is it too late to say derozan MVP?
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Last Posted | January 5, 2025 at 4:55 AM |
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mitchcliff123AndKennethYou wanna fucking fightmitchcliff123woah shit I just woke up to this, Why does every thread have to become a meme, seriously I just offered to stream it
Because you are a meme.
Lets get our bets in
I take the timberlake twin over the 12 year old.
Zabi, I remember you were one of the nicest scrim partners and people in open when I played, I cant afford to give much because of college, but every little bit counts right? Really hope the community can come through for one of the better people in it, and help hit this donation goal.
Please keep us posted.
Curious to see what comes out from and what comes in to the white list.
Hunter_2_0Spudd nutting on Product
Where does one go to cast OW. My only connections are in Australia.
bearodactylDreamboatdid dingo not have uber lolbearodactylMenachemStarted off a pretty fun to watch game, a little slow but I figured it was a conscious decision out of Bird Noises trying to secure a playoff spot. No idea why EVL chose to turn it into the shitfest that they did, and not sure why Bird Noises elected to hold on their own second when down a round for that long.EVL had control of middle point and was up 2 rounds they were not inscentivized to push whatsoever
Fuck me, it's like they have a vested interest in discouraging low level players from getting better. Seem to remember Ronin doing a bunch of stupid shit at the end of last season, too.
bn attempted pushing in and taking mid a few times but against a 450hp brass beast heavy and level 3 sentry gun above middle it's a tough task
if anything it was just a conscious decision by EVL to park the buss and bm bird noises not the other way around
To be fair, with the amount of depth and work Rolling's single bomb from kitchen onto dingo did, I would have loved to see BN throw a double soldier through there, they would have at least killed dingo or the gun or something, if not everything, especially since they could just bring in the rest of the team off the space.
also please explain how you kill a gun with a double soldier bomb
Maybe he drops, maybe he forces. Still helps open up the stalemate.
Also, 3 rockets take out the gun, could have been done, assuming they went for it not dingo if not, the space opened up by forcing dingo lets sigh with uber clean it up.
bearodactylMenachemStarted off a pretty fun to watch game, a little slow but I figured it was a conscious decision out of Bird Noises trying to secure a playoff spot. No idea why EVL chose to turn it into the shitfest that they did, and not sure why Bird Noises elected to hold on their own second when down a round for that long.EVL had control of middle point and was up 2 rounds they were not inscentivized to push whatsoever
Fuck me, it's like they have a vested interest in discouraging low level players from getting better. Seem to remember Ronin doing a bunch of stupid shit at the end of last season, too.
bn attempted pushing in and taking mid a few times but against a 450hp brass beast heavy and level 3 sentry gun above middle it's a tough task
if anything it was just a conscious decision by EVL to park the buss and bm bird noises not the other way around
To be fair, with the amount of depth and work Rolling's single bomb from kitchen onto dingo did, I would have loved to see BN throw a double soldier through there, they would have at least killed dingo or the gun or something, if not everything, especially since they could just bring in the rest of the team off the space.
tfw it doesnt apply for Canada :( back to this shitty microsoft keyboard LOL
The mentor vs the mentee
Purpleshirt vs Rolling
Who will win.
for the first time in over 100 years... Insane
SnazSnazIf was to write up a news post and perhaps replace the i58 highlight reel thread... It might help boost this upcoming LAN that's being hosted
They're probably waiting on a production team announcement or something.