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SteamID64 76561198044037534
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:41885903
Country United States
Signed Up February 28, 2013
Last Posted December 7, 2015 at 12:34 PM
Posts 358 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.6
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse SteelSeries Rival
Keyboard CM QuickFire Storm Rapid w/ Reds
Mousepad SteelSeries QcK Heavy
Headphones Logitech G930
Monitor BenQ xl2420te + ASUS vg278he
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#2 WHAT we NEED to do to get comp tf2 more players in TF2 General Discussion

What's something I can do that is effortless? Would putting "| PlayComp.tf" in my alias help?

posted about 10 years ago
#11 d i g i t a l s p o r t s in TF2 General Discussion

As for making the game cluttered, you could make a MM button like MvM has on the main title page, which then opens another screen for options.

posted about 10 years ago
#366 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware

I'd say that's a good price.


Graph at the bottom of the page for top vendors and their price history.

posted about 10 years ago
#90 What pub community did you come from? in Off Topic

Lotus Badwater East Coast. Used to be part of the Lotus group as a member and tried to get some sort of comp interest going there, but that was a flop. I still admin on their servers to stop aimboters, bug abusers, and griefers.

posted about 10 years ago
#105 Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I really feel for Lange. He's done so much for the community and trying to help it grow and it's not just him but a fairly large group of other community and streaming people. Lange did great work with MGE and all it's iterations. Lange has also worked a lot on his plugins and stream set up and broadcasting stuff so that comp tf2 can look more professional. If lange is behind it you can expect and trust quality work that he pours into the game. And he's just not able to see it come to fruition.

CEVO is out, ESEA is dwindling, and no one takes UGC seriously. NA tf2 is surely on the decline without a boost from Valve or more people just going out and playing the game. To add to that the letter surely included something on Matchmaking or something like that. Which both CSGO and Dota2 have. Just Valve doesn't want to port this over. Whether or not they have the time and resources for it, they just won't work together with the comp scene.

Also, it comes back to bite when Valve used to seem to support the comp scene by giving the "head nod" by giving a community item to the people who were making things happen. https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/List_of_Community_item_owners

Surely those community weapons were given as recognition during the earlier comp days and it was taken as support from Valve and now Valve doesn't want anything to do with the comp scene.

At the end of the day, the tf2 comp scene just needs to have people play the game.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 China Economy in Off Topic

But then you see stuff like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbDeS_mXMnM

China's Ghost Cities. They are building unrelentingly atm.

posted about 10 years ago
#874 It begins! in Off Topic

So fuckin' ready


posted about 10 years ago
#28 Sustainability of TF2 as a competitive game. in TF2 General Discussion

I bet the prof is glad they don't have to read the same paper topic and finally have at least one thing different.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 TF2 update for 12/3/14 (12/4/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

If only the scout could wear the jungle booty

posted about 10 years ago
turtsmcgurtswhats with the (lack of) crowd? is it a closed event?


It's probably because it's just group stages at the moment.

Anyone have pictures of the size of the event or the place they are playing and how many are expected?

posted about 10 years ago

Got a souvenir case, saw it was dropping fast on the market to sell it. Opened it, MP9.

I'll keep dreaming for a good skin, but at least the stickers are shiny.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 144 hz right for me? in Hardware

Once you go 120/144hz, you won't want to go back to 60.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 jurassic world in Off Topic

The dialogue is lacking, but at least they will have good fx

posted about 10 years ago
#54 Live from the streets in Off Topic

From the live stream they act all surprised that they have armored vehicles when the city is rioting...

posted about 10 years ago
#12 GPU advice in Hardware

Future proofing isn't possible these days, another better model will come out in half a year or w/e. Just get something that fits your budget and the specs you want.

posted about 10 years ago
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