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Signed Up December 31, 2017
Last Posted December 17, 2021 at 6:27 AM
Posts 39 (0 per day)
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#7 LFT DEADMOMAN in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump. still looking

posted about 3 years ago
#1 LFT DEADMOMAN in Recruitment (looking for team)

basically lft demo main/adv add me on steam as i will likely not see here

posted about 3 years ago
#1 LFM DEMOMAN in Mentoring

will be playing adv/main, highly prefer top adv/invite mentor. would appreciate help in becoming better

add here

posted about 3 years ago
#10 tulaman lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

this guy owns, how he is not on a team yet?????

posted about 3 years ago
#1 lft demo/pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

lft top main/adv as demo
main as pocket

prefer demo for sure

made playoffs s2 main, have grinded dm and played on friend/match only teams in the interim

add here

posted about 3 years ago
#1 LFP ADV in Recruitment (looking for players)


add me here for inquiries here

posted about 3 years ago
#7 Newcomer Mini Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Update: As I find it unlikely 4 more teams will register before tomorrow night, I am prematurely ending registration. However, the teams signed up for the tournament will still be able to play with a slightly modified schedule; each team will play only three qualifiers to determine their seeds in the elimination stage. This will result in a slightly shorter tournament by about 30 minutes. The qualifying stage will go as follows:

Round 1: Team 1 v 2, Team 3 v 4
Round 2: Team 1 v 3, Team 2 v 4
Round 3: Team 1 v 4, Team 2 v 3

-Team 1=Blitz Right Back
-Team 2=Brains with abs
-Team 3=rn's team
-Team 4=swag

The good news is that everyone signed up for the event will win some prizes, as outlined above. No changes to the playoff stage will be made.

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Newcomer Mini Tournament in TF2 General Discussion
DuhaimeDuhaime - Brains with Abs

you're in

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Newcomer Mini Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Update: Due to the large amount of interest in helping moderating the tournament and the low signup rate so far, I am asking people to refrain from adding me (with regards to moderation/servers/casting) for the moment. I will post details at a later time.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Newcomer Mini Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Hello all,

I am planning to make an 8 team newcomer tournament. This game is great competitively but suffers from high turnover rate especially in lower divisions. Hopefully this will spark some extra interest in the competitive scene. Details follow below:

Saturday March 6, 2021. Begins at 8:30 EST. Please try to ensure your team can make this date and time before registering.

Registration Requirements:
First come, first serve. The first 8 RGL newcomer teams to post on this thread will be entered. Of course, only one member of each team is required to post here for a spot. Please leave a comment with your individual name and your team name so that I know you and your team are interested. Absolutely no registration fee is required. For anyone that comments after the first 8 teams, do not worry. If a team has to drop out for any reason, the next commented team will be entered. Registration tentatively ends Thursday Mar 4th at midnight so I can have a good idea of the team lineup and can post said lineup the following day.

Planned Tournament Setup:
The 8 teams will compete in a group stage to determine their placement for the elimination stage. While this may not be the most fair group stage, I would like to keep the tournament relatively brief.

The group stage will consist of 4 matches consisting of one round each. Each round will be played on a single map and will be a first to 5 or whichever team has more wins one by the end of 30 minutes. The map will be determined by me and will be different for every match. All teams will play the same map for every match (i.e. every team will play Process match 1 and Snakewater match 2). Round wins count for two points while round losses deduct one point (e.g. if your team wins a round 5-0, you will have 10 points while if you win 5-3, your team will have 7 points). Team matchups will be mostly generated randomly, but with no repeat matches. This stage is expected to take 2-2.5 hrs. The 4 teams with the highest overall score progress into the elimination stage.

The elimination stage will consist of 2 matches; semifinals and finals. Team 1 will play team 4 and team 2 will play team 3 in the first match. The winner of the 1-4 match will go on to play the winner of the 2-3 match in winners finals while the losing teams will play each other in a losers finals. Each match will be a best of 3 rounds. The rounds are of identical setup to those in the group stage. The higher-seed team will pick the map played while the lower-seed team will choose the second map. The third map, if played, will be chosen by the lower-seed team. Total expected time of 3 hrs.

Those not placed in the elimination stage (ranks 5-8) will not have a chance to win a prize. Of those in the elimination stage, each team member of the losing team of the loser finals will be given a craft hat for their class. Each member of the winning team of the loser's finals will be given a key each. Similarly, the overall second place team will be given 2 keys per member while the overall winning team of the tournament will be given 3 keys per person. Rewards will be given by me preferably to each individual team leader to avoid confusion. If necessary, I will give each team member rewards separately. Rewards will be given out the following day.

-In order to register, your team MUST be an RGL newcomer team.
-Ringers can be denied for any reason if the ringer is not registered in RGL newcomer. However, please try to be lenient on those that need ringers.
-Please arrive to your server on time. If you are 15 mins or more late, your team will forfeit the round and the other team will receive 7 points for that match. Obvious exception is if the team is running late due to playing a previous match.

Help I need:
I have limited experience with running servers and tournaments. I will need two individuals who have access to at least 4 servers total (WITH STV) to help me manage the tournament and ensure it goes smoothly. Preferably, these people would also be willing to cast the semifinal and final matches, but this is not at all necessary. You will be compensated 8 keys, per person, for your efforts (to be given more or less immediately after the tournament ends). Other responsibilities include helping to manage potential disputes between teams (like ringers). Add me on steam here to inquire further.

Rostered Teams:
-Blitz Right Back
-Brains with abs
-rn's team

Hopefully there is enough interest to make this tournament happen. Again, there is absolutely no monetary cost to enter the tournament. Depending on the success of this tournament, I would be willing to host more in the future. Add me on steam here if you have any further questions or comments.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Lfp no scrim team in Recruitment (looking for players)
zx37theres too many bills around u gotta clarify

He only goes by bill lol, he’s a previous teammate of mine. profile

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Lfp no scrim team in Recruitment (looking for players)
BuildBruhbill aka sweeper or another rando bill?

Previous teammate of mine, not sweeper.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Lfp no scrim team in Recruitment (looking for players)

Tentative roles below:
Pocket scout: reck
P soldier: yesbah
Roamer: bill(?)
Flank scout:
Demo: me
Medic: ipaka(?)

Looking for players of approximate main or above skill to play on a no-scrim team. Due to time zone issues/ current life complications, we can not commit to a team serious on improving though everyone on the team is well experienced. We are playing matches in ugc for the earlier time (930 est) and we plan on scrimming maybe once a week with possible increasing frequency as the season progresses, player permitting.

Edit: add me on steam.here https://steamcommunity.com/id/EvilDEATH1234

posted about 4 years ago
#1 LooKing For Team in Recruitment (looking for team)

So uh i may be playin again nextseason ya know... \
-Halo CE, 2 Legendary under 3 hrs. boom try to do this urself
-Accidentally beat halo ODST under 3 hrs (unlocked the achievement in first leg playthough).
-s2 main playoffs on demo and assorted tf2 play

Im looking for some cool offers, likely will not consider anything on demo below main \div2. open to other classes in lower divs.

ADD ME OR COMMent here to DIsCyss. https://steamcommunity.com/id/EvilDEATH1234/

posted about 4 years ago
#12 Lft rgl S3 demoman main/advanced in Recruitment (looking for team)

if applicable, last second bump

posted about 4 years ago
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