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Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted February 19, 2021 at 10:11 AM
Posts 520 (0.1 per day)
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#11 Low-Spec FPS Games? in Other Games
holofernesstar wars battlefront ii

Is this game even alive anymore? Unless you mean the campaign.

PankeymanNo Killing Floor?

I'll see what kind of performance I get in it.

Is Wolfteam any good? I see it on a lot of low-spec lists, although it looks P2W.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Low-Spec FPS Games? in Other Games
kawaI always liked warsow with bots

Does Warsow play like Quake? I liked QL with bots just to practice my DM but I couldn't be bothered to learn map knowledge or bunnyhopping to play online.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Low-Spec FPS Games? in Other Games

I'm looking for recommendations on other FPS games (single- or multiplayer) that I would likely be able to run at decent framerates. For reference, I get ~50 fps in TF2.

Games that I've already played:

  • No One Lives Forever
  • Far Cry
  • AssaultCube
  • Portal
  • Fistful of Frags
  • BioShock (bit laggy)
  • Dead Space (bit laggy)
  • Mirror's Edge (bit laggy)
  • Halo 1 & 2
  • Half-Life 1 & 2
  • CoD 2 & 4

I tried Quake Live, TF:C and Urban Terror but the skill-curve is unappealing; haven't tried CS:Source but again worried about the skill-curve, plus I'm not sure if the community is active enough to warrant playing. I'm thinking about System Shock 2 but it looks complicated.

Games I can't run:

  • Borderlands
  • CS:GO
  • Mass Effect
  • Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
  • Peter Jackson's King Kong
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Ratz Instagib
posted about 8 years ago
#217 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion
Gemmellnessquick thing i noticed a few days ago, you can stand on this little ledge above saw. you can be fairly hidden if you stand close to the ceiling coverthing

this was literally posted as the image above you

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Logitech G303 $25 at Best Buy! in Hardware

Note that many G303s have a sensor-rattle issue (

I bought my G303 from Best Buy a couple months ago at $40, brand new, had the sensor-rattle. I went through Logitech's RMA process and got a new G303 without sensor-rattle; I did not have to return my other G303 (YMMV).

If you decide to get the G303, make sure you test for sensor-rattle and try the RMA if it happens on your purchase. I tried to return the defective G303 to Best Buy, but I missed the 15-day return period; the RMA process took about two weeks total, so there wasn't much I could do without the 30-day return period from Best Buy Reward Zone membership.

On a side note, I didn't notice any effect on gameplay due to sensor-rattle; both my G303s function pretty much the same, and the rattle is fairly difficult to hear without a silent room. I'll keep it as a backup, maybe try to fix it manually, or give it away if it comes to that.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Evolve's Upgraded Config Releasing Soon! in Customization

why did you make this thread

posted about 8 years ago
#5 ESEA S22 W3: RONIN vs. ChampGG in Matches

You are not alfa.

posted about 8 years ago
#113 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
DougThat's why you should wait for it to release.

idk what kind of response that is, i literally have no choice but to wait until it is released. but dont pretend that i cant have an opinion on something just because its in beta; its been widely available to pretty much everyone for months, and given the perpetual development model in TF2, you could say it'll always be "in beta". we certainly did not see the same reservation of judgement during the overwatch beta

i greatly enjoyed the couple of hours ive been able to play in mm even at ~10fps, but i am a comp tf2 player and am biased towards that response, much like the rest of the people in this thread. the average pubber who doesn't care about tf2's esports prospects doesn't have the same inclinations

posted about 8 years ago
#108 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
GetawhaleEndless comments on message boards from cynics about TF2 being dead are what will kill TF2umlflaccid"matchmaking is already kind of dead" he says about the game mode that has not yet been released and is still in beta. Next he'll probably be saying that Faceit is dead when that's in beta too

this is just based on the difficulties my friends have had actually finding mm games, despite everyone I know having 8+ mm passes to give away at a moments notice. i cant verify because i dont have enough frames to play mm.

i would like to see some kind of incentive structure to encourage the average pubber to grind mm, and hopefully further performance optimization

posted about 8 years ago
#79 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

sorry for essay

  • mge etiquette is actually important if you want to improve your dm through mge--dont play to win
  • its more fun to try your best in pugs than to throw; that said, booties is sin
  • viewmodel_fov 90 in casts is too glitchy and visually unappealing. there's a reason modern fps games use viewmodel_fov < 70, it looks better even if it takes up a lot of screen space
  • sunshine looks awful, art style doesnt fit tf2 that well (and isnt even consistent with itself)
  • tf2 wont grow much if at all as an esport, as fun as it is its too old and matchmaking is already kind of dead. at best it might pull a melee-esque comeback
  • our casters kind of suck at analysis
  • b4nny is no angel but hes infinitely more likeable than people who casually use derogatory slurs or shittalk anything that moves
  • it would actually be super helpful to have recorded evidence of hackers. for example theres an old bullet demo where he clearly hacks and abuses an exploit, but nobodys shown recent evidence despite recent accusations. i dont doubt their scumminess but surely proof would help people avoid them and ostracize them from the wider community
posted about 8 years ago
#12 medic in Q/A Help

right so ur obviously a dumpster alt but in case other beginner medics were baited into looking at this thread for medic tips, make a conscious effort to accurately count ubers in every pug/scrim

and also

cozeni try to play every class and just get better in general. for example, soldier mge greatly improved my medic surfing.
posted about 8 years ago
#18 Medic heal setting in TF2 General Discussion
skeejIt was actually someone else who took the time and effort to get some people on a server and do some mythbusting. If I remember correctly he went medic, with 2 soldiers in front of him self damaging constantly. He healed them while switching between the 2 targets quickly. He did this with Valve (c) Autoheal and Scripted Autoheal, and the result was that Valve autoheal resulted in a faster built uber (I think it was about 2 seconds = 5% charge?). 95% or 100% can be gamechanging in some clutch situations indeed.

To clarify: the "Scripted Autoheal" Skeej mentions is not the inverted "Scripted Autoheal" Slin mentions.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Overwatch Cheating in Other Games

Taimou (allegedly) cheating in Overwatch is also being discussed here:

posted about 8 years ago
#257 SHOW YOUR CROSSHAIR! in Off Topic

I drew some crosshairs based on the default crosshairs but with a more visible shadow/outline and a dot in the quartered circle.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 vari lft IM scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

always been super nice to me, and hes come a long way as a person and as a player. go vari!

posted about 8 years ago
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