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Signed Up May 28, 2013
Last Posted January 26, 2016 at 12:18 AM
Posts 18 (0 per day)
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#41 tf2 players with the best voice in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#47 Been Wondering Where the TF2 Community Lives in Off Topic

Honolulu Hawaii somewhere on Dole Street come find me ;)

posted about 9 years ago
#59 book recommendations in Off Topic

"something that can keep the attention span of a 16 year old idiot. i havent read a book in forever that has kept me really glued to it"
@ justus_1DeaGCHaMP

posted about 10 years ago
#37 book recommendations in Off Topic

Since you're a 16 year old, I'm not sure how many of these books suggested would be appropriate considering your interest or lack thereof in literature. I highly suggest you read something short and something you want/wouldn't mind reading. After you've read it you can deconstruct the ideas and "interpret it" to match your image of the American dream. For example, in the The Hunger Games: The social structure represented in the book is extrapolated from the current state of American Capitalism and the economic class divides. The objective of this paper (most likely) is to test your ability to deconstruct (The American Dream) and interpret ideas (The Book you choose to read) both of which are essential to being a critical thinker.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

What is this diqq you speak of and where can I suck it?

posted about 10 years ago
#5 New Idea for a Game Mode? in TF2 General Discussion
raikuNot to sound rude but I don't see a point for a new game mode. CP and KOTH, seem just fine to me.
-Massive rant-
Personally, I would like to see just one game mode to be used overall for the growth of TF2. For example CSGO, everyone knows that the bomb plant/defuse is the main game mode for that, others are just made for fun and shenanigans. Last season in ETF2L there was CP, KOTH and CTF game modes. If a new player watches a stream one week, they see 'X team' play badlands, the next day/week day see the same team play turbine, and a week after that it's viaduct(this is just an example), it's like, wtf is the standard? I understand that it's more fun to play all these maps but the 6v6 format already is weird to understand at the beginning + these game modes.

That is completely true, I just thought that sometimes 5CP can get stalemate-y and KOTH maps are rather small and they don't have the same aggressive/defensive back and forth that 5CP has. KOTH for example has a team in control of the point and a team trying to get control but 5CP has both sides trying to keep their point alongside trying to push into the next point. I'm probably defending this to much so I'll stop here.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 New Idea for a Game Mode? in TF2 General Discussion
ExquisiteStonewin mid fight = win round? On 5CP maps like granary this is already an issue

The whole point of 5CP and CP is to contest points, if one team caps mid they do get forward spawns so it'll be easier for them to push but I was thinking that the other team could also back-cap mid. So mid and last would have similar cap times.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 New Idea for a Game Mode? in TF2 General Discussion

What if there was a combination of the KOTH and 5CP gamemodes into a 3CP mode? There would be 3 points: 1 blu, 1 red, and 1 neutral; with 5 minutes on the clock; either the last team in possession of the middle point wins or whoever caps the other team's "home base" after capping mid wins. When you cap mid, you get a forward spawn advantage. For example: Imagine Gullywash with only the mid and second points active, at first you would spawn at river/last, then make your way to mid and whoever caps it gets the forward spawns at big door/lobby/2nd. So you could play aggressive and push into the enemy team's last point and cap or decide to hold mid for the whole game. On the other hand the enemy team could counter push and if they win the exchange then they gain control over mid and the positions would be swapped. I thought of this as a way to guarantee a shorter match while still keeping a lot of the mechanics of 5 CP maps. Would this be viable in comp? Or is this a terrible idea?

posted about 10 years ago
#598 GXL 2014 in LAN Discussion

This might be it? This

posted about 10 years ago
#515 GXL 2014 in LAN Discussion

My god, I have no idea if I'll be attending (hoping my mum would say yes [I'm 17]) but if I do go I'll probably need somebody to room with? Anyone from Hawaii -Honolulu- that would feel comfortable rooming with me? Fox? Pls?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Name Change in Requests

Hi, I usually go by the steam name "Playing on a Mac" (a descriptor and excuse for why I'm shit in game and in life) but instead choose (incorrectly) to use the a different name (Drinky_Crow)for my Team Fortress TV username. I must admit a fault of my own for being the socially awkward kid who decided it would be cool to re-invent himself and create a new image (My choosing another username) to impress the cool kids (a team I poorly attempted to try out for, I'm sorry for being shit), but recently I've come to a realization thanks to a certain Canadian, that playing on a mac (ultimately being awful) is warrant enough for being called a shitlord. And it is a civil disservice to any sane or reasonable person to be unable to call me a shitlord. So point is, I would like to change my name from "Drinky_crow" to "PlayingonaMac" so I represent in full honesty how much of a shitlord I am. Kappa.

Edit: Disregard this entire shitlord piece of shit, because I'm shit I forgot to wipe the shit outta my eyes and look for the name change thread. Please shit all over my body. Pls.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 New Update! in TF2 General Discussion

If you check the wiki page you can see that the new keys for the new crates were released alongside new items. My question is, considering the fact that these items are available for purchase in-store and that they're not in fact halloween submitted items, could these be only part of the update? Could new crates start to come out with the halloween themed items? Leave whatever talk about the new items/update you want below! Thanks!

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Competitive Pubs? in TF2 General Discussion
desca9v9 is already hard enough to organize

Good point.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Competitive Pubs? in TF2 General Discussion
Foxthis is what star_'s server basically strives to be lol

Sometimes Star_'s server has kinda shitty players (myself included) though.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Competitive Pubs? in TF2 General Discussion

I'd like to know what are the TF2 TV community's thoughts are on Competitive Pub Tf2 (mumble, competitive teams, leagues, all weapons, all classes, etc.) What items would be banned? What should the class limits be? Should it be 12v12 or 16v16? I know the common response is it wouldn't work because it would just be demos and medic, but what if there was a good pyro to reflect the demo spam? A sniper and spy to kill the medics? And there could always be some sort of class limit. I just would like to see some of the craziness of TF2 pubs with competitive teams. I was thinking there could be a limit of 2 of every class and doubles of a certain class would use different weapons (for example one demo man would have stock grenade launcher, sticky launcher, bottle and the other would have the loch n' load, charge n' targe, and eyelander.) We could see crazy plays with perhaps kritzed and ubered demo man or crazy market gardener kills?

posted about 11 years ago
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