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Last Posted February 19, 2021 at 10:11 AM
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#1795 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
yukiHaven't played since the new update came out

What is happening here with the target id's plz. Is there a new field that I'm missing?

Dear James,

A recent update hard-coded the color of target ID names. The previously invisble TargetNameLabel control is now visible. The simplest solution is to change the "tall" value of TargetNameLabel (found in targetid.res) to "0."

Please add me if you need further assistance.
Have a nice day.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 TF2 update for 8/27/15 in TF2 General Discussion
- Unlocked console variables for community servers to experiment with without requiring sv_cheats

Hmm, such as?

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Unlearning Movement in Q/A Help

I use F for inspecting, as part of my ctap script, and to fake ubers.

I can crouch and move left by holding SHIFT with my pinky and moving my ring finger from W to A.

I'm not sure if I have to change, but my ctap teacher says it's a requirement to really improve my jumps.

p.s. if you can make me a pro jumper please hmu

I will try some alternative mouse2 binds, thanks for the suggestions.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Unlearning Movement in Q/A Help

So I was trying to learn manual ctapping (I use a meh script currently) and I got a jumper to help me, but he says he can't help because of my odd control setup. Apparently I play with my movement hand in a weird way:
- pinky on A
- ring finger on W
- middle finger on D
- index finger on F
(I use SHIFT to crouch, also with my pinky)

He said if I learn to use normal movement keys, my hand will be more flexible and I will become better at jumping. I've been trying to do jump maps/pubs with the standard setup but I just can't; my pinky tenses up, I constantly forget where my fingers are on the keyboard, and I can't do basic things like letting go of W when jumping without thinking about it.

How can I unlearn my old habits and readjust?

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Is in-game shit talk a good or a bad thing? in Off Topic

shittalk should be funny or boost morale, you shouldn't shittalk to make another human being feel bad about themselves

there are people who probably deserve it, but you can still be the bigger person and act like a reasonable adult instead of regressing into a middle school bully

but nobody is the bigger person 100% of the time, and thats absolutely understandable

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Updating the MGE map/mod in Map Discussion

there are several, more recent versions of mge, such as oihguv_sucks, justcats, and _dueling, but all of these make moderate-to-substantial changes to existing MGE arenas and options.

as long as we're on the topic of mge servers though, there's nothing I'd like more than a chicago-based standard class-and-weapons whitelisted mge server

gargleburryaieraremove gravelpit pleaseno reason to removing maps if people dont have to play them and some people like them

removing them gives more options for new arenas (or improvements to other existing arenas)

posted about 9 years ago
#25 Map location nicknames in TF2 General Discussion

There is a stickied thread listing callouts for various maps (it is somewhat outdated, though):

Several tutorial videos also go over callouts; Seanbud's map overviews come to mind.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 A Knight of Demomen in News
parkso is this a game-wide event?

No, this is an event organized by EdgeGamers Organization, better known by their prestigious tag =(eGO)=.

posted about 9 years ago
#61 New HUD Idea / Request in Customization

i thought the backgrounds were rounded

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Transparent viewmodels and fov in Customization
deetrThis isn't a fair comparison because using a high viewmodel fov isn't an "error". The streamer isn't forgetting to turn their viewmodel_fov down. It's intentional because it lets you see more of the game and players are used to it. Using your example, a fair comparison would be if the production studio put CGI over the face with a monster face but you personally think that it should be a person face. Sure you might disagree, but a decision was made purposefully about what to put there.

Great point. But this is a choice that we know causes errors. So let's say the fictional movie studio simply chose to use a broken face mesh over a working but maybe less interesting face mesh. It would still be "wrong," and there would still be consequences for the studio.

And to clarify, my argument is only directed towards casting organizations, specifically TeamFortressTV. Individual casters/streamers obviously can use whatever settings they feel like; there's no expectation of quality.

tscLet's clear things up. If the broadcast did have a non-standard viewmodel FOV (which it did seem to based on posted screenshots, but I didn't watch the live broadcast), it was indeed an unintentional mistake

I think the issue is that the "standard" viewmodel_fov of 90 or so is exactly what causes the problems I and the OP are trying to address. You should consider changing your standard to somewhere around 70. I know TeamFortressTV casts have used ~70 viewmodel_fov from time to time. This is also more-or-less the standard for "good" frag movies, and TeamFortressTV's Top 10s (eXtelevision's Top 10s seem to use viewmodel_fov 54).

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Transparent viewmodels and fov in Customization

It's unprofessional because of the graphical glitches and general distortion caused by viewmodel_fov 90.

The default viewmodel_fov is 54, which is huge but also meant to be paired with fov_desired 75. The equivalent viewmodel_fov for fov_desired 90 is 64.8; a lot of players use 70, which is a close-enough approximation. Graphical glitches do still occur, but they are significantly lessened with ~70 viewmodel_fov.

Casting is obviously different from playing the game, especially if you are an organization focused on making high-quality productions like TeamfortressTV. These productions should have a strong emphasis on aesthetic appeal, and to that end we have some AMAZING quality assets in use, e.g. the TF.TV HUD, overlays, plugins, etc. Which is why I'm upset when all that professional, high-quality content is tarnished by elongated/broken/missing arms--stuff an outsider would probably see as an amateur mistake. You might not think this matters, but in the production industry, quality control is a top priority, because a single "mistake" can make the entire production seem unprofessional.

Imagine a movie where one of the actors wore a green mask to all the green-screen shots, and the production studio chose not to CGI over it, and so in the final movie, he was just without a face. That would be unacceptable; people would be FIRED. TeamFortressTV isn't a "professional" production studio, but we are making a similar mistake by allowing these errors in our productions. Even real, professional studios sometimes mess up, but they try to avoid them as much as possible. I don't see a valid reason not to apply the same principle to our own productions.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 ESEA S19 UBF – Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches

i know i'm being anal but having broken limbs every time we see a medigun or scattergun reload is worse than having somewhat large viewmodels (viewmodel_fov ~70). please standardize crosshair and viewmodel sizes for future casts.

posted about 9 years ago
#4131 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
JarateKingThe font maker decides the difference between higher/lower weights, it's not some unified thing. And I mean if you're the one making the font, you may as well make it work for outlines. I know from experience that fontforge can do it the way that would make outlines work, like in

i was referring to the "weight" property when making font definitions in clientscheme.res; i believe this property artificially adds stroke width, without affecting glyph height. most typeface makers also follow this practice when creating separate weights, although you can certainly modify a font yourself to achieve your needs.

MightyCould this potentially be used to create better Crosshair Outlines?

this has already been done, although the results will vary based on the glyph used, whereas the "outline" property has consistent (if ugly) results.

posted about 9 years ago
#4128 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
JarateKingI think what he meant was having two font files, one with more weight but still with the same glyph size, not just changing the clientscheme size.

I think "weight" just increases stroke width, which would also not work in making a complete outline around a glyph (I could be mistaken).

posted about 9 years ago
#4126 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
WholegrainIsn't it simpler to do a font in the same place but a couple sizes bigger, black, and with a smaller zpos? I've seen that implemented in some huds

that is garbage. the tracking (spacing between characters) also increases as the font size increases, so the outline might not match across the characters in a given string.

posted about 9 years ago
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