Account Details
SteamID64 76561198119790052
SteamID3 [U:1:159524324]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:79762162
Country Mexico
Signed Up October 26, 2015
Last Posted April 15, 2016 at 6:15 PM
Posts 13 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.659878
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
1024 x 768 (4:3)
Refresh Rate
75 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum RGB
Keyboard Corsair Raptor K30
Mousepad Steelseries Qck XXL
Headphones HyperX Cloud Core
Monitor BenQ RL2455HM
#10 Custom Voice/ Radar menus (i need help) in Customization
DisquseOfftop, but I make simmilar like this, but using echo and con_filters commands. It's simmilar to radiomenu and very customizable.

could you explain how it work so i can change some things a bit ?
btw: nice work, i like it.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Custom Voice/ Radar menus (i need help) in Customization

well, i know how to script but i was searching for a clear response like yes or not and how, but ty, that was the most useful of all. not offending the others.

im gonna try to make what sentinel say, and i will search if i can mix scripts whit close captions so i can make the boxes and make what i wanted. If i can.

but that it, ty guys, gonna se how i can do the caption thingi because i dont know how to do that.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Custom Voice/ Radar menus (i need help) in Customization



i dont think they work in a similar way.
i was thinking about trying on adding the cmd thing so the key can execute sertain comands like tf_bot_add spy blue.
but im not to sure about it.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Custom Voice/ Radar menus (i need help) in Customization

i know that, but the thing that im trying to do is harder than that
if you see the confir, for example, z1 = add bot ct
i want to do that kinda thing, i really dont want the voice comands at all, im trying to bind another things to them.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Custom Voice/ Radar menus (i need help) in Customization

I want someone to help me to understand how the voicemenu.txt document works on tf2
Look, the point is that I would like to make a modification like this:

but I fail to understand how it is that the menu commands of voices run tf2

honestly, I was used to spam the voice commands, I learned that it gives away my position, and its, idk kinda irritating for others,so i just changed the position of the binds from Z, X and C to f2, f3 and f4.
but they are now quite useless, then, what I try to do is give them another utility, as in that configuration that i use on csgo

I like to set my game properly and without taking advantage of others, and i sincerely think this is nothing that give me that, I just want to put a bot for testing and such with a combination of buttons.

sorry if i have some lack of orthography but my native language is not English and I try as best I can :I

Thanks beforehand

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Hng Green overheal particles for dx 80 ? in Customization

sorry, my fault, i didn't see that the link was copied twice

here the one that works (the one who was supposed to be the second link
it have a lot of other particles, but i'm interested just in the over heal one.

hoppe that i dont screw up again something :I

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Hng Green overheal particles for dx 80 ? in Customization

no, i dont have it.
i tried the second one, and it worked so, i dont think that sv_pure matters.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Hng Green overheal particles for dx 80 ? in Customization

i was on my own offline server. whit sv_cheats on
that dosnt make sense.
but ty anyways.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Hng Green overheal particles for dx 80 ? in Customization

Could someone port this particle to dx 80

I have tried to use it, but it does work. i dont know if it doesn't work because i use dx 80,
or because it simply doesn't work anymore.

But I dont think it's because they not longer work, since i have seen stabby used them lately without any problem.

this one works, but the problem is that it is way too big to even see anything.

Anyways, thank you for trying to help beforehand :).

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Performance issues whit tf2 in Q/A Help

well, thank u all, i really cant affor for a new one, but i will try some other options like the comanglias one.

plot twist: i have been playing on bad pc since i started on comp and idk how i can still do it.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Performance issues whit tf2 in Q/A Help

i appreciate your help, but i already use that config
and i was thinking like, there should be a part of my config that not work to good for me.
idk if im making it clear.

pd: sorry if i mess up whit some grama.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Performance issues whit tf2 in Q/A Help

Well, I have some problems with tf2 and i dont know what cause them.
With nothing, no configuration, no launch option, no vpk, etc. I will play with good fps in some occasions, but when something explodes, my game drop the fps (like from 120 to 30)
I was using before / use the chris config
but i see that having this configuration and have nothing there are no much difference, I really dont see much difference.
The truth is that i already tried several things but nothing seems to work, and i also tried using RadeonPro, but i dont know how to set it property.
Someone could help me?

These are the specs of my pc:

And the website for support of my pc:

I really would appreciate any help.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 I need a mentor and some help in general in Mentoring

Well, I have some problems. (First of all on soldier im like MidSilver / High Silver / Low Gold)
i play highlander well but I feel I'm very passive somehow. I usually get good stats and i help on flank, but I feel I could do more if i try to be a little more aggressive.
And also i need help on 6v6.
I play more highlander than sixes then, when I play a scrim where i ring or i go play a sixes lobby.
I usually start very badly on the first half or less then i end well or decent, or I simply do bad.
Another thing that i want to say is, when i play on MGE with someone that i think is on my skill level i most likely end on a decent or good score and i feel like i improve. but when some one joins and its clearly better than me on MGE i just get frustrated, and i don't feel like i'm improving on anything at all. Should i quit the MGE thing or what ?

I leave some of my logs and my stats if u want to check them out:

I have to say that i started playing on lobbies at 1k hours on tf2 because i was thinking that i would do awful (and i still did bad, because i didn't know a single thing about comp)

I want to play other classes and i did some maths to know what class should be a second main or third idk.
I don't touch some classes: Demo/Med/Sniper/Spy, so i don't know exactly my stats on that
(Poorly designed stats right there)

If u want to add me:

posted about 9 years ago