Account Details
SteamID64 76561198132034737
SteamID3 [U:1:171769009]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:85884504
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up January 17, 2017
Last Posted September 9, 2024 at 8:14 PM
Posts 134 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity lmao
Windows Sensitivity these
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse SteelSeries Rival 300
Keyboard Razer Blackwidow
Mousepad Corsair somethingorother
Headphones ATH-m40x with a modmic
Monitor Benq 144hz
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#59 TF2 player vocabulary in TF2 General Discussion
Menachem(tho rgl scanning scrim chatlogs for slurs is an odd grey area where people are potentially getting punished even if everyone on the server was fine)

I'm not really sure where this myth got started, but RGL doesn't do any kind of chatlog scanning to ban from - all our bans come from reports, and we keep an eye out for reporters that are completely unaffiliated with the thing they're reporting and just witch-hunting.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 radeon super resolution in TF2 General Discussion
suprafree sync is kinda useless in tf2 because it forces you to use a certain framerate like constant 144 fps, just to much the screen refresh rate and since fps in tf2 are kinda fluctuating depending what's happening in the game, it's better not to use it and have a framerate higher than the refresh rate, because when your fps drops down below the refresh rate you notice an unpleasant frame drop(s)

This is the exact opposite of what freesync and g-sync do lmao. Adaptive sync modes let your monitor adjust to match the game's framerate. If tf2 is running faster than the monitor, you get the usual behavior (same as no adaptive sync). If your fps drops below the monitor's max refresh rate, the monitor'll wait for the next frame before updating, eliminating tearing entirely and reducing stuttering.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 is this the first tf2 jump movie? in Videos

Sorry bro but the legendary T6 PanFrie }svny{|DF| had you beat by 8 months


posted about 3 years ago
#11 TF: Source 2 in TF2 General Discussion
seven1Will source 2 even affect the GPU and CPU usage at all? From what little i know about source 2 I wouldn't think it is like this, but this information was a bit older so I really don't know.

Source 2 is a drastically more modern engine designed with modern hardware and techniques in mind. In 2007, game engines were designed for machines with one or a couple threads and modest gpus. Even your basic gaming computer in 2021 has 4+ threads and the gpu is an order of magnitude (or several) more powerful than 2007 hardware*, but a large portion of that goes to waste since current tf2 isn't designed to use it. A source 2 tf2 port is likely to blow the current tf2's performance out of the water for the same graphical fidelity, or largely improve the graphical fidelity while also improving perf.

Of course, a lot depends on what level of access this team has to the tools (i.e. a mod will never be as fast as having native access), but the potential's there. I'd personally love to see stv support so that games played in TF2 could be casted/produced in TF:S2.

* I looked into this for fun - some gpu benchmarks
639 - GeForce 8800 Ultra (arguably the best card on the market in 2007)
1503 (2.35x) - the Vega integrated graphics in the first $500 gaming laptop I could find
19509 (30x) - the RTX 2080 Super I have
benchmarks are definitely not everything, of course - there have been substantial architectural improvements to GPUs as well

posted about 3 years ago
#20 bedroom accessory recommendations in Hardware


posted about 3 years ago
#58 keyboard thread in Hardware

Finally got around to taking photos of the board I built last winter:


I wanted the most compact 104-key I could get, couldn't find any good options, so I made my own. Lefthand numpad is objectively superior for RH mouse users and I will die on that hill - not sure why there aren't more options for it out there.

Laser cut aluminum frame with SS standoffs, kailh speed bronze switches, hand wired matrix, teensy++ 2.0 controller, MT3 Susuwatari keycaps. Finding a sculpted keycap set that fit this layout was honestly the hardest part.



posted about 3 years ago
#13 free antlers in TF2 General Discussion

Hey, quick post to clarify a couple points here:
- ire was uninvolved in this (other than being the leader of antlers' team, who jemond contacted about the demo request). Ire was not involved in any way with the ban, which was entirely procedural.
- antlers did not record his demo for his Week 8A match. We will (obviously) not penalize people for not recording pug or scrim demos.

To illuminate why we took action here even though antlers' last failure was 16 months ago:

From Aad, our head AC admin:

At the end of the day, there's a few major points for why we enforce demo recording this way:
- We don't want to give any potential cheater or suspect any leeway - we did this in the past before hard demo requesting rules existed, and we have 1000000% missed out on some extremely good evidence. Anyone who has a hard stance on cheating should almost always make sure they also have a hard stance on demos. Otherwise in a game where VAC is straight up useless, having an AC team in any league would also be useless w/o ability to have pov demos when desperately needed.
- The community expects us to be consistent - I've been extremely consistent with making sure we apply demo failures correctly, and it should be expected at this point because it hasn't changed. We also are consistent with other cheating related topics of "cheating anywhere = cheating @ RGL, if VAC doesn't catch you cheating, doesn't mean we can't"
- We're going as far as developing a plugin to ensure no one has an excuse to accidentally not record by spitting out in chat anyone not recording when a game goes live - literally no other league has explored this option, even though pieces have been out there for at min 5yrs now.
- We're also being consistent with the other major TF2 leagues:
Ozfortress just says see ya for 4 games, no decay


UGC similarly bans for first miss, and have no decay.


ETF2L's ruleset has 0 decay for demo requests for many many years now without issue.


tl;dr In the past, some of the cases we've had to let go due to missing demos pisses me off and no one has a reason to disable recording once the season has started.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 post cute animal gifs in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#40 Why are those browser benchmarks still used? in The Dumpster


Show Content
Ha! I bet you thought these are just some lumps of moss but actually they are frogs :]
posted about 3 years ago
#4 RGL S6 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

PSA: The deadline to have 5 paid up on your roster is TOMORROW, Saturday at 11:59 pm est. If you aren't able to, please go ahead and reach out now by creating a support ticket in the main discord and we can figure something out. The deadline for 6 paid is before your first match, which start next week.

If you have questions or requests regarding team placement or class restrictions, please reach out via support ticket in the main discord so that we can assist.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 RGL S6 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

PSA: The deadline to have 5 paid up on your roster is TOMORROW, Saturday at 11:59 pm est. If you aren't able to, please go ahead and reach out now by creating a support ticket in the main discord and we can figure something out. The deadline for 6 paid is before your first match, which start next week.

If you have questions or requests regarding team placement or class restrictions, please reach out via support ticket in the main discord so that we can assist.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 RGL S6 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

PSA: The deadline to have 5 paid up on your roster is TOMORROW, Saturday at 11:59 pm est. If you aren't able to, please go ahead and reach out now by creating a support ticket in the main discord and we can figure something out. The deadline for 6 paid is before your first match, which start next week.

If you have questions or requests regarding team placement or class restrictions, please reach out via support ticket in the main discord so that we can assist.

posted about 3 years ago
#14 RGL S6 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

PSA: The deadline to have 5 paid up on your roster is TOMORROW, Saturday at 11:59 pm est. If you aren't able to, please go ahead and reach out now by creating a support ticket in the main discord and we can figure something out. The deadline for 6 paid is before your first match, which start next week.

If you have questions or requests regarding team placement or class restrictions, please reach out via support ticket in the main discord so that we can assist.

posted about 3 years ago
#67 RGL announces upcoming Summer seasons and preseason events in News

Hey all,

We haven't been done much to communicate our reasoning around the map pool and map cup choices, so I wanted to share some of that here:

One of our current goals at RGL is to continue to improve the map pool, and supporting new maps is critical to that. This is a worthwhile goal which has already had success:

  • koth_clearcut, which was introduced in S1 instead of granary/badlands, is now well liked and rated within a few percentage points of the staple map koth_product. koth_bagel is rated similarly (although the sample size is smaller).
  • cp_villa was less disliked this season than granary was when it was played in S2, and has the chance to continue to improve, unlike cp_granary.

We haven't included older maps in recent surveys because the spot in the map pool isn't open to them - we'd much rather have a map with mixed opinions that's in development and will improve than one that has similarly mixed opinions and will never improve (i.e. granary/badlands). Maps like reckoner and logjam have been discussed for inclusion in map cups, but are generally pretty static in their current states and have had lukewarm receptions in other regions, so we focused more on maps that have seen less exposure and are newer for this cup.

With all that being said, there are definitely parts of our approach that can be approved. We hear you that the time between this map cup and the start of the season is too short (we would have liked to hold the cup earlier, but didn't want to conflict with Dreamhack). Because of the short time between the cup and the season, we will only include the cup-winning map in S6 if it is received very well and feels definitively season-ready. Otherwise, it will be on-deck to be played in S7 as several of you have suggested, and cp_villa will remain for S6. For future seasons, we will aim to have the map pool determined a season in advance to provide teams ample time to learn maps and avoid the scheduling issue we had this season.

While we're on the topic of the map pool, one of the ideas that's been floated is to include all three koth maps this season rather than including villa, and bring in the map cup map next season. While bagel and clearcut are both liked better than villa, a significant portion of the community is against 3 koth at the moment:


Generally we'd like to see a larger percentage of people in support of 3 koth before testing it, so we aren't considering that option for this season.

At some point in the coming weeks, I'm hoping to get out an article with details from the post season survey which will include more detailed statistics on map opinions this season.


  • Improving the map pool is part of our mission at RGL, and promising new maps are critical to that
  • Old maps aren't included on the survey because we only have one open spot in the pool, which is currently for new and actively developed maps
  • The cup is this late to not conflict with dreamhack
  • Our methods of introducing new maps can definitely be improved, and we're listening to your feedback:
  • Because of the short time between the cup and the season, we will only include the winning map in S6 if it is received very well and season ready. Otherwise, it will be played in S7 and villa will remain for S6

This post doesn't exhaustively cover every detail of why we've made all of the above decisions, so please reach out to me at DubThink#3877 if you have any further questions or constructive feedback - I'm happy to chat!

posted about 3 years ago
#17 Medic tips pastebin feedback in TF2 General Discussion

A few things I regularly bring up for meds when coaching newbiemixes:
1) Try not to position against walls (when you aren't concerned about spy, so 6s or if the spy's dead in HL) Positioning against a wall effectively cuts your movement options in half and makes you more likely to take splash damage, making it significantly easier for bombing soldiers to kill you.
2) When an enemy is aggressing you, it's usually better to put a teammate between you and the enemy than it is to run away, which isolates you. It's sometimes counterintuitive, but I'd rather move to my scout and beam them so they can play between me and the enemy even if it involves getting closer to the enemy. (Mr Slin or someone has an excellent video on this showing how to effectively keep your scout between you and the threat which was one of the best things I watched when getting started. I can't find it :( but it was on badlands 2nd near pride if anyone knows the video I'm talking about.)
3) I know the post-uber positioning thing has been said already, but I want to second it. It's easily the number one mistake I see newer medics and teams make, and having good post-fights is one of the most valuable things. Also, call where you're ending the uber so that the rest of your team can play around that. (Honestly this is my #1 piece of generic advice for any team IM or below. Fix your posts and you'll do so much better)
4) Call who's in an uber early. This doesn't always need to be a med's job, but unless I get forced, my team should always know who's getting ubered before the uber starts. Players who aren't called as in should stay tf out if they can (It's still ok to flash people to save them if they need it though)
5) The entire "you don't need to look at your heal target" is super important.
6) Don't be afraid to yell at firmly communicate with your scout(s).
7) When in doubt, arrow less. I know no one listens to this (including me), but still. Beam.

Mr Slin's content for medic is fire, and Marxist's Precepts are a staple as people have said.

Two pieces of meta-advice:
1) Plenty of players will focus on advanced stuff before they have the basics down. It's definitely fine to mess around with the advanced stuff (it's often a good motivator to get better), but you shouldn't be spending effort getting good at prefiring crossbows at teammates using the radar if you don't have your heal order and positioning on point, etc.
2) What works against low level players will not work against better ones. I can't even count the number of times I said to my newbie drive team "Ok that worked, but that should not have worked and won't work against good players". If you're looking to improve, practice what you should do, not just anything that works.

posted about 3 years ago
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