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Signed Up May 10, 2017
Last Posted December 10, 2022 at 5:09 PM
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#6 Daily NA TF2Stadium lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
glassyou'll probably have more luck at 7-8 eastern

We only need one more person and we get a game :D

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Daily NA TF2Stadium lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, we only need four more people too!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Daily NA TF2Stadium lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

This seems to work somewhat, and I sort of want TF2Stadium to get kickstarted again, so let's try do this

Snakewater: https://www.tf2stadium.com/lobby/7418

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Lenovo Y520 Touchpad does not work while typing in Hardware
Show Content
Using A Touchpad To Play Team Fortress Two For Any Reason Ever

edit: im pretty sure this is intentionally done by touchpad manufacturers because they don't expect customers to game using their touchpads. if you snoop around your registry, you can probably find a key that controls that behavior.

Fixed, thanks laz!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Lenovo Y520 Touchpad does not work while typing in Hardware

Today I forgot to bring a mouse with me and when I played tf2, I realized that the touchpad did not work while I typed, removing any ability to game. Does anyone else have this computer and have solved this problem?

Help would be appreciated

posted about 7 years ago
#16 TF2 Blog: "Upcoming Changes to the Case System" in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly, I'd rather they post things like this from time to time and waste their time on communicating than not post at all

posted about 7 years ago
#13 TF2 Blog: "Upcoming Changes to the Case System" in TF2 General Discussion
TF TeamWe don't have a date for the Pyro update that we can share yet, but we're working to finish it as soon as possible.

Quick note about the Balance Changes blog post: We've had lots of great feedback from the community about the changes and we really appreciate it. Thanks!

Only important part in the blog post

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF2 Funko Pops in TF2 General Discussion


Does this mean anything? Probably not, but they're cool

posted about 7 years ago
#3 favourite font sharing thread in Off Topic

Times New Roman, probably because I'm still in school and my teachers love it.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 ESEA S25 LR1: Gnomercy vs. Faint Gaming in Matches

Faint to beat Gnomercy and win first place!

posted about 7 years ago
#891 PugChamp in Projects
Dyl4NI've had a few times now where my pugchamp server died and there were no admins to kill it for 1-2 hours, can we please just give admin to another person who pugs a lot in NA?

Dyl4n and n3 for moderator

posted about 7 years ago
#12 is IM returning in TF2 General Discussion

When does next season start?

posted about 7 years ago
#889 PugChamp in Projects

Looks like pugchamp has soap dm. Thanks guys!

posted about 7 years ago
#888 PugChamp in Projects
bearodactyltscOn the sub issue, as I've said before:
tscWe also hope to allow captains to choose from a pool of players narrowed down from those who apply to the sub spot rather than being assigned a sub automatically.
We've been asking for this for literally like a year now, you can't just keep saying 'yeah we're hoping to fix it eventually' but then never do anything about it.
As dirtymort said, with the current state of affairs, captains are put in a really shitty spot because people can take sub spots in pugs where everyone is way better than them and ruin the game, but if as a captain you sub out a sub (because everyone agrees, rktman subbing scout in a pug full of invite players is not a good idea) you can get banned even if it is for the greater good of the pug to do so. Until this is changed, I'm going to continue instasubbing rktman whenever he slithers his way into my pug on a fragging class (sorry bub, maybe one day you'll learn...)
tscOn the topic of waiting to start a game, I do see the benefit of flexibility and allowing players to wait for a sub if one doesn't show up. However, I also don't think it's ideal for someone to be forced to wait for a long time simply because a player didn't show up and other players in the game are willing to wait for a substitute for that long.As laz said earlier this just doesn't make any sense practically. Because there will inevitably be people who take a long time to show up or don't show at all, it makes no sense to kill the pug and force EVERYONE to wait for a redraft (not to mention the possibility of not being picked in the redraft, for example if another pug ends right at the same time, causing them to wait for yet another draft process and still have the possibility of not playing).
Also given how long it currently takes for pugs to start with servers initializing and with the bullshit 'you are not authorized to join this server' glitches, 5 minutes to join is definitely too short. If y'all can get your shit together and make everything much smoother it would be fine (e.g, in freakpugs the info comes up almost instantly with no issue), but as is the timer should probably be more like 10 minutes.

Just make sure to allow the people in the pug to actually choose weather or not they want it to be killed, because as surprising as this may seem to a fascist who literally doesn't play the game ever not to mention pugs, some people enjoy playing tf2 with their friends and are willing to wait for them instead of having an automated system 'fix' the problem by aborting the game.

On the topic of not fixing things, another pug is broken and no one can connect, and there are no moderators to help.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Discord LFT Medic, Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump, earthworker is not with me fyi

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47 48 49