Account Details
SteamID64 76561197990874838
SteamID3 [U:1:30609110]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:15304555
Country Trinidad and Tobago
Signed Up October 6, 2012
Last Posted November 13, 2014 at 12:02 AM
Posts 140 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5 in / 360
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Death Adder 2013
Mousepad Goliath Control
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 10
#12 .NET is open source in Off Topic

I'm pretty sure this means absolutely nothing. .NET is barely a recognized programming language : see ( If you were learning java before, keep learning. If you were learning .Net, learn Java.

posted about 10 years ago

why is it soo long. Someone tldr it. I read it and I still don't get the point.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Open Team LF medic in Recruitment (looking for players)

guarenteed good time

posted about 10 years ago
#55 first day at school/upcoming first day? in Off Topic

I"m pretty nervous for the start of school (next wendsday). I"m gonna be teaching a high school class on Computer Science and I've never tought before. It's gonna be tough

posted about 10 years ago
#12 NYC Meetup in Off Topic

I'll be there most likely. Here is a little tool to use when planning.

Bars/restaraunt sounds pretty nice.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Which headset is better in Hardware

B00B <- this one

posted about 10 years ago
#109 Tf2 Locations in TF2 General Discussion
HeadfulofSandvichI can literally walk to where you live soap :D

Also, side-note, once you fill out the form, how long does it typically take for your name to show up on the map?

Depends on what I'm doing at the moment. Sometimes instant. Sometimes an hour or so. Im about to be sleeping so at about noon EST would be a good estimate for the next batch. Hourly for the rest of the day.

posted about 10 years ago
#93 Tf2 Locations in TF2 General Discussion
profixSo I entered my city in switzerland but my marker shows up in the middle of a forest in russia? Same for Nyzza, another swiss guy. Help? )))))


-Updated with all the submisions from last night. 399 Points !!!

Feel Free to submit locations of other things. LANS, SERVERS, EVENTS

posted about 10 years ago
#56 Tf2 Locations in TF2 General Discussion
MasterKuniThanks for updating it. I think everybody in washington and vancouver are in the wrong place though (shifted over to the right too much).

Yeah people got shifted. I moved some of them back , but the best thing to do is just fill the form out.

posted about 10 years ago
#53 Tf2 Locations in TF2 General Discussion

Updated. You can now edit/add your location using this form:

IF your marker got moved or deleted. Please use the form to enter your location again ! The form is 2 questions long Allias and Location.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Tf2 Locations in TF2 General Discussion

So the response to this has been pretty good. It's not suprising that after a day the map was decorated with dicks and circle-jerk jokes that noone cares about. I knew that I would eventually have to make this view-only and make a better way to update the locations but for the initial data-points I needed it to be global edit. Now that there is a sizeable amount of data (about 300 players) in there I've made a form to update/set your location data.

Also message me if you want administrator status on the map itself.



Thanks for contributing everyone! I've had a lot of fun looking at where people I play with are. And there will definatly be good uses for this information in the future.

Please share the form/map with your friends, it only takes seconds to put in your Name/city.


-Cleaned up map
-Moved most markers back to their rightful positions
-Added form-edit
-Deleted some markers that can't be placed back. Please check that you are in the right spot, if not then just fill in the form.

posted about 10 years ago
#241 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_OwlI'll pay league fees for 10 new open players (this being their first season of esea). Id rather just pay for 1-2 players per team but it's p much first come first served. Add me on steam. I'm not playing this season but I do not want to see esea die.

Businesses don't run on donations, those are charities. ESEA should provide value to their customers, and if they can't do that. Too bad. They are all adults and it's a business and service like any other. They've had a monopoly(if not a large majority) of the TF2 scene for multiple seasons, and have done almost nothing with it. I would have liked to see some improvements over the years, but most of those have come in the form of community members taking matters into their own hands, and putting in their own time and effort.

I love the game as much as anyone else here but there are plenty of people who enjoy TF2 and they will play in whatever league is available and serves them the best. I'm happy to see another league of ESEA or CEVO (or maybe both). I just think it's wrong to donate to a for-profit company. Let shit companies with poor leadership and value die, and let new ones take it's place. It's not a bad thing. Nothing is going to happen to the hundreds of players and teams that enjoy this game.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 bread in Off Topic

that's kinda like the organic peanut butter my parents buy. you have to mix it by hand every time you want to eat it. It's so weird, like wtf, buy regular peanut butter plz.

But nutty bread seems fine. Like it's good for you I think

posted about 11 years ago
#11 withadancenumbah LFT scout/demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

he's the god of eroge

posted about 11 years ago
#16 figsy lft medic/scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

figsy is amazing. I had a great time playing with her and every open team looking for a medic should give her a tryout.


posted about 11 years ago
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