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Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted February 19, 2021 at 10:11 AM
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#35 SMISSMASS UPDATE in TF2 General Discussion

no new weapons :c

posted about 11 years ago
#980 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Filosovlink? (small, boxed)

PinkLink? (big, unboxed)

no support, gl

posted about 11 years ago
#49 who likes helvetica in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
#11 font editors? in Customization
Tino_If you know how to use the pen tool and how vectors work illustrator is the way to go

I think Illustrator is more suited for creating font characters, rather than editing fonts themselves.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Which file edits damage numbers/other questions in Customization
larryi'm assuming you figured this out in the end but stuff from HudDamageAccount.res doesn't update until a game restart (not just hud_reloadscheme) hth

To the best of my knowledge (and by that, I mean, I'm editing the file in-game right now) this is untrue.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 font editors? in Customization

I used FontForge, specifically the older build from 2011, which is more stable in comparison to the 2012 build.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Which file edits damage numbers/other questions in Customization
FoxDidn't want to make a new thread, but does anyone know what file contains the path to the search bar in the backpack? I was messing with files and I have no idea which one removed the item name search in my backpack, and it's making everything a pain :(

The control is called NameFilterTextEntry, and apparently that's only in StorePage.res and StorePage_Maps.res (in /econ/store/v2). I don't know if these entries affect the backpack screen, though.

posted about 11 years ago
#972 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
TysroneSure thing;

The command vgui_drawtree showed me the shadow in question was AmmoInClipShadow. Turns out you have the visible property set to 1 for AmmoInClipShadow, when it should be set to 0 (just like most of the other Shadow controls).

posted about 11 years ago
#970 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Could you post a pastebin of your hudammoweapons.res? I remember something similar happening when I was making my HUD, but instead of a shadow it was two copies of the white ammo value. I don't know how I fixed it off the top of my head.

posted about 11 years ago
#91 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
NeoFusionThat HUD is from November its out-dated. I really like this HUD but I can't use it

Well, the last update was released June 11th. I personally uploaded that mirror last month and the modifications were simply to make sure I didn't include any custom files/edits.

posted about 11 years ago
#46 who likes helvetica in Customization
LucasLove the font, hope you can figure out what's going wrong with it.

Could you elaborate? Other than a few minor character clipping and font scaling issues, there shouldn't be anything going wrong, and if there is, I'd be glad to fix it.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Making HUD from scratch need some help. in Customization
bagelso I can literally delete everything else besides hudanimeations.txt and hudlayout.res?


And yes, you only need hudanimations_tf.txt and hudlayout.res in the /scripts folder. Sometimes people include surfaceproperties.txt in their HUD releases but that isn't for HUDs.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 who likes helvetica in Customization
BenroadsYou sure you have not made the fields slightly too small and parts are just getting off cause of that? That's happened a few times to me and it's quite annoying.

I don't think it's that because it's affecting the '3' in 32, and even though the number 32 displays fine (and the field fits the Pistol's number, 200) the character 3 still has a slight cutoff on the right side. Same thing with the '2' in 200 (Engy metal counter).

posted about 11 years ago
#39 who likes helvetica in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
#29 who likes helvetica in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
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