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SteamID64 76561198065854668
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:52794470
Country Portugal
Signed Up July 27, 2014
Last Posted November 27, 2018 at 4:05 AM
Posts 7 (0 per day)
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#3 Extreme lag when opening menus and loadouts in TF2 General Discussion

Go into resource/ui/mainmenuoverride.res and delete the whole "FriendsContainer" portion

That fixed the lag issue it seems thanks, but it also broke my hud.
Any ideas about the steam overlay?Or should i make a different thread? Was hoping the 2 problems were connected

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Extreme lag when opening menus and loadouts in TF2 General Discussion

Im having trouble browsing my menus on tf2 because they are super laggy, as soon as i return from the menu to the game the lag stops and my game is smooth.
I have removed costum and cfg folders and the problem still persists.
Side symptom steam overlay doesnt work, even after checking the boxes on steam settings and game specific properties box.
I had mastercoms on my game if that affects anything, in addition I also only noticed this when installing windows again and installing tf2, I simply moved my old costum and cfg files that I had backed up.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Cant change xpos or ypos of ammo on hypnotize hud in Customization

I am using hypnotize hud and wanted to make the health and ammo lower but when I change xpos and ypos nothing changes also, it has 2 extra lines with minmode xpos and minmode ypos

		"ControlName"           					"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"	            					"HudPlayerHealth"
		"xpos"		               					"c-230"
		"xpos_minmode"		               			"c-170"
		"ypos"		               					"c-35"
		"ypos_minmode"		               			"c-10"
		"zpos"		               					"2"
		"wide"		              					"170"
		"tall"			           				 	"150"
		"visible"	              					"1"
		"enabled"		           					"1"	
		"HealthBonusPosAdj"     					"35"
		"HealthDeathWarning"    					"0.49"
		"HealthDeathWarningColor"					"HUDDeathWarning"
#base "HudLayout_Base.res"
#base "../scripts/Crosshairs/crosshairs.res"

		"fieldName" 								"HudWeaponAmmo"
		"visible" 									"1"
		"enabled" 									"1"
		"xpos"										"0"
		"xpos_minmode"								"0"
		"ypos"										"0"
		"ypos_minmode"								"0"
		"wide"										"f0"
		"tall"										"480"
posted about 6 years ago
#64 attention mge server owners in The Dumpster
hampethis thread lmao

Hello hampe

posted about 6 years ago
#1 bhop script working 2018 in Customization

Hey, I know bhop doesn't give you more speed anymore but it still is useful for airstrike and market gardener, i used to have one but kinda lost it after getting a new pc and I tested the one on tf2 game banana and it crashes the game, my first thought was the wait command (I think it was removed from source?) so i tried taking it out but still crashes.

So yeah if anyone has a working bhop script I would appreciate it.

edit: this is the script that made me crash btw

alias bhop_bind "+jump;wait 2;-jump;wait 2;bhop_jump"
alias bhop_alias "alias bhop_jump bhop_bind"
alias bhop_stop "alias bhop_jump"
alias +bhop "bhop_alias;bhop_jump"
alias -bhop "bhop_stop;-jump"

//The bind
bind space +bhop

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Huge fps drop [help] in TF2 General Discussion
GeknaiirDroyderVideo(ignore the voice chat): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvzetzOH3Vkbro that vid is a bunch of kids playing goat simulatordelporoflDr_HeinzI'm ignoring the video...

I actually had this on my old computer as well, never found out how to fix it... So it might be your pc spec or something.

Fixed :/

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Huge fps drop [help] in TF2 General Discussion

Hello, so i got this problem wich is a fps drop everytime a spy (from my team or the other team) cloaks and decloaks, basicly i dont really know if my graphics card is really shitty or if there is something i did wrong when messing with chri's config, help is apreciated, i am also going to start doing comp and i heard that bug uses is against rules of course and this is kinda of a cheat to know if the team is running spy on a 6v6 or if any is around.

EDIT: Video(ignore the voice chat): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diJRsVDUpZE&list=UU0sHe58_415xqITjR7jteig had the wrong vid on copy past3 :/

As you can see in the vid, when my friend Simsal Cloaks my fps drops, A LOT to 10-30 fps, and when he decloaks he i get normal 60-100 ish fps. You cant really see the numbers but you can see the colours going from green (good) to yellow (medium) and red (bad).

Belive it or not this makes a huge diference for me.


posted about 10 years ago