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Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted February 19, 2021 at 10:11 AM
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#26 who likes helvetica in Customization

I made some mistakes when editing the fonts, here's how to fix:

1. Download the new revision (rev1)
2. Open the Fonts folder in Windows (you can search for it in Control Panel), find Helvetica, and delete Helvetica Thin, Light, Roman, and Bold
3. Right-click and install the new fonts in the revision

posted about 11 years ago
#22 who likes helvetica in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
#17 who likes helvetica in Customization

Thanks! Everything appears to be in order (other than the lack of font).

I'd appreciate if someone could test 1920 x 1080/1200 as well.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 who likes helvetica in Customization
KidIpzhey can someone tell me how I can implement that bigger cap symbole into the HUD that i am using? ( Sorry if thats written somewhere already)

You should be able to just copy ControlPointProgressBar.res into your HUD, just remember to change HelvLight24 to your own font (and you might need to adjust the ProgressText control's positioning).

posted about 11 years ago
#10 who likes helvetica in Customization
omniWait what do I get thanks for

some copy-paste

posted about 11 years ago
#7 who likes helvetica in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
#3 who likes helvetica in Customization
Ringo__Starrthat resolution

not pictured is my 15 fps

on a sidenote it should work fine on other resolutions below 1600x900 (not sure about anything higher).

posted about 11 years ago
#1 who likes helvetica in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
#5 HUD Problems in Customization
raiku1) What is your delta_lifetime?

Right now I've settled for 2.5, but I changing it to 1.5 or 2 makes it rise at a better rate at the cost of screentime.

LuneHow can i get that border with all names and hp into omphud?

All you have to do is open SpectatorTournament.res and disable (visible 0) PanelCoverTop, PanelCoverBottom, and PanelCoverRight; you can also remove PanelCoverLeft but that's for the health and stuff.


Thanks Zimmy!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 HUD Problems in Customization

I've got three problems/questions:

1. How do I make the damage done value rise faster? Right now it rises very slowly, causing overlap, unlike the health/ammo pickup values I have that rise quickly. The only way I have been able to do this is through shortening the lifetime, which is not what I want to do. Changing the text_y and delta_item_end_y values seem to have no effect.

And also,

2. The %health% text (I presume) apparently does not disappear when I die, and the class image doesn't darken.

3. I want to remove the border and stretch out the backgrounds, like this image from ZBHUD, but when I copy-pasted ZBHUD/KNHUD/etc. files, I always got the border I have here; if I just use KNHUD/ZBHUD altogether, the backgrounds display correctly.

Any assistance is much appreciated.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 voidHUD in Customization
StaticVoidThat really is the only major thing left, and I unfortunately can't figure out how to do it. I'm hoping someone from the HUD making community could give me some info on how to change/make them better.

What you should do is vertically align the name and the health, and then crop the background to your liking/make a new background, so that it isn't as huge as it is by default. You should also consider lowering the target ID so that it doesn't cover as much of the character model; just make sure your main and secondary target IDs don't overlap.

posted about 11 years ago
#903 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

making a new hud pretty much from scratch

also here's a sweet scoreboard

posted about 11 years ago
#395 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

DISCLAIMER: I have never played in ESEA, CEVO, IGL, or ETF2L.

First, let's temporarily ignore the Bitcoin/Malware fiasco.

This is the easy option. The community does not have to undergo the very intensive and risky process of switching leagues. This option gives us what we already have: ESEA stats, ESEA servers, ESEA admins, ESEA website/content, ESEA LAN, ESEA prizes, and ESEA client. Whether these are good or bad for us is relative to other leagues and is going to primarily be a matter of subjective opinion, but will have objective results.

Choosing this option should make us expect more of the same. These things (and therefore the quality of ESEA) could change, but we should not expect it (again, Bitcoin/Malware incident not included for now).

This is the difficult option. It takes a lot of work to successfully transfer leagues, and it takes effort to accommodate the players. Choosing the league(s) presents us with multiple options, the most prominent being CEVO, UGC, and ETF2L. All of these options have pros and cons that were briefly examined in this thread. None of these options are currently objectively better than ESEA, and will most likely require changes to accommodate the new playerbase, which are factors that make this option risky regarding the future of NA TF2, no matter which league(s) we choose.

The good news is that it seems CEVO/ETF2L/UGC are willing to work with us, and this means these leagues could potentially be better than ESEA. What these leagues lack in comparison to ESEA (including LAN and competition) comes down to resources and establishment. It is possible for these leagues to eventually offer everything ESEA has and more, but will they? How much time, money, and effort will it take, and if and when it is accomplished, will it have been worth the possible negative consequences to the NA TF2 scene in the meanwhile?

The other side of this story that I have ignored so far is the aforementioned Bitcoin/Malware incident concerning the ESEA client. We should seriously consider whether or not ESEA will continue abusing its customers through its client, such as it has done with mining bitcoins and failing to completely uninstall. Right now, there is no clear evidence that the client's complete access to your computer was used maliciously other than to mine for Bitcoins, but we should consider if such a thing is even possible, and if it is, whether or not ESEA is likely to do so.

posted about 11 years ago
#832 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

thats okay i didnt like seeing the center of my screen anyways

posted about 11 years ago
#12 hide hud bind in TF2 General Discussion

I haven't tested it, but assuming it sets cl_drawhud to 0 (or simulates it), then it would effectively hide the Sniper's zoom overlay, giving the Sniper more visibility when scoped, similar to the noborder zoom script posted on natf2 a while back.

Edit: Dash says it doesn't, so hopefully Valve can work on fixing invisible players instead.

posted about 11 years ago
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