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Signed Up June 1, 2015
Last Posted July 20, 2016 at 5:32 PM
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#15 Frontline Community Update in Map Discussion
yttriumAs long as it's made to be faster paced, with smaller, more open maps and with short despawn times, I think it could make for a fairly interesting spectator sport. We'd get a lot of clutch cap or intel steal moments similar to what happened with bird noises and 8K, except for capping intel. Hell of a lot better than Valve's A/D that they're pushing on everyone in matchmaking.

We just need a new map that does it correctly, because pretty much none of the other CTF maps (even community ones) are catered towards 6s.

The TF crew is only really pushing cp_gorge in matchmaking since they intended for the map to be suited to competitive. Since they wanted a A/D map that was shorter aswell as being able to mirror the map into a 5cp map to suit the community's demand at the time.

Dave RillerThe competitive community typically avoids Attack/Defense maps for several reasons, one of which is their potentially long time limits. We thought that was an interesting variable to dig into - could we develop a shorter-form Attack/Defense map?


posted about 8 years ago
#22 Comanglia cfg UPDATE + Mac's Guide to FPS! in Customization
bornaComangliafrom what I can see

things you've changed

removed a lot of comment sections
rate 60000 (removed from good connection settings and no replacement)
dsp_slow_cpu 0 (I had 1)
mat_queue_mode -2 (I have -1 not sure why you'd switch to "legacy default" but ok)
mat_reducefillrate (you flat out removed this command which does boost fps when set to 1)
mat_filterlightmaps 0
mat_filtertextures 0     //OPTIONAL
mat_specular 0
mat_trilinear 0
^ I had 1 for all of these, also you have these in here twice you have the original ones I put in and you pasted these to the bottom

Their's a couple more differences since I updated my config just a few hours ago, but I didn't expect to find my most up to date one within yours
Listen bud, I'm trying I'm just new to the config community. I didn't steal yours I just made it more user friendly and added a few commands and took a few out. It seems to have worked better for me but thanks for your feedback!

If you idea of user friendly is removing a large amount of comments that inform people about what certain settings do then you are just going to make it a lot more worse for people to edit to their needs.

posted about 9 years ago