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Signed Up May 8, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2025 at 4:55 AM
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#21 LAN boxing match theory in Off Topic

flame vs dflame

posted about 5 years ago
#234 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion
BloodisDropping the two halves is okay, having windifference 5 however is a mistake and gives people the incentive to just be in the lead with 2 rounds and then park the bus. Winlimit should always stay so leagues can count the rounds scored and make the round difference based on those if needed, promoting teams that want to win 5 rounds instead of winning a map.

This doesn't of course help for playoffs as those should count for map wins only, but rather the main season itself.

I agree, I think the Rewind lan format with win limit 5 30 minutes was the best, I just think it's for the best to adopt a universal game set, and since windiff 5 30 min is what both EU and AU use, it's easier for the new NA option to follow than to get them to change. I'd be happy if all regions went win limit 5 though.

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Copenhagen Games Personal Feedback in LAN Discussion
Osiris The only reason to use free cam as a caster is if you have very good game sense(played the game at a high level before becoming a caster) and you can help the observer select the right POV or make the audience aware of a crucial win condition before the fight or pick actually happens.

I highly highly disagree. At lan we have the luxury of going off the observers feed, but that still is a detriment at times. With freecam you can see how a fight is forming, where both teams are holding and get a sense of how you want to call a fight. Additionally, when doing stuff from home, trying to do your own observing in first person can heavily hinder casting. With first person, rather than focusing 98% on casting like you can with freecam, you focus 50% on casting and 50% on observing so you actually catch stuff to cast. At lan from the first person feed you still focus 98% on casting because you get what the observer does in real time. No decisions to make. Unfortunately we don't get the observer feed when we cast online stuff.

posted about 5 years ago
#33 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
zaboomafooFor our final season, my old team decided to reunite just to have a grand ol' time playing the game that brought us altogether!

This is the new Frantic Reborn:

and of course, zabungalow (me)

I'm happy to have played in ESEA and been a part of every team I've played on since I started, hope this season goes great for everyone :D

One last season. I thought I'd never come out of retirement, but when my boy Zab pitches me on one last season, and the rest of the roster has stand up men like this one, how could I say no? This should be the most fun season of my career. Time will tell.

posted about 5 years ago
#231 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion

The good news is we can finally move to 30 minute time limits in every region. While i prefer win limit 5, NA moving to windiff 5 30 minute games would probably be for the best. IMO it makes the most sense to run the same format in every single region.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 WithADanceNumber LFT - Mid\High Open - Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Dance's streams back in the day were literally 80% of how I learned how to play scout

posted about 5 years ago
#14 LFP W/ OG NOSCRIM OPEN TEAM in Recruitment (looking for players)

God damn that line up. Wow.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Copenhagen Games Personal Feedback in LAN Discussion

I got to listen to unfortunately very little of you this LAN, but I did get a chance to do that warmup cast the first evening.

First of all, you've gotten infinitely better than the first time I saw you, and infinitely better than the most recent time I'd seen you cast. I was blown away by you this event. Keep up the good work. Things I've noticed you've improved is your handoff game. Was a bit sloppy at first and now it's one of your strengths.

As for feedback, you can occasionally fall into the trap of a lot of casters of not leaving an extra gear for hype. I always try to leave a little space for more hype so that when it comes to the big winning moment of a LAN I have that last gear to push my hype higher than any other point in the game outside of one or two miracle plays. Just something to think about, what can you do with your volume and hype level to seperate that incredible airshot and a walk off win in a golden cap in an elimination game?

Keep up the incredible work.

posted about 5 years ago
#8738 stream highlights in Videos

Turbotabs appears on a CSGO stream in the most TF2 way possible


And i was so focused on what I was saying I didnt even realize it :(

posted about 5 years ago
#14 My best LAN so far in LAN Discussion
BloodisNGL I personally kind of want to just not go to i-series anymore and just focus every year on to CPH Games instead, not only has the organization and all the people behind the scenes been super amazing for the event this and previous year but also the event itself being nearly perfect for a good majority of us.

No hard feelings to i-series LANs at all, I've had my most competitive team experiences there and I still do cherish them just as well.

I think not going to iseries completely would be a mistake, they still have money theyre willing to throw at us, but i think the right move is prioritize CPG as the major international lan, while having iseries rotate to a less important LAN.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 My best LAN so far in LAN Discussion

CPG2019 was the best LAN ive ever attended. Lets get Froyo and an Aussie team to CPG2020 ok?

posted about 5 years ago
#51 Copenhagen Games 2019 Shoutouts in LAN Discussion

Also shoutout to everyone who refused to call me GrahamCasts and called me dreamboat instead, aka everybody. I love you all.

posted about 5 years ago
#50 Copenhagen Games 2019 Shoutouts in LAN Discussion

Oh boy...where to start!

First of all, the most important shoutout: To Mia, without her I wouldn't have even been here in the first place, she fought tirelessly to get me connected, and in turn, shoutout to kasper for taking her advice and bringing me on for Womens CSGO.
Shoutout to all the TF2 boys pitching in on the CSLadies production, Wiet, Kaja, Arch, and Soda (and I guess Ash that once) it was already incredibly special working my first proper CSGO Lan, but even more so doing it with those TF2 guys going to war with me.
Shoutout to Eepily, you're the best fucking lasertag co caster I could ever ask for. You're also one of the best people I've ever met, and it was an absolute pleasure to listen to you cast grandfinals, especially with this guy:
Shoutout to Nuze, Where do i begin? Is it a shoutout because you're an incredible mind at the game and great caster? Is it because it's an absolute blast to theory craft tf2 changes with you? Is it because you somehow always make me cry leaving LAN? Is it because you're one of my favorite people and an absolutely top tier man? I think its the Scottish accent TBH.
Shoutout to Grumpykoi, Thank you for doing that random practice cast on the first day, I've always wanted to cast with you, and it was an absolute blast. Thanks for the incredible hugs, great times, and for being a bang up man every. single. time.
Shoutout to Beater, Fuck you for making me eat that curried fish shit. Thanks for making me eat that cool licorice chalk thing. Love you man.
Shoutout to Turbotabs, fuck you im not a B+ hugger, i swear to god i'm an A-tier hugger. Back me up people. But thank you for letting me hop on the analyst desk a couple times, including making my first ever appearance for the grand finals of a TF2 LAN.
Shoutout to Yyyaaaooo eXtine, Thanks for being an incredible stage host and better friend. Always a pleasure to work and hang out with you. Thanks for doing a live top 10 plays, that was mind blowing. And also thanks for being part of "The Last Breakfast"
Shoutout to Gemm, top tier hugs, top tier man.
Shoutout to Heny and Stinson, you're both super nice, and were very good to be around, and you also worked tirelessly as admins, you wont get enough respect for that, but LAN wouldnt have functioned as well without either of you.
Shoutout to Dumm, you were my right hand analyst on every single desk segment I did, thank you for being a swell man and making sure I didnt look like TOO much of an idiot.
Shoutout to all the players, this would be way to lengthy to shout all you out, but like... all of you are incredible, give good hugs, put up with me and put on amazing matches for us to love. Special shoutout to drackk for making sure silentes lived. Also to Rayymon for giving the best hugs of any player IMO.
shoutout to Condawg, Alba, Scyper, Tiuty and the rest: Con for THOSE PANTS and them all for being part of that super welcoming squad first night, and being the guys I spent the most time with in TF2.
Shoutout to Agro for being a top lad as always and paying for my train to the airport because none of my cards worked.
Shoutout to BiG/Robbie/Rampant/waterboy/Bobby Boucher, Mate, you're one of my favorite people in the world, thanks for spending most of lan with me, also people need to love this man for consistently making sure EVERYBODY had water. Human version of stay hydrated bot. Also was the perfect ending sharing beers with you at the airport.
Shoutout to Mal, first of all, I was genuinely stunned that you even showed up, but it was incredible to see you again. Second of all, thank you for being the other person at the last breakfast.
Shoutout to Ceejaey, I have waited 4 years for another Ceej hug, and i was not disappointed. Top 5 hugger in TF2, maybe the best.
Shoutout to Sami for the amazing conversation we had on day 1 and day 3.
Shoutout to Jakeowaty for being a legend

CS Shoutouts no one probably cares about, but I want to do anyways:
Shoutout to Kasper for taking a gamble on this TF2 caster and bringing him out for the womens CS tournament
Shoutout to Zescht and BurntSanctuary for being legendary co casters and instant friends.
Shoutout to CLG red for winning
Shoutout to CLG Red, Crowns and Petra for being super great to talk to and super approachable, and giving me good quotes for the stream
Shoutout to Rexo and Epparel for being super fun to hang around, and even coming out to watch the TF2 finals
Shoutout to Epparel Eepily Loris and LEGO for the CS/TF2 lasertag video. Legendary.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Former TF2 Player Nukkye Joins Hellraisers in TF2 General Discussion

Awesome for him to get the opportunity!

If you dont feel like reading the article to see their roster, because who can ever remember their full team, it is: ANGE1, ISSAA, oskar, loWel, and nukkye.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 OZF 24 SF: big chungus vs pineapple towers in Events

When a team is named Pineapple Towers, I had to cast them at least once.

posted about 5 years ago
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