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Signed Up October 30, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2012 at 10:38 PM
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#1 Critical feature missing from GotFrag in Off Topic

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posted about 12 years ago
#58 the invite poll in TF2 General Discussion

Also, #31 is a fraud.

posted about 12 years ago
#57 the invite poll in TF2 General Discussion
harbleui play for fun in invite with friends. i think everybody does. our team put in average about one and a half hours of tf2 a night. if you can't dedicate that small amount of time to playing then i don't see how playing in im is any better. sorry but if you're best fit team to play in invite them you should be the one playing in it.

Just wanted to point out that if you think 1.5 hours a night is a 'small amount of time playing' you are hopelessly out of touch with reality.

Let's go over the facts.
1) If you think 1.5 hours a night is a small amount of time playing, you are hopelessly out of touch with reality.
2) Harbleu thinks taht playing 1.5 hours a night is a small amount of time playing.

From these facts I make the following deduction:

Harbleu, you are hopelessly out of touch with reality.

I'd say Q.E.D. to drive my point home like one of those wooden stake things in a number of Zelda games once you get the hammer item that's in like every game that most people use to drive those stakes in but you can also use it on enemies and it does more damage to some of them, but that isn't what fucking Q.E.D. is used for since there was no introduction with a statement that was to be demonstrated via a proof. Fuck you

posted about 12 years ago
#39 TheFragile wants to plaaaay in Recruitment (looking for team)

Actual audio recording of what it's like to play with Leon 'Nick' 'The Fragile' Leon, recorded early 2005.


posted about 12 years ago
#5 Med looking in Recruitment (looking for team)

Fuck you. You're virtually a piece of shit. Nobody gives a fuck if you played on the Pinball Wizards. That isn't even a good team. Also putting Carl Sagan in a team name? Laughing online bro. What's next, le Neil deGrasse Tyson?? Here's an idea, a serious idea: you're probably a smart guy since you use punctuation and form complete sentences (although this says you edited your post 39 seconds ago, so who the fuck knows what kind of shit was in there originally). You should quit playing TF2 and do something useful with your life. Maybe you're good at computer programming or actuarial science or something, I don't know. Go do something like that. You could literally be optimizing an algorithm right now. Instead you're LOOKING for people to LET you join a server to play a class where you hold down a button the ENTIRE time without having to aim at all.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 The Blight of Blackfoger in News


posted about 12 years ago
#1 Hello there! in TF2 General Discussion

Who the fuck took the username 'DukeNukemsDick?' Imitation is flattery, I suppose. Anyway, I don't know shit about this game anymore. I invite everyone to summarize what's happened between approximately 2 years ago and now. Please keep your summary to 3 key points. Thanks guys.

posted about 12 years ago