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Signed Up May 10, 2016
Last Posted September 1, 2018 at 11:34 PM
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#13 NEW PUG GROUP LET'S GOOOOOOOOO in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#42 Worst sounds in the game? in TF2 General Discussion

This is fairly fanboyish but I was thinking the other day how the sounds in tf2 really really good.

I think that the vaccinator noise is pretty bad and I hate the resupply noise just because I'm sick or hearing it.

posted about 8 years ago
#45 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster
Smesineekodamn wtf. I also thought he was 25 from what his esea page sayssarcasm

So he's 6?

posted about 8 years ago
#13 ESEA going for steam greenlight??? in Esports
VipercerealWould they make it cost more on steam because valve would take a cut of the profit?more than likely, yeah

if valve gets a cut when you buy and sell tf2 and csgo items on the market, then they'll take a cut from all the premium and league fees paid through steam

esea won't like that at all, so they'll probably jack the prices up $2-$3

While this is of course entirely possible it is not a foregone conclusion. Frequently consumers have an option to buy direct from the manufacturer yet their listed prices are the same as any retailer. Never has that been more apparent than in recent years with Amazon. Creators almost always agree to not compete with vendors (lower prices) the upside for the creator is not price per unit but total units moved. Taking a 10% cut but increasing volume by tenfold is still a massive increase in revenue for the creator. It'll be interesting to see but I think there's a solid chance that prices stay the same.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Keyboards questions in Hardware
fade-DoomLordWhat's worth 1,000 words is going to Best Buy and typing a few sentences on the various display keyboards to get a sense of it. Also, consider something like a Belkin N52 or a Razer Orbweaver.
i mean the gamepads are interesting but have you ever used one? if so what were your experiences? they don't really look that feasible to me but i'd love to be proved wrong

Not sure what you mean by feasible but I have used my Belkin since 2008, being one of the oldest pieces in my setup. I took the joystick off the d-pad and just use them as extra buttons.

fwiw I am by no means a great player so YMMV but it's more comfortable.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Keyboards questions in Hardware

What's worth 1,000 words is going to Best Buy and typing a few sentences on the various display keyboards to get a sense of it. Also, consider something like a Belkin N52 or a Razer Orbweaver.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 dog2 voted into ESEA Invite in News

People talk about what would bring players/attention to tf2/comp...
Making b4nny vs clocktwerk a thing would definitely do it.

posted about 8 years ago
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