CeeJaeyDo you know the reason I am "known"? It's because I've streamed MvM (ie, 90%+ of my streams are MvM) for the past 2-3 years. I was solo-queing and showing people how to play each class on Expert. Please don't be derogatory when you clearly have no idea who I am or what my background is.
I didn't knew you before this event, no offense. Neither does anyone of my friends barely know you, which play MvM regulary.
CeeJaeyJust seems you like you had a specific person or people in mind, or dislike me in particular, and because of this approached the whole class with negativity.
I do not. A shout out who wants to participate would have been enough. Those who would have responded could have been easily checked by all kinds of criteria which can be found on his steam profile and maybe even ingame. And i made the "dislike" against you because you are mentioned in the announcement as the teacher. Some informations and opinions that got shared in the stream weren't good. Even if it should teach a newbie.
CeeJaeyIsn't that was it was supposed to be? After Kresnik/Kevin asked me to do this, I asked them what they wanted. They said they wanted the basics, the bare-bones of MvM - all packed into an hour segment. And that's what we had in the class - hell we even had someone ask how to access MvM on the menu. Given an hour limit (which we ran over anyway) we felt it best to try and do what we could on each class. We talked about how the "meta" is, but emphasised that it isn't the be-all and end-all. We could have talked about Bison soldiers and upgrading Primary on Scout - but do you really want your next random MvM game with brand new players to be filled with Scouts who do nothing but run around shooting - missing money, not milking robots? The key aim was to talk about the basic points - from there, once you have those down, you are free to embellish as you please.
Yes, the bare bones of MvM. And the bare bone shouldnt be based around the Meta. The "Meta" can be later used after your managed the basic loadouts and upgrade paths of a class. There are many teams that struggle even with the meta setup, because they do not comprehend the upgrades and roles they have.
Since you had a hour limit, you can cut it down to 6 Classes, those classes that gets commonly played in MvM. The others are simply no newbie material. Mentioning that they can be played is mandatory, but you should just stop at that. Giving small details what they can do is enough. Telling what to upgrade and for what roles may be overdone already.
I had to endure some sapper spies and aimless snipers after the stream strangely.
CeeJaeyThe basic class setup in Expert, before Two Cities, used two Heavies and no Soldier. Playing with friends sure, we would experiment, but in random/pub gameplay, two Heavies were used.
I didnt mentioned expert, i looked more at Steel Trap and Mecha Engine.
The setup in Expert is simply the lack of money, and soldier is one of those classes that rely quite a bit on money. Heavys simply are the most efficient class without upgrades. But still a soldier is fine as he is, even in expert. But thats not the topic.
CeeJaeyPretty sure that's exactly what we covered? Sure, we went class-by-class, but the emphasis was on the roles - ie, we consistently mentioned that a Sniper can replace a demoman as they utilise the same 'role' within the team.
Thats not all of my point. Mentioning a Spy can replace a Demoman, and upgrading his sapper was my worst fear.
CeeJaeyif you all are just so damn good at MvM, why are you watching a newbie class?
Because i care about the gamemode and i highly enjoy it. Getting community events regarding MvM is great. But since it will teach newcomers, it will eventually come back to us, and we have to cope with it.
CeeJaeyI'm just disappointed most of the feedback on the class is "This was so basic, I know so much more about MvM than you". If that's the way you feel, good for you.
I am disappointed that people lash out if theres some heavier critic, and generally only accept positive feedback.
If it comes over as overly aggressive and personal insult, i am sorry.
The stream of MvM was the right way to go, the execution could have been better. Thats what i want to improve.
I talked with one of the teachers, and he made some suggestions to me. I will probably follow them, and help improve it.