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SteamID64 76561198033663227
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:36698749
Country Netherlands
Signed Up June 24, 2014
Last Posted October 22, 2016 at 3:11 PM
Posts 16 (0 per day)
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Mouse Razer Deathadder Chroma 2015
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#181 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived in TF2 General Discussion

This update just bums me out.

How to fix this game (from a valve employee perspective)
-Join a comp team
-Play comp
-Learn stuff about comp
-Fix matchmaking

-Get the people you asked to beta
-Ask them whats wrong
-Fix those things.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Null Movement Scrip Not Loading in Q/A Help

I have checked all my cfg's and the order in which they load.
After execing my nullmovement from my autoexec and nothing in my class cfg's rebinding them (though my reset.cfg unbinds them and rebinds them. reset.cfg is the config I let all my class configs load to unbind and rebind all keys so there is no overlapping binds between classes).

When I re-exec the Null Movement Script in game it works but this has to be done each time I change class or switch servers.

Anyone else having this issue?

posted about 8 years ago
#2 ESEA S22 W8: FROYO BLACK vs. froyotech in Matches

I am pretty sure froyotech is going to win. But I'm still rooting for black cause I love underdogs

posted about 8 years ago
#143 TF2Stadium.com in Projects
pazerREM_TF2Well that was really fun, thanks to everyone who played and of course everyone who has done work on the site so far :) We're planning something next sunday perhaps Kevin will stream that too.
tf2stadium confirmed to have the capacity for 1 lobby per week

I would totally give you reddit gold for that solid meme

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Why TF2Center won't die in TF2 General Discussion
SentinelThe website has what, 20k registered users? Maybe more, i dont remember the exact number but its in the tens of thousands. Kkaltuu mentioned in his post that MN and Tereza has around a hundred bans each and the other admins had a few dozen. That means that they've banned 1% of the userbase. That leaves 99% that are satisfied with the service and havent had any run-ins with the staff.

All im saying is, the majority is happy and will continue to use the site.

The lurking rule is still in effect though meaning 90% of the website is just there and not super active, won't make lobbies, won't be on forums and won't have involvement. If the 10% of the people who play a shit ton, make lobbies and go on the forums leave the 90% who don't care about tf2center beyond the fact it has a lobby system would rather switch to a website where people actively make lobbies and shit.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Why TF2Center won't die in TF2 General Discussion
SentinelflyingbuddyHow can we use tf2center when masternoob is such a dickhead though?
He isnt a dickhead to the average user. Ill say it again, ive used the site for a year and ive played 600 lobbies, ~400 of which have been hosted by me and ive never run into any issues with the staff.

My friend got banned for not joining a lobby quickly enough and having audible issues with his connection in mumble.
And I got into a argument with him cause my steam name has the word penis in it which is too sexual for a website based around a R rated game.

posted about 9 years ago
#152 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion
dollarlayersmh... Just when I thought the TF2C situation couldn't get worse it did...

I think most people would agree with this: http://i.imgur.com/DjNaIrT.jpg

these kinds of posts are basically my least favourite kind of meme

posted about 9 years ago
#113 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINWill the TF2C team be announcing any plans to rectify the situation?

That seems unlikely at best cause they were supposed to put out a statement like 5 days ago now and a admin got banned trying to put out a statement to clear up the situation.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion
omnivibhavpAnybody wants to help write a better replacement? Add me, maybe we can flesh out something

PS: Matchmaking's going to come anyway, but it should be a fun experience nevertheless!

If this is a genuine thing, I'd get involved. Not that I can code or do much, but I can fund servers and I also do own the domain for league.tf and that's a pretty nice domain to hold on to.

imo that domain is glorious if this is a thing thats going to happen feel free to ask for stuff in photoshop or moving banners or whatever I have some cred cause I helped with some of TF2Can's design stuff.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion

The first time I ever had a issue with TF2Center was when Masternoob was fucking up a lobby by kicking people who didn't join in 60 seconds and permabanned my friend when he tried to rejoin. When I tried along with my friend to get him unbanned a couple of months later nothing but a "still a kid also his name is obscene in another language no unban" came out of it from Masternoob himself.

I mean I have had plenty of problems with TF2Center but all of the actual things that make me not want to ever type the url into my search bar again, are because of that pisshead. Suffice to say I will never go on there again and I will help however I can to make a alternative happen. If anyone needs some graphic design work I would be glad to see if I can help with anything.

posted about 9 years ago
#103 DeutschLAN drops TF2Center sponsorship in TF2 General Discussion

lol tf2c

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Razer Arena LFT Thread in Recruitment (looking for team)

Name: Massive (I will go by Massive as shorthand for Massive Rainbow Penis which was my original steam name. I also go by Duke if you prefer a more "real" name)
Class: Medic Open
Available: Most evenings and nights

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Petition to fix Rocket/Sticky jumping in TF2 General Discussion

If its intentional I doubt we can get them to fix it right away anyway. And if its a bugged we don't need the petition. Idk man I don't feel like it's that useful.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 pl_badwater_pro_v in Map Discussion

Dropbox link seems to be down but it won't stop me from being hype to play this.

Looks amazing and I have high hopes for future versions.

posted about 9 years ago
#79 Transparent Viewmodels in any HUD in Customization

I seem to be having a white screen issue with my settings. Using Rayshud and I put -dx9 in the launch options after having people tell me that is the command the force dx level 9. (I was sure I was using it before but somehow I still get a issue that shouldn't happen unless I use dx level 8) I am using Rayshud and I looked in my graphics config but nothing conflicts in terms of dx level or the commands for the transparent viewmodels. Anyone have any idea what could be causing the issue.

I'll post a link to all the relevant configs below if someone wants to take a look see cause I can't seem to find the issue.
Viewmodel (weapon switching setup)
Autoexec (this finishes the setup for weapon switching)
Graphics config (I basically just messed with Chris and Comanglia a bit cause my friend who I originally made the config prefered for some things to be on.)
Note that I was trying to toggle transparency while also toggling the viewmodels themselves. (The transparency should be off while the viewmodels are off and if I turn on the viewmodel for my secondary or primary the transparency is on. However on my melee the viewmodel is on but no transparency.)

I will see if it works better when I use a clean Comanglia config.

posted about 9 years ago
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