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Signed Up January 20, 2015
Last Posted December 24, 2022 at 9:12 PM
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#5 Name change in Requests
aieraLegendary poster.

Yeah haha, it's been a while, but I've humbled and matured, I'm 30 years old now lol

posted about 2 years ago
#4 Name change in Requests


posted about 2 years ago
#1 Name change in Requests

From Gasgara to Dross

posted about 2 years ago
#23 The Supposed God of Scout in The Dumpster
I think you'd fit right in the cesspool that is reddit.
just leave dude

You're free to leave whenever ya want.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 The Supposed God of Scout in The Dumpster

I think you'd fit right in the cesspool that is reddit.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 The Supposed God of Scout in The Dumpster
Sideshowfinally somebody who acknowledges the power of a controller over the useless keyboard and mouse

Where did I ever say the keyboard and mouse was useless?

posted about 7 years ago
#6 The Supposed God of Scout in The Dumpster
ShiftaGasgaraI don't hang around these forums too often.
thank fuck

Careful. You're already making me change my mind.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 The Supposed God of Scout in The Dumpster

Hello again gents and ladies. I'm just going to leave this here. Try not to get too upset this time around. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1109517243

I also unblocked everyone on Twitter a while back so feel free to share your thoughts with me there, as I don't hang around these forums too often.

With love, Dross.

posted about 7 years ago
#169 The Supposed God of Demoman in TF2 General Discussion

Hi. I'm Dross.

This thread is amazing.

Huck's pictures made me almost die laughing, good shit. I half-expected my (admittedly very satirical) guide to cause a shitstorm, but not of this magnitude, this is better than expected!

I've edited the introduction of the guide to be more clear.

I actually have played with silver/gold players, although most of them were probably silver. It was this game http://i.imgur.com/pTol7qQ.png

It was a 9v9 Lakeside. Not sure why the format is like that, but I know that at one point in the game I landed 4 pipes on 4 players and got 4 kills when my medic popped crits, so who needs stickies? I know "that cruel cruel medics" was in a silver team last season that is now gold this season etc.

The games that Volt was referring to were only 2 games where I subbed that I wasn't even trying in. My skill has curved so far up since then it isn't even funny. Volt also implied that I never played with anyone above steel in a 9v9 which is false. The Lakeside game I subbed in was full of silvers+golds. I'm probably milking the game but idc, You can't accuse me of making shit up that actually happened.

There is already a new 9v9 team (around silver I think) that wants me to main Demo for 'em. In the future I may climb to gold and maybe if I'm lucky Plat/Invite level. I may be a one trick pony, but so is Hungrybox, and he just won Paragon 2015.

I'd apologize but none of you deserve it. This is just a shitposting/circlejerk thread where you are all patting each others backs over one line that was in my guide, I honestly found this thread funnier than most of you have. My ego has skyrocketed since this thread began. Someone on my friends list pointed out how maturely I'm dealing with this "drama". It isn't drama. It's fucking publicity. Being the stoic person (and the troll) that I am I've enjoyed every minute of this thread, I assure you.

These last 2 days I've felt like the auricom5 of TFTV.

I love you all for contributing to this thread and I'm glad I got publicity (not the best kind, albeit) but publicity nonetheless.

I look forward to 9v9, Pubbing, and MGE'ing everyone who doubts me and I hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday.



posted about 10 years ago