness to a specific cheat, and a whole other thing to give a step by step guide on how to use aforementioned cheat. You are telling people there is an undetectable full proof way to cheat and the threads tone is valve will never fix that, how do you think that's a good idea.

posted about 5 years ago
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