Account Details
SteamID64 76561198024519202
SteamID3 [U:1:64253474]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:32126737
Country Russian Federation
Signed Up September 17, 2013
Last Posted January 26, 2022 at 5:49 AM
Posts 101 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.2
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
120 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK
Keyboard SteelSeries 6Gv2
Mousepad SteelSeries Quick
Headphones SteelSeries Siberia v2
Monitor BenQ XL2420T
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#97 Improved default HUD in Customization
MilesMason96Thanks man! I really appreciate all the help! That fixed 1 2 and 3.

However I am still have an issue with 4.

4. I can't find "mainmenuoverride--no_control_panel.res" file in the "idhud-master\alternative_files\resource\ui" folder. I only have "mainmenuoverride.res" and "mainmenuoverride--servercontrols.res"

It's ok, because I recently updated the HUD files and rename these. On your folder "mainmenuoverride.res" is file without Control Panel, copy it to "custom\YOURSTUFF\idhud-master\resource\ui\".

posted about 9 years ago
#95 Improved default HUD in Customization
MilesMason96Hi, I really like this HUD, you did a great job!
However, I need help on a few things. (I've never used a HUD before, so bare with me)

1. I want the damage done/health done back to the original dev font and color.

2. As medic,when I look at a teammate to see their health, I always want to see the cross (no matter what their health is). But I still want to keep the ability to see their exact health number, without the yellow numbers.

3. I want the ubercharge meter under the crosshair gone.

4. I don't really need the server control panel on the main menu. But I still want the demo playback button.

Hope this isn't too much trouble.
Thanks in advance!

Hello mate, thanks for using my HUD!

1. Just rename or remove "custom\YOURSTUFF\idhud-master\resource\ui\huddamageaccount.res".

2. You can use "custom\YOURSTUFF\idhud-master\alternative_files\resource\ui\spectatorguihealth--with_healthcross.res", this is a healthcross combined with HP value. (How it looks, you can watch here). To use it, rename "spectatorguihealth--with_healthcross.res" to "spectatorguihealth.res" and move it to "custom\YOURSTUFF\idhud-master\resource\ui\".

3. Open "custom\YOURSTUFF\idhud-master\resource\ui\hudmediccharge.res" with Notepad++, then CTRL+F for "ChargeLabelSmall" and change "visible" and "enabled" values to "0".

4. Move "custom\YOURSTUFF\idhud-master\alternative_files\resource\ui\mainmenuoverride--no_control_panel.res" to "custom\YOURSTUFF\idhud-master\resource\ui\" and rename it to "mainmenuoverride.res".

Hope it was helpful for you.

posted about 9 years ago
#93 Improved default HUD in Customization

v 2.3 (February 3, 2015)

posted about 10 years ago
#715 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

is it possible to make a MainMenu button that opens url in the overlay web browser?

Any ideas guys?

posted about 10 years ago
#686 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization


is it possible to make a MainMenu button that opens url in the overlay web browser?

posted about 10 years ago
#92 Improved default HUD in Customization

v 2.2.3 (December 12, 2014)

+ Updated MainMenu to support last Valve's changes (Ducks removed);
+ Updated BackpackPanel to support last Valve's changes (added context menu to items, unused buttons removed). I also removed page navigation buttons (prev/next), but it's still possible to use A/D keys to navigate between pages. Added current page number indicator.

posted about 10 years ago
#91 Improved default HUD in Customization
AbnerDoonhow can I remove the yellow heath text when I'm low heath?

Open scripts\hudanimations_tf.txt, then ctrl+f for "HudHealthDyingPulse". On the next step you need to delete these lines:

	Animate		PlayerStatusHealthValue		FgColor		"255 255 40 255"		linear 0.0 0.0
	Animate		PlayerStatusHealthValue		FgColor		"TanDark"		linear 0.0 0.0
posted about 10 years ago
#85 Improved default HUD in Customization
MrTrollTheMadGamerYeah I deleted it seeing as i couldn't get it to look like the normal tf2 uber bar, i will redowload when you tell me how to fix it. (thanks for the help in advance)

Open scripts\hudlayout.res, then ctrl+f for "hudmediccharge". Replace founded with this:

		"fieldName"			"HudMedicCharge"
		"visible"			"1"
		"enabled"			"1"
		"xpos"				"r138"
		"xpos_minmode"		"r100"
		"ypos"				"r69"
		"ypos_minmode"		"r34"
		"wide"				"200"
		"tall"				"100"

Now you can delete resources\ui\hudmediccharge.res and now you have default medic bar instead of custom one.

posted about 10 years ago
#81 Improved default HUD in Customization
asiaYeah, I use 1.11 dot and codxhair 3.1

You need to open scripts\hudanimations_tf.txt, then ctrl+f "event DamagedPlayer" and remove next lines:

Animate Dot FgColor "255 0 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.00001
Animate Dot FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.15 0.1
posted about 10 years ago
#79 Improved default HUD in Customization
asiaI just got your head today and I got to say, it's very nice. The multiple custom options are great, especially with the damage indicators. I just ran into one small issue where whenever I die and respawn the colour of my custom crosshair changes to wait. (I changed it to green or 0 255 0 255 in the hudlayout.res file)

Which crosshair you use? 1.11 "Dot"?

posted about 10 years ago
#77 Improved default HUD in Customization
RienJClydeI can't seem to turn on the hitmarker anymore, enabled it in hudlayout.res but it won't appear.

Open hudlayout.res in Notepad++, then go to line #1419 and delete "{" symbol on it. My fault, I already fix it. Thanks for the report.

posted about 10 years ago
#75 Improved default HUD in Customization
MrTrollTheMadGamerThe Medic charge mud element of the hud is stuck in the top right corner and i can't figure out how to put it back in the normal corner. (new to this) Help me please

Do you change something in resource\ui\hudmediccharge.res? Try to re-download it.

posted about 10 years ago
#73 Improved default HUD in Customization

v 2.2 (October 31, 2014)

+ New TargetID system support. HP values on IDs now colored by default.
+ New scoreboard.res that have 6v6 and 13v13 layouts. Use cl_hud_minmode 1/0 to switch between.
+ Small medic uber percentage indicator moved closer to crosshair.
* Updated hudlayout.res for latest tf2 updates support (targetID, minigames hud, etc.)
* Updated clientscheme.res for "Limited" item quality support.
* Another minor changes.

posted about 10 years ago
#377 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
http://teamfortress.tv/thread/6326 (changes both net_graph and cl_showfps font)

Thank you so much!

posted about 10 years ago
#372 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization


How can I change the cl_showfps font?


posted about 10 years ago
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