oyeaNickstonNow that Uberchain's been able to call this behaviour out; what can the other players from the community do to support her and others who are suffering from the same issues? It feels kind of bad to just sit here and watch threads like this come and go without no action being taken, like it has happened in the past.
Just have some sympathy and be a normal human being
Offer to help if u can in any way
Not much else u can do
You can call out the bullshit that happens in your day to day interactions:
Someone drop a hard R? Dont ignore it, dont act like its fine. Even if you just say "dude..." it starts to plant the seed that people ARENT cool with racism.
I played on a team where quite a few players dropped hard Rs regularly, I played a tryout for another team in the offseason, dropped one, and all it took was someone saying "dude..." for me to snap out of how desensitized I had become to it from the prior team. I'm pretty sure I haven't used it since then. It's small, but if everyone not OK with Homophobia, Racism etc actually called out any of that, people would start to think twice before doing it again.