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Signed Up July 29, 2014
Last Posted May 12, 2016 at 11:22 AM
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#3 LFT Open Pocket/Roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 8 years ago
#1 LFT Open Pocket/Roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello, I'm looking to join an open team this coming season as either soldier role.

I am a relaxed but focused player looking for a team which wants to grow. I like to have fun, and I like to improve. I'm hoping to find a team with these same goals in mind.

My 6s experience consists of four seasons of UGC ranging from iron to silver, as well as the first few weeks of this past season in open, before the team I was on died. I've played both soldier roles in this time, and I'm comfortable joining a team as either one, depending on what that team needs more.

I am able to make scrims any day except Friday and Saturday evenings.

Here is my UGC profile: link
And here is another for ESEA: link

Add me on steam if you'd like to set up a tryout. Thanks.

posted about 8 years ago
#71 CONDITION: RED. SIGN UP FOR ESEA. NOW. in TF2 General Discussion

Alias: Dynamic Apple
Steam URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dynamicapple/
ESEA URL: https://play.esea.net/users/991348
TFTV Looking thread (if applicable): http://www.teamfortress.tv/30192/lft-open-pocket-roamer#1
Classes (in order): Pocket, Roamer
Current level: Silver
Scrim schedule: Mon-Thurs from 8:30 EST
Can I pay fees?: Yes
Comments: Played silver last season and I'd love to get into open. I was maincaller for my team if that is something you are looking for.

Edit: Found a team

posted about 9 years ago
#6 LFT Open Pocket/Roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 9 years ago
#1 LFT Open Pocket/Roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello friends,

I'm currently looking to join an open team for this coming season, as either pocket or roamer.

I have four seasons of experience playing soldier in UGC 6s, most recently as a pocket in silver. This season I will have the time needed to invest into the game and take it seriously, so I'm looking for a team that wants to work hard and improve over a team that will win and learn nothing. I am a focused player; someone who will not lose their head after going down a couple of rounds, and I can be an active member of a team who will work towards its success.

Add me here and we can chat.

posted about 9 years ago