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Signed Up March 2, 2018
Last Posted June 18, 2018 at 8:57 AM
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#179 faceit is killing na tf2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion
Walrexfriendly reminder that pugchamp isnt so fun for the boys getting fatkidded for hours on end

honestly that is what makes me prefer faceit over pugchamp is because unless you wanna play medic for 50 god damn pugs just so that you can get picked on another class is ridiculous otherwise you are just fatkidded. The only way for you to get picked is either to do that or be a known player already in esea other than that good fucking luck.
However I will say I kinda like not being banned for a whole damn month after a first offence because you go afk for 5 minutes in a beginner pug once and the 12 year old kids report you despite you asking to pause

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Open Pocket/Roamer LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

added for team :)

posted about 7 years ago
#4 The Math Club looking for a Demoman in Recruitment (looking for players)

Im down, I hit you up my dude

posted about 7 years ago
#1 LFP open in Recruitment (looking for players)

So heres scoop I am looking to build an na 6s team and I am looking for people who are dedicated to getting better and will be willing to put in the time to do so. You dont need a whole lot of experience and I want to make it a fun time! Itll be an esea open team and likely ugc as well so we can get the most out of our time! add me here if interested :D

feel free to add me and talk it up like I said just here to have fun!
Demo: Dongaconga
Roamer: Jacob
Scout: Wavymod

posted about 7 years ago
#1 DongaConga LFT Demo Low-Mid open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey there little bit about me my experience:
I have ~300 hours on demo and if you give me heals I will pound.
Team History: I have been on a UGC steel 6s and 4s team (link above)
Serious and committed player and I am looking for a team that reflects that
Add me if interested Im east coast

posted about 7 years ago