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Country Ireland
Signed Up July 15, 2020
Last Posted March 6, 2022 at 11:51 AM
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#6829 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

How do you edit the text of the list of players in the scoreboard?

I'm trying to change the font & the text colours, and also edit the list headers.

posted about 3 years ago
#6728 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ZetosEtefiAnyone know what it is? Sorry if this was said before, it's hard for me to find these things-
It can be anything resized or leftover (maybe "RedScoreBG"?). Unless you have a general idea of what to look for, you're better off using the method I described in my previous post, first paragraph.

Thank you so so much! You're a blessing! I should've read this before, sorry for being dumb. :D

posted about 3 years ago
#6726 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Heyo! Something has been bothering me for some time. In "scoreboard.res" after just moving all the things I don't want to X: 9999 & Y: 9999, out of sight, & then restarting, this little team coloured rectangle appears in the top left. I have no idea what it is. 'Twas in my old edited "scoreboard.res" aswell. Anyone know what it is? Sorry if this was said before, it's hard for me to find these things-

posted about 3 years ago
#7 How to get custom CP icons to work in Customization

Does this still work?

I did just about everything: created my CP icons, turned them into VTFs, named them accordingly, extracted the VMTs from "tf2_misc_dir.vpk" & changed the "$baseTexture"s for each one. I put the VMTs into "materials/sprites/obj_icons" & the VTFs into "materials/vgui/replay/thumbnails" in my custom HUD folder. Finally, I copy & pasted XenThePybro's code into "mainmenuoverride.res".

After that was done, I loaded into a 5CP map & the control point icons appeared as purple & black missing textures.

Did this method get broken? Or am I missing something or doing something wrong?

EDIT: Nevermind. Apparently I didn't name my VTFs correctly & so didn't match with the name stated in the VMTs. It works now!

posted about 4 years ago